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“I did; it was Nova and Aubree’s grandma wanting to meet with Grant. Nova said it was urgent, and it is. Aubree is in jail.”

“What are you talking about? I didn’t know Aubree was in jail. When did this happen?” When Grant left his house after putting Aubree out, he hadn’t heard from her. He figured she was back home with her grandmother. “Tell me what happened to her,” Grant demanded.

Ivy gave him a rundown of the events from Aubree taking a bag of money to two men, her showing up at Celeste’s house wreaking havoc on Celeste’s property and finally shooting Gerald. Grant couldn’t believe what he was hearing, Aubree had fought against her past mainly her ex-boyfriend. Now she was in jail awaiting her fate.

“So, what are you going to do now?! I know she called you for help and you are letting her sit in that cell and rot away! Love, my ass.”

Grant had to set her straight. “With all due respect, Ms. Rogers, you come barging in my office telling me about my relationship and feelings for Aubree that you know nothing about. For the record, Aubree never called me when she was arrested. This is my first time hearing what happened to her. She never told me about her past or the people involved. I had to learn about it second hand from people that were out to destroy Aubree. So, whatever you think you were going to accomplish by coming here demanding something from me, save it. If you want my help, just say so.”

“I shouldn’t have to ask you for help if she is the one you love. Remember, you protect the ones you love. Bring Aubree home because if you don’t, you are no better than the rest. I want my baby home by this afternoon.” Margrett turned and walked out of Grant’s office with Ivy and Nova following close behind.

Allie stepped in Grant’s office. “So, you are going to help her, right? Word at the country club is that a scorned ex-lover of Celeste’s new boyfriend completely destroyed both their cars and shot the boyfriend. I don’t think people know that Aubree was involved.”

“Sounds like she went bat shit crazy on the both of them which is what you do when you love someone,” Cameron added. “And maybe in her crazy way of thinking, she was protecting you and Chanel by not telling you about her past. If you knew the truth, would you have hired her to be around you daughter? And how do you know which parts of the story are actually the truth?” Cameron wanted Grant to stop rushing to judgement with Aubree before he lost the best thing that happened to him.

Grant looked at Roland. “Do you have something to add? Since everyone thinks they have some say in my relationship.

“I don’t get into the love business of other people.” Roland stopped reading a report, “But I will make an exception for now. Call Waters to get her out of jail and then work out your relationship with her. Chanel loves her, and you do too, so quit wasting time and make something happen.”

Grant thought about how the conversation was a one-sided argument which he monopolized because he didn’t want to hear the truth. He didn’t want to hear her say she ran drugs or was part of some sex scandal involving rich men. Everyone had a past, but he didn’t want to know about Aubree’s. He had placed her on a pedestal based on all the good things she possessed. When the first flaw appeared, Aubree fell from grace in the most painful way. It was the same thing he had done with Mariah. He focused on her ability to fit in the social circle, decorate a home, plan a dinner party, dress for a special occasion, but not the qualities important to build a solid foundation for a relationship. Mariah’s flaws started to show early on, but Grant listened to his mother praise her for her excellent business relations. What he didn’t know was Mariah knew most of the business because she was sleeping with them.

Some people accused Hollings Holdings of unfair business practices believing Mariah lured men in her bed, engaged in pillow talk, and went home to Grant sharing all she learned. Her actions cost him several business deals and put the company in jeopardy of being investigated by the federal government. But Aubree wasn’t Mariah; she could care less about the company or his money. Her focus was on opening a performing arts center, teaching dance, and making his little girl happy. Grant called his secretary. “Get Malcom Waters on the phone. Tell him it’s an emergency.

Aubree was a free woman with the help of her grandma and best friends. She appeared before the court with a high-priced attorney that she knew Margrett couldn’t afford. The judge let her go with community service hours, anger management classes, and a fine to pay for the damages to Celeste’s home. She knew Grant had taken care of all her legal worries and problems, but when she exited the courtroom, Grant was not there. Margrett, Ivy, Nova, and the attorneys were there for her like always. She ran in the arms of her family and released a huge sob from the pit of her soul.

“I am so happy to see you all. How did you all get me out on lesser charges?” Aubree watched the faces of her family before turning to the attorneys.

“Make sure you don’t do anything to jeopardize your freedom; I won’t be able to get you off for a second time. Show up for every anger management class on time, do your community service with the proved businesses, and pay the fine. I hope not to meet you again under these circumstances.” Mr. Waters headed in the direction of another courtroom.

“Come on baby, let’s get you home so you can get cleaned up and a hot meal. I am so happy you are home,” Hugging her tight, Grandma Margrett kissed her cheek. “You gave them hell, Breezy. You took your life back!” Aubree left the courtroom and headed home with the most important people in her life. She would give it some time before she gave Grant an official apology for his financial help.

On the way out, she ran into the last two people she expected to ever lay eyes on. The two she had called Mario and Tone were wearing FBI badges and jackets. They approached Aubree and her family.

“Good afternoon, ladies. I’m Special Agent Marion Towns, and this is Special Agent Antonio Hughes. Aubree, I know we put you through a lot, but we were undercover and could not expose out true identity. Mainly because we didn’t know if you were working with Gerald or just an innocent by-stander. Thank you for returning the money, and I want to apologize for the things we did to you while undercover. It was part of the job.” Antonio nodded in agreement.

Seeing that Aubree was not amused by Agent Towns’ explanation, Agent Hughes added, “If it helps you, I can give you an update. Because of Gerald’s involvement with two major organized crime families, he will not see the light of day until 2090. More importantly, there may be some financial notes you may be able to collect.”

“You think what you did was right? Stalking me, harassing me, costing me my life! I really don’t care what apology you have. Keep it because you may need it later.” She looked like she was ready to punch him now for not letting her know what was going on.

“That’s fair. Later this afternoon a special delivery will arrive for you.” Handing over Agent Towns’ business card to Aubree, he continued. “I am truly sorry and hope to see you in the future.”

Chapter 28

Aubree called Mrs. B to get a date and time she should complete pick up of the rest of her things from Grant’s house. He was on her mind nonstop everyday thinking about what he was doing, how work was going for him, and were he and Chanel doing okay. Today was the day of the Fall Arts Festival for Chanel, and they wouldn’t be at home. Ivy and Nova were helping her move in temporarily with Nova until she found her own place. It had been two months since everything went down, and her life was returning to normal. At least, normal before she fell in love with Grant.

Pulling in the driveway of Grant’s house, all the memories of their time together came back like a flood. She thought about all the time they spent together, family nights and lounging around in bed with Grant without a care in the world. Exiting the car with a black bag in her hand caused her nerves to jumble her stomach. It didn’t help that lately she was dealing with a constant queasiness, but she thought it was due to her poor diet. Since she hadn’t been coaching and dancing, food was her comfort throughout the day. When she got back to Nova’s condo, she planned on making herself a huge brownie sundae. Before she made her way to the front door, it opened with Grant and Chanel standing in the doorway. Chanel had a huge smile on her face and jumping next to her father as if she couldn’t contain her happiness.

“Aubree! I’m so happy you are here, and Daddy said that...”

“Chanel, why don’t you go help Mrs. B in the kitchen?” Grant interrupted Chanel before she could say too much.

“Can I at least get a hug first, Daddy?” Grant nodded, and Chanel ran full steam ahead charging at Aubree. Aubree braced herself for the impact that was coming to possibly knock the wind out of her.

“I love you so much, and I missed you. Please don’t leave us again. Please.” Chanel held on to Aubree for dear life which left Aubree so choked up she couldn’t respond. She held on to Chanel just as tight. “I missed you too, my Nellie.”

“Head to the kitchen, Chanel. I will bring Aubree inside in a moment.” Chanel skipped in the house thrilled that her Breezy was back to stay. Grant hadn’t seen his daughter that excited in a long time. Not since Aubree walked out. No, since he put her out.

Aubree cleared her throat, “Hi, I thought you and Chanel would be away from the house today, so I came to get my things. I promise I won’t be long. Let me go get my suitcases out of the car.” Aubree turned toward the car, but Grant stopped her with one word.
