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“Aubree,” the sound of her name coming from his lips was an aphrodisiac and brought tears to her eyes. Even her pussy started weeping at the sound of her lover making an appearance after a long exile.

“Come in the house for a moment. We need to show you something.” Grabbing her hand and with a light tug, Grant led her in the house. They had plenty to discuss about the past and their future. He needed the opportunity for her to see that there was a future for them. Once they were seated on the sectional, Aubree’s right leg began shaking and she rubbed the palms of her hand across her thighs. Grant was staring at her making her even more nervous.

“Grant, I want to say I am so sorry about everything. I never intended for you to get involved in my mess, or for it to come to your doorstep, but I am so thankful for you helping my grandma to get me released because I know she couldn’t afford the high-power attorney nor the bail. Thank you for caring enough to support us.”

Raising the black bag she had in her hands, she said, “For your trouble.” Aubree handed him the bag. Grant opened the bag, even though he was pretty sure he knew the contents of the bag. He looked at the contents and shook his head.

“I helped because I wanted to, not because I had to. What I did for you didn’t cost nearly this amount, and I would think you would be a little leery of keeping bags of money lying around. Besides, just save it for a rainy day, preferably in a bank.” He smirked about the last comment. “So, Chanel has worked really hard with Mrs. B to prepare a delicious lunch for us, so if you are ready, we are going to move to the kitchen now.” Grant stood to walk to the kitchen ready to move this time along.

“I wanted to tell you everything, and I will tell you everything. It’s just I couldn’t...” Aubree started pacing in front of the couch. Grant grabbed her by the shoulders to get attention. Her skin felt so soft under his hand he wanted to run his hands over her body then use his lips the way he did his hands.Focus, Grant! Focus!Grant chastised himself.

“Aubree, let’s have lunch first then we can talk later. Okay? I missed breakfast and didn’t even have a snack to hold me over. More importantly, Chanel worked really hard on this for you, so we don’t want to disappoint her.”

Grant left her in the family room wondering what was going on with him. Aubree was surprised Grant and Chanel were at home because she tried her best to avoid them. She wasn’t ready to face them still feeling the shame and guilt of how her life unraveled before her family and friends. Based on the way Grant was acting today maybe he was willing to forgive her. Maybe even another chance at a relationship. The latter was definitely wishful thinking.

Chanel talked nonstop during the lunch which was great for Aubree since she didn’t really know what to say. Chanel went on about school and how Mrs. Dubois taught her dance class now that Aubree left.

“My grandfather promised to get me a dog for Christmas and clothes for the dog too. But what I really want is a baby brother or baby sister.” Grant and Aubree both choked on their food at hearing about Chanel’s wish. “My friend Tia got a new baby sister and brother at the same time, which is cool. So, Daddy, can I get a baby brother or baby sister? I really want a brother.” Chanel looked at him with pleading eyes. Aubree looked on amused at how nervous Grant appeared. She would have to let him in on another little secret she had. This one would make Chanel very happy.

Mrs. B. could barely contain her laughter. “Well sweetheart, your dad would need to have a special woman in his life for that to happen. The puppy is probably the better choice.”

“Ms. Aubree can be the mommy for my baby brother and me. Daddy really likes her, and she is special. Ms. Aubree could be our new mommy.” Grant spit lemonade across the table and stopped eating while Aubree beamed. Chanel wanted Aubree to be her new mother more than anything in the world.

“Okay on that note, Chanel and I need to leave so we can make the movie on time. Place your plate in the sink, grab your jacket, then we will leave.”

“No,” Chanel whined. “I want to stay with Daddy and Aubree a little while longer.” Chanel’s bottom lip almost hit the floor. She wanted more time with Aubree because she was afraid that Aubree would not be there when she got back. “If I go now, will you be here when I get back?”

Aubree cupped her cheek, “Yes, my love I will be here when you get back. Your dad and I have some things we need to discuss. When you get back, I will have a big surprise for you. I promise.” Aubree replied. Chanel left the kitchen to get ready for the movies while Mrs. B observed Grant and Aubree stare at each other .

“I believe your daughter has spoken her desire, so looks as if you two need to get working on that baby for next Christmas. Unless there is already a baby brother on the way. See you later.” Grant and Aubree put the leftover food away, cleaned the kitchen, and retired to the family room.

“Now that we are alone and have been given some special orders, I believe it would be a perfect time for us to talk. Start at the beginning because we have all evening.” Aubree told him how she met Gerald and the disapproval she received from her grandma and friends, but she stayed with him anyway. She even told him about the baby she lost working at the Black Dungeon running from Mario and Tone. Grant could ask her pretty much anything and she would answer. Keeping Grant in the dark cost her their relationship, but not again.

Even though Aubree filled in the missing information he wanted to know, there was still something lingering for him. “Tell me why you called Davis when I was right here the whole time? It made me feel like shit out here calling you my woman and you runnin’ to another man for safety. Davis was your lifeline, and I had to watch on the sideline while he came to your recuse. You said you loved me but not enough to be honest with me. To trust me with everything about you.”

Aubree had tears running down her face. “I trust you, but I am ashamed of what desperation drove me to do. I could have given the agents all the money and any information on Gerald but focused on what I wanted for the first time. My dreams slipped through my fingers, but I was trying to make it work. I stupidly believe if I loved him enough and did everything to keep him, he would stay, but he left anyway. Time and time again he left me to survive on my own. I am so sorry for putting you and Chanel in danger and for not giving full disclosure. I hope you can forgive me, and we can be friends.” What Aubree wanted to say was she wanted him to forgive her so they could be together.

Grant considered all that had been shared with him and knew he was making the right decision. “If I am your man, Aubree, it is my job to protect you, and you don’t get to select when that happens. Protection is all day, 24 hours a day, not when you deem it necessary. I can’t stand by watching you suffer and do nothing. You have to decide that if I am your man, that you will let me love you, lead you, protect you, counsel you, comfort you, support you financially, just let me be your everything. Can you do that?” Grant needed to know so they could move beyond this time and plan for their future.

“So, are you saying you want to try again with me?” Aubree had to know Grant wanted her just as much as she wanted him.”

“Yes, I want to try again with you. We can build together and make your dreams come true.” Aubree began to cry again which was happening a lot lately. She never imagined they could go back to the way things were before minus the lies and secrets.

“Well then, I’m ready to try again, Grant. I love you so much.” Grant pulled her close for a kiss that started as a little peck and grew to a deep passionate kiss taking her breath away. He didn’t stop until Aubree’s dress was around her waist, his fingers working their magic between her legs and Aubree screaming his name. After her first release he gazed down at her as she came down form the orgasmic wave she rode.

“You know, Chanel and Mrs. B issued a challenge that we have to work toward if we are going to honor their wish.” Aubree reached up to kiss him on the lips then moved to his neck.

Aubree worked to free Grant of the confines of his clothes. “What if I told you that you already put in the work and Chanel is going to get her wish of a baby brother or sister? It is too early to tell if she will get a brother, but the baby is a yes.” Grant’s eyes doubled in size as he stared at Aubree’s midsection to see if he could tell she was pregnant.

Grant shouted, “Really, you’re pregnant!” Aubree nodded. He couldn’t believe he would have a family with the woman he loved. Grant lifted Aubree from the couch, hugged and kissed her with all the love he had for her. He walked them to his bedroom and placed her on the bed and continued to undress them both, because at that moment, he needed to connect with her in the most intimate way.

“You have made me the happiest I have been in a long time. I know Chanel will be overjoyed when we tell her.” Grant proceeded to show her just how happy he was to have her back with him. After the lovers had gone multiple rounds, they lay in each other’s arms reflecting over all that happened to get them to this point. They had each other’s desired love and a new beginning. Aubree mused… who would have thought returning to Dawson Falls would give her what she had been searching all her life?

