Page 25 of Paddle Bunny

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“What are you doing?”

“There’s a problem at the club that I need to deal with,” he said, sounding cryptic. “I’ll drop you at your clinic before heading to the club. Hopefully, it won’t take too long, and I can return to the clinic to help with whatever crisis you’re facing.”

Zoe froze and stared at the man who was coming to own more and more of her heart. “You’d do that? Put yourself in the middle of a medical crisis? For me?”

She was stunned when Morgan crossed the room and pulled her in for a long hug. “Of course. If that’s where you are, that’s where I’d want to be. Now get dressed, and I’ll fix us some breakfast.”

The double-handed slap he laid on her still tender ass before releasing her and heading out of the bedroom had her squeaking as she jumped. She could hear him laugh all the way to the kitchen.

Taking a look at the clock, she hurried to the dresser where the bag she’d brought for the weekend waited. As quickly as she could, she dressed, pulling on her sneakers. Once dressed, Zoe took a moment to pack everything she had brought with her for the weekend before leaving the bedroom. She carried the bag to the door and dropped it there before joining Morgan in the kitchen.

“Sit down, bunny,” he said as he set a mug and a plate with buttered toast on it in front of her.

“Thank you,” she said, picking up the mug and cradling it in both hands. Taking a sip, she closed her eyes and gave a happy moan. He had fixed the coffee just the way she liked it, too sweet and with a touch more cream than most people liked.

After another, bigger sip, she set the mug down and picked up a piece of toast and surprised herself by how quickly she ate it. It only took a few minutes before both the coffee and the toast were gone. She checked her watch then looked at Morgan as she carried her dishes to the sink.

“I need to go,” she said, not sure she really wanted to be separated from this man even for a minute, much less for the time it would take to deal with whatever problem had developed at work since Friday afternoon.

They had not watched the news so were uninformed of any crises that had happened in the city. They had been so busy playing with each other they had not even checked their emails since Friday.

“Let me get my shoes,” Morgan said.

When he disappeared into the bedroom, Zoe thought about leaving and taking a cab to the clinic, but that would cost way more money than she was willing to part with. Before she could come up with an alternate escape plan, Morgan was back. He wore a leather jacket and had her long coat over one arm.

“You’re going to need this,” he said, holding up her coat before helping her put it on.

“Thanks,” she said, grabbing her bag and heading for the door.

He followed her to the elevator, but instead of pressing the lobby, he pressed the button with the G beside it.

“Where are we going?”

“The garage. I said I’d take you to work.”

“I could take a cab.”

That offer garnered her the look of an unhappy sadist. “Only if you want to get your ass beat every night for a month.”

Zoe smiled even as she gave a sigh. “All right. Thank you.”

Though tempted to say to hell with the rest of the world, Morgan did not take Zoe back upstairs. Instead, he led her off the elevator once they reached the garage and toward his SUV. While he preferred to have a car and driver available most of the time, he had given Mario the weekend off. He had not planned to leave the apartment, much less the building.

With Zoe’s hand in his, he approached the SUV parked in his space. Clicking the fob in his pocket, the lights came on and the doors clicked as they unlocked. Without fanfare, he helped her into the passenger’s seat before rounding the back of the vehicle and climbing into the driver’s seat.

The drive across town was made in silence. He could feel Zoe growing more and more tense.

“It’s going to be okay,” he said, hoping to get her to relax.

“I just wish Richard had given me some sort of idea of what we were facing,” she replied softly.

“Whatever it is, I’m sure you can handle it,” he said as he pulled into the parking lot of the building where her clinic was located.

The adjacent parking lot was empty except for one luxury sedan parked next to the building in a reserved space. Even the street out front was clear of vehicles. He drove across the parking lot and stopped near the side door.

“Do you want me to come in with you?”

She looked at him and shook her head. “I’ll be fine.”
