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Grant had too much to work through in the company, so his mother’s desire would have to wait until Grant was ready to settle down. All Grant needed was a nanny for his daughter, and obviously his mother could not be trusted to find the right person for the job.

“Thank you for all of your help, but from here on out, I will find someone to take care of Chanel. I will probably hire a man so I don’t have to worry about him ending up naked in my bed.”

“Are you so sure about that, because I know a few men who would love to hop in your bed to do more than take notes,” Allison, Grant’s baby sister, known as Allie giggled. Allison strutted into Grant’s office with her laptop and folders.This day is just getting better by the moment,Grant thought rolling his eyes.

“How did I raise children with such vulgar mouths that they would disrespect their mother with such raunchy language?” Katherine clutched her chest as she stared at her children with disdain.

“Oh, Mother, you have said worse during one of your bridge club meetings. Who else would we have gotten this from, Mommy Dearest?” Allie lived to ruffle their mother’s feathers.

“I will find a nanny for Chanel who is not looking for a husband with a huge bank account and the right last name.” Grant looked directly at his mother while talking. Katherine rolled her eyes at Grant and sighed like she was bored with the conversation.

“Good luck with that, if you are able to get Mother to stand down long enough for you to find a qualified candidate.” Allie was right; Grant had to work under the radar to keep his mother from attempting to hire a potential wife for him. Grant walked with purpose toward his mother. If he didn’t get her out of his office, he would never get any work done.

“Well Mother, this visit has been nice, but I must get back to work, and Allie and I have a meeting to attend in about 30 minutes. I’m sure Dad would love to lay eyes on his lovely wife. Love you.” Grant kissed his mother on the cheek, gave her a hug, and hurried Katherine out of the door.

“This isn’t over, Grant Davis… not by a long shot. You can rush me out all you want, but we will continue this conversation later.” Katherine huffed as Grant ushered her out the door. “You will hear from me by the end of the week with the perfect candidate.”

“Whew, I am glad she is keeping her eyes on you to get your married.” Allie wiped her forehead giggling at Grant.

“Maybe I should get married just so Mother can turn all her efforts toward you, brat.” They both laughed. They had been dealing with their mother’s overbearing ways for a long time but as adults, it was too much. Since Katherine’s friends were planning weddings for their children, she had been working overtime to get them married.

“Let’s get down to business, we have a meeting to prepare for in about 30 minutes.”

Chapter 6

Grant and Allie walked in the board room together for the weekly board meeting. In the center of the room sat a huge mahogany table surrounded by black leather executive chairs. To the right was an assortment of pastries, fruit, and a variety of beverages. Lined against the wall was additional seating for the department leads. All department heads, vice presidents, and chief officers attended the required weekly meetings. Grant pulled out Allie’s chair so she could take a seat, then he went around the table on the opposite side to take his seat. Grant Sr. sat at the head of the table and wanted to be surrounded by family just like his grandfather. As the people entered the conference, Grant and Allie greeted them with smiles and pleasantries while waiting for Grant Sr. and the other chief officers.

Grant was taking notes when a hush fell over the board room signaling his father’s arrival to the meeting. He was followed by the other chief officers which Grant found odd. He looked across the table at Allie, who raised her brows in curiosity. How was he the only chief not walking in with the rest of them? Had his father called a special meeting before the board meeting? Grant met his father’s eyes with a raised eyebrow with an unspoken question.

“Good afternoon, Mr. Hollings and Ms. Hollings, so glad you can join us.” Grant Sr. smiled at Grant and Allie and called the meeting to order.

As the meeting dragged on Grant looked at his watch then over at Allie who was sneaking on social media during the meeting. When Grant questioned Grant Sr. why they had to meet every week he answered, “What you don’t expect or measure, people won’t do, so meeting is necessary to make sure people are doing what we are paying them to do.”

It just sounded like micromanaging to Grant but he wasn’t the person in charge.

“Next item on the agenda for discussion is the New Horizon Dream Grant program.” Grant sat up straight in his chair upon hearing the name of the community outreach program he started four years ago. He started the program to honor his late grandmother Eloise Grace Hollings’ love of funding art programs and for Hollings Holdings to give back to the community. A sick feeling came on causing nervous trimmers in Grant’s stomach. His hands started to feel damp because he knew this couldn’t bring any good news.

Chief Financial Officer Bill Roberts, a loyalist to his father spoke, “Effective immediately, Hollings Holdings will cease funding to the New Horizon Dream Grant. It has come to our understanding that recipients of the grant are not utilizing funds according to the guidelines outline for funding—.”

Before Bill finished his statement, Grant interrupted, “Why wasn’t I notified about this?” Grant stared straight at his father. It was like looking in a mirror to see what he would look like at his father’s age.

“Continue Bill,” Grant Sr. prompted as if Grant hadn’t said a word. Allie sat shocked and wide eyed looking at Grant then their father.

“You will not dismiss me. I asked a question, and I expect an answer!” Grant slammed his hand against the table. Everyone at the table jumped and looked at Grant.

“Grant, you are being irrational. Bill gave the reason why we will not continue funding the grant program. That is the end of the conversation,” Grant Sr. said sternly.

Grant wasn’t backing down. “The decision to not fund the grant program should have been made last quarter before we agreed to move ahead with funding. Do you realize how many businesses will be affected at this point if we ask for the money back? The Dawson Falls Public Schools is one of the biggest recipients of the grant. How many people in the school system could lose their jobs? What the hell are you thinking? What game are you playing?” Grant shouted at his father.

“I think you are confused about who runs this company. It is Grant Davis Hollings Sr., not Junior. I don’t answer to you, you answer to me! Don’t interrupt my meeting proceedings again!” Grant looked at his son wishing he would defy him.

Grant Sr. didn’t have a problem putting Grant in his place in front of people. “Bill, continue with your report.”

“Dad, maybe you need…” Before Allie could finish her statement Grant Sr. interrupted her.

“Did I ask for your thought or opinion?” Grant Sr. yelled at Allie.

“No, but I believe—.”

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