Page 6 of Paddle Bunny

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Chapter Four

Zoe wasn’t sure why she was on the verge of crying from such a simple question. She was a strong, independent woman who had been accused of being too strong at times. Both by her ex and a couple of the doctors she worked with at the pediatric clinic where she was a nurse practitioner.

But somehow, just sitting with Master Morgan made her feel weaker and more vulnerable than ever before, and they had yet to finish their getting to know you conversation.

After her confession, she watched the man blink then frown in confusion. He blinked again and his expression smoothed out once more.

“What don’t you know, bunny?”

“I don’t know what my kinks are. All I know is that being married to a man who thought having the lights on when we had sex was scandalous bored me nearly to death. I agree that I’m not a Little, partly because of my job, and partly because I prefer spicy sex instead of sweet.”

Not sure whether she was doing the right thing, Zoe laid it all on the table. After all, if the owner of the club who wanted to have a conversation wouldn’t understand her, who would?

And if he wasn’t interested or couldn’t guide her to someone who might be willing to explore with her, then maybe she was in the wrong place.

“Sounds like you need to explore,” Morgan said shifting in his seat and adjusting his cock in his pants.

His long, thick, erect cock.

He’d gotten hard just from talking with her. How was that possible?

“Eyes on mine, bunny.”

The gently worded order had her gasp with shock and lift her gaze from his lap to his face. Her face burned with embarrassment as she whispered, “I’m sorry, Sir.”

His half smile caught her by surprise. “Normally I wouldn’t mind you looking at my body, just like I look forward to exploring yours. But first, we need to finish this conversation. I’m afraid I don’t have access to your file at this time, so I don’t know what your hard limits are. Please tell me.”

Zoe took a breath and thought about the forms she had filled out when she had applied for membership. “Hard limits would be blood, bodily fluids, bruises that last more than a day, name calling, and humiliation. Not sure about fire play, electricity… and I don’t remember the rest.”

Morgan nodded and looked pleased. “That’s a good place to start this evening. At your next visit, we’ll pull your file and look it over together.”

Zoe blinked at his assuming there would be a next visit. That meant he wouldn’t be kicking her out and tearing up her membership papers.

“Do you have a safe word?”

She moved her head slightly side to side as she whispered. “Um, no. I’ve never needed one before.”

“Why haven’t you needed one?”

It took another deep inhalation before she could admit in a whisper, “I haven’t ever played with anyone.”

Master Morgan’s frown deepened to where Zoe shrunk back into herself, fearful that she had said the wrong thing and would be escorted out at any moment.

Again, he took a moment and his expression lightened somewhat, now more curious than angry. His voice was gentle when he finally asked, “Why haven’t you played with anyone until now? Are you just here to watch instead of actually engaging and experiencing what BDSM is all about? Because voyeurism isn’t something we encourage unless you are also willing to put on a scene and be watched.”

A shiver raced through Zoe. She crossed her arms in defense and rubbed her hands up and down her suddenly freezing bare arms. “I’m not a voyeur, I’m new. The men, Dominants, who have approached me made me feel uncomfortable. Like a brainless twit here just for their pleasure. One of them didn’t even bother to introduce himself before he grabbed my wrist and tried to pull me out of the bar. If the bartender hadn’t stepped in, I’m not sure what would have happened. Since that night, I’ve been very hesitant about talking to anyone except when I’m behind the front desk.”

“Well, that is going to change tonight.”

“It is?”

“Yes, because you and I are going to do a little experimenting and exploring. Now, do you have a safe word you want to use, or shall we go with the club standard of traffic lights?”

“You mean green for all’s well, yellow for slow down, and red for full stop?”

Morgan smiled at her with approval. “Yes, that’s exactly what I mean.”

Zoe thought for a moment before nodding. “Yes, let’s use that.”
