Page 35 of Risky Proposal

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It was obvious by his expression that he was thinking about Josie, which didn’t surprise me. They’d had a connection since the night I introduced them not all that long ago, and as much as they both fought it, everyone noticed.

I decided in order to move the conversation away from Race and me, I needed to poke him a little, which I’d always enjoyed. “Race said a lot of people were in the waiting room last night.”

“There were,” he confirmed with a nod.

“Josie too.”

His eyes changed, telling me without words he knew exactly what I was doing. “Yep.”

Dropping his hand, I reached up and tucked my dark hair behind my ear. “You good with that?”

His eyebrows drew together. “Why wouldn’t I be?”

I grinned and picked at the hem on the thin white blanket covering me to my waist. “I was in a lot of pain when I came to your office door but not too much that I didn’t hear what was going on.”

“You heard wrong.”

I lifted an eyebrow. “Lyin’ now?”

He shook his head as if I was wrong, but he didn’t say the words. He knew I was positive in what I heard, and he obviously wasn’t ready to admit what was going on between the two of them.

He gestured behind himself toward the door. “You able to see Wyatt yet today?”

At the mere mention of his name, my eyes once again filled with unshed tears. “Yeah, for a little bit this morning. He’s so small, Bear. I have no idea what to do with a baby that small.”

“We’ll figure it out,” he promised, but he sounded as assured as I felt, which wasn’t very. “Did the doctor say how he is?”

I thought back to the conversation I’d had this morning with Wyatt’s new doctor, one who specializes in caring for premature babies. “He said so far, he’s doing okay. But it’s early, so he told me to be prepared for Wyatt’s ups and downs.”

“How long will he be here?”

I shrugged. “It depends on how he does, but from what the nurses told me, it’ll be at least a month, maybe longer.”

A knock on the door caused us both to look that way just as the door was pushed open, and Kat came through, followed by Bull.

I looked back and forth between them as they walked toward my bed, only settling my stare on Kat when she reached down and held my hand in hers. “How are you feeling?”

“Good,” I answered quietly.

“How’s your boy?” Bull’s deep voice echoed through the room.

I smiled at Bull, anticipating he needed it just like everyone else, but truthfully, I wasn’t as confident as I wanted everyone to believe. “He’s hanging in there.”

“How the hell are you two here together?” Bear asked the same question I had in my mind.

“Ran into each other in the parking lot,” Bull explained.

“Josie couldn’t come?”

Bull glanced at Kat, who remained standing beside the bed, but her eyes were locked on me. He shook his head and gave Bear his attention. “No, she had some shit to do.” Turning slightly, he grinned at me. “She said to tell you she’ll stop by later today.”

“That’s nice of her,” I said, but I was curious how he would handle talking about Josie and his relationship in front of Kat. It was no secret that Bull was interested in Kat and had been for years. He hadn’t exactly hidden it, but Kat didn’t seem to have the same interest. Or she was better at keeping it to herself. What made it interesting was that Bull was pretending to be involved with Josie. It was a plan Bear had come up with to keep her safe and seemed to be working, but no one was allowed to know the relationship wasn’t real, including Kat. “I was surprised when she told me you two were going out.”

“Why’s that?”

“She doesn’t seem like your type.” I glanced up at Kat before grinning at Bull. “Plus, I thought you were interested in someone else.”

A slow grin spread across his face. “I’m gonna let you get away with the shit you’re doin’ because of what you just went through.”
