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“You remember Justin Matthews from high school? He owns a security company and maybe he could help with security or finding out more about these guys,” suggested Nova.

“No, what don’t you all understand?! I don’t want anyone else involved! I’m only telling you because I need to vent and think things through. You are not helping!” Aubree yelled at Nova and Ivy. She never spoke in anger to her best friends, to her sisters.

Ivy exhaled, “Breezy, why do you not trust us enough? Every time your problems get bigger than you can handle is the only time you come to us. But you never want us to help you. Not with your pregnancy loss, job loss, no money, having to work in the strip club, nothing. Why waste our time with meeting if we can’t help you? You need to go to the police before one of those ass holes decide to make good on their promise.”

Tears rolled down Aubree’s face as she thought about the why. She was full of shame and guilt about what Gerald reduced her to… to her mother. Facing her family and friends in humiliation and shame was not an option.

“Look, I’m sorry. I never meant to make you feel as if I didn’t need you or your help. It’s just… I didn’t…Just trust me, the less you all are involved the better it will be.”

Aubree rung her hands with a pleading look in her eyes.

Nova and Ivy sat silently watching Aubree disappointed that she was still holding back. Nova decided to break the ice by changing the conversation to lighter topics. Before they realized it, it was 8 o’clock in the evening, and Aubree needed to get back to the house. They walked out back to their vehicles and noticed glass around Aubree’s car. All the windows had been busted out, tires on flat, andhoe bitchwas painted on her car.

“We have to call the police, Aubree.” Ivy pulled out her phone while Nova escorted them back inside through the back door. The police arrived and took a report, and one of Ivy’s guy friends took the car to his shop for repairs. Aubree knew this dark presence was going to overtake her soon. Time was not on her side anymore, and she had to figure this out before it was too late. Aubree didn’t give the police any details about who could have damaged her car but did inform the officers about the surveillance cameras the shopping area had. After finishing with the officers, Nova took Aubree back to Grant’s house since Aubree refused to call him for help.

When Aubree walked through the door, Grant greeted her with open arms. Aubree went willingly into his embrace. It was where she felt the safest in a long time. She held on to him tight as if her life depended on his strength to survive.

“What took you so long to get here? I thought you would have been here or at least called to let me know what was going on with you.” Grant asked as he continued to hold Aubree close. He was used to her being home with him in the evenings when he arrived home from work. They would go through their evening routine with Chanel then have time with just them. Aubree would listen as he talked about his day and ran ideas by her.

“I got caught up talking with Nova and Ivy, and I lost track of time. Nova had food for us— especially my favorite junk food, so I had to stay and indulge in my sweets.” Aubree tried to laugh off the last words, but Grant probably heard it in her voice. He noticed that she was trembling in his arms, and she was still holding on to him.

“What’s wrong? Are you cold or something? What happened tonight?” Grant started firing off questions. Aubree wouldn’t look Grant in the eyes, so he knew something was wrong.

“When I left Nova’s boutique my car was on flats, and my window was busted out. Ivy called the police, filed a report, and one of Ivy’s friends towed it to his shop. Hopefully, I will hear something soon about the damages and insurance,” Aubree spoke to his chest the whole time. She couldn’t face him. No, the truth was she couldn’t lie to his face.

“Aubree, why didn’t you call me baby? I should have been there to help you. Did you see the person responsible? What did the police say? I can’t believe you didn’t call me!” Grant didn’t mean to yell, but it bothered him to know that she was in need and he wasn’t there to help.

Grant sighed, “My apologies for yelling at you. Just the thought of you being out there stranded without any help makes me feel like I didn’t do my job as your man. Okay, so tomorrow I will call the shop and see what this guy is talking about. Until then, you can drive one of my cars.”

Aubree stopped listening after he said he was her man. They had been going strong, but not once had they put a label on their relationship. She should have been happy, ecstatic even, but the feeling of joy was overshadowed by the closet of secrets filling around her.

“You my man now? Wow, this is a surprise.” Aubree gazed at him coyly.

“Is that the only thing you heard while I was talking. Really?” Grant bent and pressed his lips on hers for a light kiss. “Yes, I’m your man unless you got someone else you spendin’ time with, giving up the goodies.” Grant kissed her again with light pecks that turned into a passionate interlude. The kiss ended with a breathless Aubree panting and Grant ready to show her what being his woman meant.

“No, I’m not.” Rising on her toes, Aubree kissed him again. This was the declaration she had been waiting to hear from Grant. She should be shouting from the roof and jumping all over the house, but the looming danger held her back. At the time when life seemed to be gong right, Gerald found a way to take it from her again.

“I’m going to make sure the house is locked up while you go check on Chanel to make sure she is out for the night. Then I’ll meet you in the bedroom.” Grant kissed her one final time and smacked her on the ass before moving through the house checking the doors and windows. Aubree walked in Chanel’s room to find her still awake in bed reading. Chanel’s bedroom was any little girl’s ultimate princess dream room. The rose gold and white color scheme design gave the room a grand appearance with the white furniture. Everything little the designer added was perfect for a daddy’s little princess which was what Chanel was. Aubree initially thought Allie and Katherine had worked with the designer, but she later found out it was Grant all by himself. The simple act of decorating his daughter’s bedroom reminded her of the love her father showed her through the little things like decorating her bedroom.

“What are you doing up, sweet girl? You should be sleep.” Aubree took the book from Chanel and placed it on her nightstand. She rearranged the pillows and tucked Chanel in bed.

“You weren’t here when it was time for bed, so I decided to wait for you to come home. I missed you.” Chanel hugged Aubree around her neck and kissed her on the cheek. Chanel had made her mind up—she wanted Aubree to be her new mother. She planned to talk with her dad to make it happen. Aunt Allie could help her dad see that Aubree would make a great mom too.

“I missed you today too, sweetheart, and I’m sorry I made you worry about me. I will try my best not to have you worried like that again. Now, time for bed for real because you have school in the morning.” Aubree kissed her forehead and walked out to the door. Before she walked out, she heard Chanel say five words that changed everything.

“I love you, my Breezy.”

“I love you, too, Nellie.” Aubree closed the door and made her way to her bedroom. One of the reasons she never allowed her friends to help in issues she was dealing with Gerald because she never wanted her friends to experience hurt of any kind due to helping her. Her circle was really small with family and friends, and she never wanted to bring someone in her mess. Diane did it all the time, and it hurt her and Grandma Margrett to their core. Grant and Chanel would never experience that kind of pain if she could help it. She called Ivy’s friend Chris to learn the extent of the damages to her car and let him know that Grant would be calling tomorrow to inquire about her car. She wanted Chris to limit the amount of information he gave about the damages.

After hanging up with Chris, she grabbed some of her clothes and headed to Grant’s bedroom, her favorite room. Walking into his room was like walking into a design showroom for a modern creativity at its best. The room was beautifully decorated with navy blue, gray, and yellow for a lighter touch. The massive bed was on a platform to the left side along with a fireplace, and to the right was the sitting area with floor to ceiling windows, gray sectional, desk and huge flat screen TV, mini bar with refrigerator, and a lounger for reading. They never had to leave the room for anything on the weekends when they were alone. The gray color scheme continued to the ensuite luxury bathroom with gray marble tile. The shower was large enough to fit at least five people and had dual massaging shower heads. Spacious soaking tube, his and hers sinks, built in steam room was all the amenities a couple would want in an ensuite.

Aubree quickly undressed, wrapped her hair up, and joined Grant in the massive shower. As soon as she entered, Grant hauled her body close, and she kissed him with all the passion and love she felt for him. He rained kisses along her jaw then traveled down to her neck and chest. Aubree held on to Grant as he journeyed further down her body until he reached the apex of her legs and kissed her moist warm folds. Aubree moaned as his tongue slid between her folds to tease the pearl nestled inside. Grant grabbed her right leg, placed it over his shoulder, and deeply kissed her womanhood. Aubree leaned against the tile wall before her knees gave out on her as Grant made love to her using his mouth. He reached up and began to stroke and knead her breasts sending her senses soaring. The gateway to ecstasy was just in reach when Grant inserted two fingers to push her through. An orgasm exploded as waves of pleasure flooded her body.

“I want to return the favor to you.” Aubree slid to her knees and stroked his bulging erection with slow steady movements. She placed her lips on the head of his hot flesh with light kisses that turned to licks up and down his shaft. Grant groaned as his head fell backwards as she gave him a fraction of what he had given her. She continued the slow and steady deep throat action until he grabbed the back of her head and began pumping into her mouth. His manhood got harder and throbbed as she hummed and moaned. Just before he was about to blow, Grant lifted Aubree off the floor and slammed her down on his dick. They moved with urgency of the uncontrollable desire until they were swept away in a thunderous release that took them down to the floor. They spent the rest of the night wrapped together, seeking pleasure from each other. Later after Grant had drifted off to sleep, Aubree prayed that Gerald, Mario, and Tone would not destroy this new life she created with Grant and Chanel.

Chapter 21

The Hollings family was known for their philanthropy work throughout Dawson Falls and surrounding cities. Graham and Elouise Hollings had hearts of gold and would give to any cause to help build people and the community. His Grandmother Elouise was a well-known artist, and she thought all people should experience the joy art brought in every form. She traveled the world showing and sharing her appreciation for art and their owners. During her travels through Tennessee to start a new series, she met Graham Hollings, and they fell in love instantly. One of the reasons Graham worked hard to building Hollings Holding was so Elouise could fund her various art projects. She taught art at the local school, classes in the community, and employees of Hollings that wanted to learn. When Graham closed his first big real estate deal, he bought Elouise a building for her art studio and gallery. They spent the next 50 years bringing arts to Dawson Falls until she passed away. At the reading of her will, she left portions of her wealth to the family, but the largest amount was for the Hollings family to continue to bring art to the community. Over the years Grant had invested the money to increase the large sum and the family added to it personally and from profits made by the company. He and Allie decided to start the New Horizon Dream Grant to continue to fund their late grandmother’s love of the arts.
