Page 11 of Royally Owned

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My heart races at his suggestion, and I can feel the desire building inside of me. But I hesitate, wondering if I’m ready for this.

“Are you sure?” I ask, feeling vulnerable.

“Absolutely” he says, his voice low and possessive. “I want you, Flore. All of you.”

And with those words, all my doubts disappear. I grab his hand, and we leave the gym together. As we make our way to his car, I can feel his eyes on me, and I know that this is only the beginning of something incredible.

When we arrive at his place, he leads me to his bedroom, and we fall onto the bed together. As he kisses me fiercely, I can feel the passion between us reaching new heights. We explore each other’s bodies with a hunger that leaves me breathless.

“God” he says, his voice rough with desire. “You’re so beautiful.”

I can feel my heart swelling with emotion, and I know that this isn’t just about sex. This is about two people coming together in a way that feels right.

As we lay there together, holding each other close, I know that this is only the beginning. And as he whispers in my ear about our plans for another date, I feel a sense of anticipation building inside of me. Because with Ben, anything is possible.

* * *

The ballroom glitters with gold and crystal, but all I see is Ben. His eyes lock onto mine from across the floor, dark and intense, sending a jolt of heat through my body.

My heart pounds as he cuts through the crowd, the sea of guests parting before him. The closer he gets, the more I ache for his touch. It’s been so long, I’ve almost forgotten what desire feels like.

Ben stops in front of me, towering over my curvy figure. His gaze rakes over me, lingering on the swell of my breasts peeking out from my strapless gown. “You look stunning tonight, Flore.” His voice is a low rumble, setting my skin alight.

I struggle to find my voice, lost in pools of chocolate brown. “As do you, Mr. Locklear.”

The corner of his mouth tilts up. “Are you hoping to steal me away for a dance?”

“I hadn’t thought that far ahead.” My heart leaps at the prospect of being in his arms, our bodies moving together to the music.

“Then perhaps you’ll allow me the honor.” He extends a hand, rough and calloused.

I place my hand in his, and an electric current zaps between us. Our fingers intertwine, and he pulls me to a balcony, away from the crowd.

As the orchestra strikes up a waltz, Ben sweeps me into his embrace. His hand settles on the small of my back, branding me through the silk, while our joined hands rest over his heart.

I’m enveloped in his warmth and scent, sandalwood and spice. It feels so right, being here with him like this. As if this is where I’m meant to be.

We glide across the floor, our bodies swaying as one. I lift my gaze to his, and the look in his eyes steals my breath. Hunger, longing, possession. And something more - a tenderness that makes my chest ache.

In this moment, the rest of the world fades away. There is only Ben, and the promise of what’s to come. My heart swells with hope, ready to take a chance on love once more.



The second I saw Flore, radiant in red silk, I was a goner. She’s a vision of loveliness, all lush curves and graceful poise. But it’s her kindness and intelligence that truly captivate me.

When she placed her hand in mine, it just felt right. As if she belonged there. Now with her in my arms, moving together across the floor, I’m home.

Her beautiful brown eyes gaze up at me, glimmering with mirth and something more - a longing that echoes my own. To get lost in her embrace, savor her sweetness, claim her as mine.

I pull her closer, our bodies melding together. She feels so soft and warm against me, a balm for my weary soul.

Flore is a woman unlike any other I’ve known. One who sees beyond the soldier to the man within. She makes me want to be better, to build something lasting and true.

With her, I could have it all - home, hearth, and family. If only she’ll take a chance on me.

The song ends, but I’m loath to release her. I bend my head, bringing my lips close to her ear. “Come with me.”
