Page 111 of Risky Proposal

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Race: Feel like getting a beer?

Ritz: You know it

Tapping my phone against the palm of my hand, I considered what I was about to do. Without giving it too much more thought, I texted Tank.

Me: Meeting Ritz for a beer at Crush. You in?

Smiling, I gently stood and looked down at Becs sleeping soundly. Fuck, she was beautiful, and since I’ve allowed myself to spend time with her, I learned she wasn’t just beautiful on the outside.

Grabbing my underwear and jeans from the floor, I pulled them on and picked up my phone from the bed. It only took a quick glance to see that Tank had replied.

Tank: See you in thirty

I shoved the phone in my front pocket and grabbed my T-shirt from the chair, tugging it over my head. I quietly left the room and headed downstairs. Snagging my bike keys from the kitchen counter, I headed outside. Within a minute, I was moving quickly through town with only one place in mind. The idea that I’d have the opportunity to tell this motherfucker that I not only took away his bargaining chip in Becs but also the piece of property he planned to use to pit the Widows and the Sinners against each other motivated me.

Pulling in, I glanced around and immediately spotted Ritz sitting astride his bike smoking a cigarette. I slid my bike into the space beside him and shut off the engine, dropping the kickstand at the same time. I lifted the helmet from my head and faced my brother, returning his grin.

“I didn’t know you were still tracking him.”

Ritz took a drag from his cigarette and blew out the smoke slowly. “I wasn’t convinced he was going to sit quietly. Thought I’d make sure he didn’t get any ideas.” He gestured toward me. “He text Becs?”

“Yep. Last night and again this morning.”

He lifted his eyebrows. “She answer?”


“How’d you convince her to ignore him?”

“She showed me.” I smirked. “And I distracted her.”

Ritz snorted out a laugh. “We goin’ in?”

“Waitin’ on Tank.”

Ritz nodded and stared at the door to Crush. “They got security.” He frowned and faced me. “Think it’s Elite.”

“Shit.” I stared at the door. “Who’s on?”

“Only saw him from here when a couple of drunk girls hobbled in, but it looked a hell of a lot like Landon.”

“I don’t know him,” I admitted.

Ritz took another drag. “He’s a newer hire. I’m hopin’ he doesn’t recognize us.”

I gestured toward the door. “How’d you find Bianco here?”

“Ironically, he came into my restaurant. I watched him leave with some chick, but not before he rubbed elbows with some pretty wealthy people.”

“How do you know that?”

“They’re regulars. I’ve seen them in there more times than I can count, and they drop a load of money on alcohol every fucking time. Not sure what this asshole is into, but there’s a chance he’s got some higher-ups in his back pocket.”

“I was afraid of that.”

We heard the roar of a bike and both glanced behind us to watch Tank pull in.

“Don’t worry,” Race said, and I shifted to watch him drop his cigarette butt to the ground and crush it beneath his boot. “I plan to keep an eye on him.”
