Page 23 of Royally Owned

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He peppers kisses along my inner thighs, his stubble rasping against my skin. I squirm under his teasing caresses, desperate for more.

“Ben, please,” I whimper.

“Shh. Let me enjoy you.”

Finally, his mouth descends on me. I cry out at the first swipe of his tongue, pleasure spearing through me. He latches onto my clit, sucking hard, and my back arches off the bed.

The sounds of his lips and tongue on my flesh fill the room, punctuated by my gasps and moans. He slips two fingers inside me again, stroking in time with the movements of his mouth.

The pressure builds rapidly, my body tensing. Ben increases the speed and pressure, pushing me higher and higher.

“Come for me again,” he growls against my flesh.

His command triggers my release. I shatter with a scream, riding wave after wave of intense pleasure.

Ben gentles his ministrations, drawing out my climax until I go limp. He kisses his way back up my body and gathers me close.

“I love you,” he whispers, lips brushing my temple.

“I love you too,” I breathe, utterly sated in his arms.

Round two was even more incredible than the first. I have a feeling our honeymoon is only just beginning.

We lay tangled together, the sounds of the ocean waves and our slowing breaths the only noise in the room.

Ben’s hand strokes up and down my back in a soothing rhythm. I nuzzle into his chest, pressing a kiss above his heart.

“Thank you for this perfect honeymoon,” I murmur.

“Thank you for marrying me.” His arms tighten around me. “I never thought I’d find a love like this.”

I smile, joy and contentment flooding me. “Neither did I. But I’m so glad we found each other.”

“Me too, angel.” He kisses the top of my head. “You’re the best thing that’s ever happened to me.”

“And you’re the best thing that’s ever happened to me.” I lift my head to meet his gaze. “I love you with all my heart.”

“I love you with all my heart too, Flore.” His eyes soften as he stares at me, and I see forever in their depths.

We share a sweet, lingering kiss. When we part, a yawn escapes me.

Ben chuckles. “Time for bed, Mrs. Locklear. We have a big day of relaxing ahead of us tomorrow.”

“We do.” I settle more comfortably against him. “Good night, Mr. Locklear. I love you.”

“Good night, angel. I love you too. Sweet dreams.”

His warmth and steady heartbeat lull me to sleep, our naked bodies still entwined. Safe and happy in my husband’s arms, I drift off with a smile on my face.

