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Margrett sat quietly staring at nothing before she spoke. “Davis is right; you need to tell Grant what’s going on if you love him as you claim. Keeping something of this nature close to your heart is going to destroy you and all that you love. I’m going to get Cyrus to stay here with me until this stuff comes to an end. I just don’t need it to be your ending, my sweet Breezy.”

“She needs to go to the police, so we have a legal record of what has been going on. You can’t fight these people by yourself, even I can’t help you with them,” Davis pleaded with her to get the help she needed as well as Margrett.

“Give that money to the police so you can have some peace, child. You will still get to have your dream, but not like this you won’t.” Aubree was tired of Gerald always winning while she stood to lose everything she wanted and loved.

Aubree and Davis returned to Grant’s house to get ready for the dinner party that he was hosting later that evening for the art donors. He and Allie held this private event each year for the dedicated, big dollar donors to show them how the foundation was spending the money given each year. He also invited a few potential new clients of Hollings Holdings so he could close out business dealings that would take the company to the next level. Since the dinner party was for adults only, Chanel was going to stay at a friend’s house for the weekend so there would be no distractions as they hosted for the evening.

The house buzzed with caterers and decorators transforming the Hollings’ resident to an image out of a magazine. Allie decided to hire Ivy and Sheer Elegance to head the event for them, and Ivy designs went beyond what she expected. The navy blue and gold color scheme in the formal dining area transformed the space fit for a king and queen. Ivy chose the colors Nova had selected for Grant and Aubree’s attire to have the host and his date be the center of attention. Mrs. B supervised the caterers as they prepared the seven-course meal for their guests. The savory aromas permeated the house as food preparations were on the way. Davis and Aubree completed a walk through with Allie and Ivy to ensure the event décor met their approval to proceed.

After the walk through Allie left to get ready and Davis suggested Aubree do the same. Aubree focused on Grant’s absence from home. She didn’t know if he was still at work or maybe Mario or Gerald had gotten to him. As she prepared for the evening, Aubree thought about how she would deal with Gerald, Mario, and Tone because giving up Grant wasn’t the first option.

Later that afternoon, Grant arrived home visibly heated and barely acknowledged Aubree’s presence as he made his way through the house with Ivy to view the preparations for tonight. He found her in the dressing room with a group of people getting ready. Nova had sent her glam squad over to assist Aubree with hair, makeup, and dressing. Her stomach was queasy, and her head was pounding as she attempted to gauge his mood and what was troubling him. If it was work related, she could allow him the space to talk through the issue before they received their guest.

“Grant, is everything okay? You seem preoccupied with something. You want to talk about it?” Aubree placed her hand on his shoulder to get his attention as he watched her reflection in the mirror. The way he was observing her frightened her to her core. He knew something she didn’t want to tell him.

“I think the real question is are you okay? Are you willing to talk about what is going on with you?” His piercing stare made her look away before she opened her mouth and the words started to flow out.

“There is nothing going on I...I’m f…fine.” The lie rolled off her tongue so easily they both knew it.

“Okay, so you’re just going to continue to lie to me. You should have kept that to yourself; it wasn’t worth your energy you used.” Grant turned and walked into his closet leaving Aubree there staring at his back. A major earthquake shook the foundation of her being at the earlier warning of her world headed for destruction.

Grant had every right to ask her what was going on when her past reached out to him. He was leaving from having lunch with Roland and Cameron when the man approached them in the parking lot.

“Hey Mr. Hollings, your royal highness, I wondered if I could have a word with you.”Roland and Cameron both turned to Grant to verify whether he knew the man.

“Can I help you with something?”Grant stayed still as the man approached them. He had never seen this man before in his life. Not in business nor social scene.

“Well, I happen to know the woman you’re sleeping with every night as Breezy, but you call her Aubree. A high society man like yourself must be careful of his image and who he hangs around or has around his kid. I don’t believe the good people of Dawson Falls would like to hear their golden boy has a drug running hoe for his woman. But, what do I know?”Tone smirked as he talked with Grant. He was going to drop Aubree like a bad habit after he planted the doubt in his mind.“For the right price of course.”

Before Cameron and Roland could blink, the man was pressed against the car with his eyes bugging out his head grasping at the hand around his neck.

“Now say that shit you were talking about again.”Grant squeezed harder.“Don’t let this suit and car fool you, I will fuck up your whole family’s life. Your great great-grandchildren will be homeless when I get through showing you who I am.”Death was knocking at Tone’s door.

Cameron grabbed Grant’s arm.“Man, let him go. This is not worth you losing your freedom for; think about Chanel.”That seemed to snap Grant out of his daze. He dropped Tone on the ground. Crouching down near Tone, Grant whispered in his ear,“Tell all your friends I know who they are, and I know who you are. This is not what you want. Leave Aubree the fuck alone starting now.”Grant reared back and punched Tone in the jaw.

“What the fuck was that? Who is your girl involved with?”Roland was the first to ask.

“I don’t know, but she better tell me something tonight.”Grant meant every word he said. The man, Tone, must have thought Grant was a fool because there no way he was going to pay for information on Aubree. Not when he had her, but she wouldn’t tell him anything.

As guests began to arrive, Grant, Aubree, Allie, and her date Fredrick greeted each guest and made introductions when necessary. Mr. and Mrs. Hollings arrived and greeted their children. Katherine made sure to give Fredrick her attention and barely said good evening to Aubree. The next couple that walked through the door made 7.8 magnitude aftershocks crumble her foundation. Celeste and her uninvited guest strolled through the entry way as if they were the honorees for the evening. She would not stand in this spot and say anything to him after what happened earlier today. She tried to excuse herself from the receiving line, but Grant held on to her hand squeezing it and pulled her back to his side to finish greeting their guests. Celeste and Gerald approached them, smiling and arms locked together portraying a happy couple. But Aubree knew better. She wanted to slap the smile off Celeste’s face.

“Good evening, Grant, Allie and Fredrick, it is so good to see you all.” Celeste did not acknowledge Aubree intentionally. “I would like to introduce you to Gerald Arron Coles of Coles Investment Group. Gerald, this is Grant Hollings, Chief Operating Officer, and Allison Hollings, Chief Executive Marketing of Hollings Holdings. This is Attorney Fredrick Williamson of Williamson, Maines, Schuster.” Gerald shook hands with the Hollings family and Fredrick.

“And who is this beautiful lady?” Gerald took her hand and bent to kiss it, but Grant took Aubree’s hand out of Gerald’s grasp. “My apologies, I didn’t mean to overstep.”

“She is just the hired help.” Celeste laughed. “Grant darling, I need to speak with you before the evening is over about a pressing matter.” The entire time Celeste spoke, she watched Aubree. Gerald told Celeste about her past and probably sprinkled in some extra lies for entertainment.

“Because of your rude behavior toward the hostess and myself, there is nothing you have to say to us other than an apology. Don’t stay too long tonight.” Aubree felt worse in that very moment because Grant was defending her honor, and she hadn’t shared anything with him.

Aubree gazed at Grant with tears swimming in her eyes. “Thank you, Grant.”

“There is no need to thank me. You are the woman I love, and I will not allow anyone to mistreat you intentionally. Let’s move in for the cocktail hour.”

Grant took Aubree’s hand and led her in the sunroom with the other guests as Allie and Fredrick followed behind them. During the cocktail hour, Aubree walked over to Ivy and Nova for support as the view of Celeste and Gerald together gave her a sickening feeling all over. Multiple times, Aubree and Nova had to hold Ivy back from going over to Gerald beating the shit out of him.

Nova pulled Aubree to the side. “You have to tell Grant about Gerald and you must do it tonight. These ass holes are bold, and if they tell him first it will be harder on you. You all can go to the police together. He can only help if he knows.”

“Do you think Grant will still want me after he finds out what I did? Would he want a woman who performed lap dances and basically prostituted herself for money? How do you think that will go over with his mother?” Aubree knew Grant wouldn’t want a girlfriend who had her past. Aubree spent the rest of the dinner party on pins and needles not knowing who else would appear. Her attention was on Gerald and Celeste knowing their presence meant trouble for her. She hoped they would leave soon. He was desperate for the money if he showed up here tonight, but she was desperate too.
