Page 58 of Risky Proposal

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“Hmm…” Josie began, but then we both turned to face the door when we heard it open. For a moment, disappointment flashed across her face when she saw Race, but she cleared it quickly.

I stood when he walked through the door wearing his dusty construction clothes. He closed the door behind him, locked it, and started toward me. “What are you doing home already?”

He grinned, and my face burned hot when I looked down at Josie, who was staring at her hands and smiling. I realized my slip in calling Bear’s townhouse home, but I didn’t want to take it back. I loved watching him walk through the door every day, and I wasn’t about to ruin it by voicing my insecurities.

He pulled out his cell phone and checked the time. “Not too early.”

“Yeah, but I don’t have to work today, remember?”

“I know.” He jerked up his chin. “Thought I’d leave on time anyway.” He pointed at the steps. “Gonna shower.”


“He asleep?”

I smiled. “Yeah, but he should be getting up soon. Or at least I hope so, considering Josie came to see him.”

Race looked past me. “Hey, Josie.”

“Hi, Race,” she answered.

After one more glance in my direction, he turned toward the stairs and disappeared.

Josie cleared her throat behind me. “Home?”

Turning, I faced her and smiled. “You want a drink?”

“Sure.” Pushing off the couch, she followed me into the kitchen and slid onto a stool.

I pulled open the refrigerator door and peered inside. “Hmm…iced tea, okay?”

“Sounds good.”

She was quiet while I poured two glasses of iced tea. I slid one glass in front of her followed by my phone. Gesturing toward it, I lifted the glass to my lips. “Read the texts.”

She nodded and lifted the phone, reading through the texts with Sal before putting the phone down and taking a drink. “That doesn’t make any sense.”

“See why I’m confused?” I replied.

“I do.” She took another sip.

I set my glass on the counter. “You seemed disappointed when Race came in.”

She arched an eyebrow and swallowed before lowering her glass. “I just didn’t know who to expect.”

“You wanted it to be Bear,” I pointed out.

I was surprised when she didn’t deny it. “I did. I haven’t seen him in weeks. We decided to lay low while he figures out what’s going on with the Widow’s new president, but I’m worried that was just an excuse.”

“Why do you say that?”

“We don’t have anything in common, Becs. We fight all the time. And the truth is, I don’t know how I fit into your brother’s world or how he fits into mine.”

“Maybe you don’t have to know everything right now.” I took another sip. “Maybe you should just trust that he’s doing what he’s doing to keep you safe so you guys can figure all of this out.”

Her eyebrows lifted, and she picked up her glass. “Like Race is doing with you?”

I exhaled loudly and glanced toward the stairs when I heard footsteps. “We’re definitely done talking about this.”
