Page 29 of Paddle Bunny

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Without hesitation, she placed her hand in his and allowed him to pull her to her feet. “Where are we going?”

She figured the shower and then bed, but instead, he led her toward the hall door.

“Viking and Roque’s place for dinner. Roque is demanding to see you.”

Zoe looked at her bare feet. “But I don’t have shoes and I’m a mess. I should clean up before we go anywhere.”

Morgan never stopped as he opened his door and pulled her into the large lobby the three apartments shared.

“You’re fine. They know we’ve been working all afternoon. They would have come to help,, but we figured having three billionaires in the building might attract more attention than you needed at the moment.”

“Ya think?” Zoe heard the snark in her voice, and by the look Morgan gave her with a smirk and one eyebrow raised, he had heard it too.

“After dinner, we will go home, and I’ll relax you before we take a shower and get some sleep. Tomorrow I’ll have the lawyers contact your former employers regarding your wages and severance package.”

Zoe stared at the man, wondering what world he lived in to think that her bosses would pay her anything. Sure, they had promised to give her the wages she had earned, but she had a feeling they would find a way to not pay her for the last two weeks she’d earned, lawyer or no lawyer.

But she remained silent, biting her lip to keep from arguing with him. It had become apparent that Morgan Seacrest could be a ginormous bulldozer when he wanted to be. She could visualize him mowing down anyone or anything that stood between him and whatever he wanted, and she did not want to be rolled over in his determination to get her justice.

Morgan opened the door with a roughly drawn “Welcome Zoe” sign on it and walked in without knocking, pulling her along in his wake. Once they were inside, he called, “Anybody home or can I steal all the crayons?”

A squeal and protest, “No you cannot steal my crayons,” came from somewhere out of sight right before the sound of running feet filled the silence.

“No running in the house,” Morgan ordered in unison with another male voice.

The running changed to something else just as Roque skipped into view. She was clearly in her Little mindset as she wore a pair of pink camouflage leggings with fuzzy slippers and an oversized pink t-shirt that had sparkly letters spelling out “Daddy’s Badass Princess”. Her hair was pulled up into pigtails and she carried a neon pink Nerf gun.

Zoe joined Morgan in a chuckle at her fierce expression. “Those are MY crayons. You can’t have them,” she said as she aimed her weapon at Morgan and shot three foam darts at the man. All three bounced off the middle of his chest.

“What the fuck?” Morgan cried out as he clutched at his chest. He staggered several steps before falling forward to the floor where he lay still as if truly dead.

Zoe watched as the Little girl lost her passionate warrior expression and became a worried Little girl. She dropped to her knees beside Morgan’s unmoving form and patted his back as Viking walked into view.

“Unca Morgan? You can’t be dead. I only shot you with foam darts, not real bullets. Foam darts can’t hurt you.”

Her words were soft, and Zoe could tell the Little was on the verge of crying. She was about to get down on the floor with them and tickle the man, when he turned over with a roar, and somehow rolled Roque down underneath him.

“You dare to shoot your favorite uncle in the chest?”

He tickled her until Roque was giggling so hard she could barely speak. “I’m sorry. I give. Stop, I gotta pee.”

Morgan rolled off the Little girl and she jumped up and ran out of sight. Zoe looked down at him and couldn’t help but smile. “You’re good with her.”

Morgan climbed to his feet and pulled her close. “Don’t be jealous. I’m the uncle who spoils our Little girl. I’m also the sadist who will happily blister your ass when we get home.”

“Hmmm, I think I’d rather you just fuck me into the bed… or the shower wall, I’ll leave the choice up to you,” she said with a giggle, feeling less depressed and worried for the first time all day.

“Sounds like a plan to me. First in the shower and then in the bed before I sleep wrapped around you. Tomorrow can worry about itself until we wake up.”

“That sounds like a great plan,” Bjorn said as he and Santee walked through the hall door looking unusually grim. Bjorn was carrying the laptop Morgan had loaded the security films onto. “Only Santee and I think we know who took the picture of Zoe and thought you’d like to go with us to talk to them first.”

“You did?” Zoe’s stomach flipped and swallowed hard. She wondered for a moment if Roque had finished in the bathroom because she might need to get in there and throw up, even though her stomach had been empty for hours.

Morgan felt Zoe begin to tremble and held her tighter as he looked at his business partner and one of his two best friends. “Who?”

The rage he thought he had gotten under control roared back to the forefront. He was normally the calm, sane one, but to have his woman attacked had awakened a predator in him that wanted to hunt, hurt, kill.

“Bjorn, tell me.”
