Page 12 of Royally Owned

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My heart races as I wait for her answer, hoping she feels this between us too. That she’s ready to explore where this leads, consequences be damned.

Flore looks up at me, eyes shining with desire and something more. Trust.

She smiles, soft and sweet, and nods.

Triumph surges within me as I take her hand and lead her off the dance floor, toward a secluded alcove. At last, she’s mine. This is only the beginning.

Starbursts explode behind my eyelids. A broken moan tears from my throat as ecstasy crashes over me in pounding waves, dimming my senses until all I know is the feel of Ben’s hand between my legs, wringing every ounce of pleasure from my body.

When the spasms fade, I open my eyes to find Ben gazing down at me, eyes dark with desire and something more. Love, stark and undeniable in the tender way he brushes the hair from my face.

“You’re exquisite when you come,” he says roughly. “But we’re just getting started, sweetheart. Before the night is over, I’m going to make you scream my name.”

Heat flares in my belly at his words. I reach for him, craving the feel of his body against mine. “Promises, promises.”

Ben’s eyes gleam, a wolfish smile curling his lips. “Promises I fully intend to keep.”

Ben captures my mouth in a searing kiss, all teeth and tongue and raw passion. I moan into his mouth, desire stirring anew as his hands roam over my body.

The silk sheets rustle as he rolls us over, pinning me beneath the hard heat of his body. The scent of sandalwood and musk clings to his skin, intoxicating in its familiarity.

He drags his lips down the column of my throat, nipping and sucking along the way. The sensation goes straight to my core, the ache between my legs becoming unbearable.

I arch into him with a whimper. “Ben, please.”

“What is it, sweetheart?” His voice is a low rumble against my breast as he closes his mouth over my nipple. “What do you need?”

He knows damn well what I need, the bastard. I tug at his hair, desperate for more but unable to form the words.

Ben soothes the sting with his tongue before lifting his head. His eyes find mine, pale blue swallowed up by lust but still holding that kernel of love that makes my heart skip a beat.

“Tell me,” he says softly.

I meet his gaze without flinching. “You. I need you, Ben.”

Something in his expression shifts at my admission, a flicker of vulnerability behind the desire. He braces himself on one elbow and brushes the hair back from my face with his free hand, touch achingly tender.

“You have me, Flore,” he says, raw honesty in every word. “Always.”

My heart clenches at the promise in his voice. I wrap my arms around his neck and pull him down for a searing kiss, pouring all the love and longing inside me into that one gesture.

When we break apart, Ben rests his forehead against mine, eyes closed. His breath comes as raggedly as my own.

“I love you,” I whisper.

His eyes snap open, pale blue lit from within like the heart of a flame. A slow smile spreads across his face, joy and wonder and love mingled together in its curve.

“And I love you, Flore.” His lips brush mine, a feather-light touch that makes me ache for more. “Now and forever.”



Ben leads me down a dimly lit hallway, our hands clasped together. A delicious shiver runs down my spine as his calloused palm envelops mine.

We turn a corner and he pulls me into an alcove, shrouded in shadows. Before I can speak, he presses me against the wall, his hard body flush against mine.

“I’ve wanted to do this all night,” he rasps, gazing down at me with eyes dark with desire.
