Page 99 of Risky Proposal

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It only took a moment for me to see he was typing.

Jax: Did you talk to him?

Me: Yeah.

Jax: He make the same threats?

Me: No. This time, he said he has a deal he’s working on, and if all goes well, he’ll need a meeting with Bear. He wouldn’t tell me more than that, but he said if I don’t set up the meeting, he’ll…I paused, wondering how much I should reveal to Jax, but then quickly dismissed my hesitation. Jax needed to know what he said so they could stop him before he made good on his promise. Lifting my fingers, I began typing again,go after Race for what he did while he was at home over the last few months.

It only took a moment for the bubbles to appear, letting me know he was replying. Tapping the corner of my phone against my thigh, I stared at the closed door until my phone beeped.

Jax: Can you meet at the office?

I looked toward the closed door again and sighed. How the hell was I going to get out today? It didn’t matter because I needed to figure out a way. With any luck at all, Jax could handle this without ever involving Bear.

Me: Yeah.

Jax: When?

Me: I can be there within an hour.

Jax: See you there.

Tapping my phone against my hand, I stood and shoved it in my pocket before leaving the room. I walked back downstairs and was met with the stares of Race and Bear, but it was Race who spoke first. “Everything okay?”

“Yeah.” I nodded, but then thought of something. “That was a client of mine. She asked if I could come in today and do her hair. She has a wedding to go to.”

I hated how easily that lie came to me, but I needed to tell Jax everything Sal had said, and I wanted to do that in person.

When neither of them answered, I continued. “Can one of you watch Wyatt while I go?”

Race jerked up his chin, and I could tell he wanted to say something, but Bear answered before he could. “I need Race to brief me on his trip. Can you see if Maggie can watch him?”

“Yeah, I’ll give her a call.”

I called Maggie, and after she agreed to babysit, I ended the call, glanced at Wyatt who was playing with his teething ring, and then faced Race. “I’m gonna grab a shower.”

Without waiting for a reply, I jogged up the stairs and headed straight to the bathroom. I was showered and dressed within a half an hour, only pausing when I thought about what I was doing. Sitting on the edge of the bed, I wondered if I should just walk down the stairs and tell Race and Bear what was going on, but I couldn’t. They both had too much going on, and with any luck at all, Jax would be able to stop Sal without any of the club members ever knowing what was going on.

Slapping my palms on my knees, I stood and made my way back downstairs. Glancing around, I saw Race sitting on the floor with Wyatt. He was still having problems sitting up alone, but he was trying and I saw Race sitting behind him so Wyatt would fall against his chest if he were to fall back.

He looked up when he heard me. “You leaving?”

“Yeah.” I grabbed my purse from the island, but I couldn’t take my eyes off Race when he picked up Wyatt and stood, making his way to stand in front of me.

Wyatt squealed and held out his arms. “Mmmma.”

“I’ll carry him out for you.”

Looking up, I couldn’t stop smiling when Race grinned and dropped his mouth to mine. He kissed me slowly until Wyatt giggled. We slowly pulled apart and looked down at Wyatt who was attempting to put the ends of my hair into his mouth. I gently grabbed his fist and pulled his fingers loose before backing up and reaching for his diaper bag. I quickly packed it while Race waited near the door.

Walking to the door, I tried to appear like I wasn’t in a hurry, but in truth, I was. Sal wanted a meeting with Bear, which meant Bear would not only know I was hanging around people who were potentially dangerous to the club but that I’d also been responsible for Josie being in danger.

I couldn’t let that happen.

I wouldn’t be another person who disappointed him.

Race pulled open the door for me and pulled it closed behind us, making sure to lock it. He put Wyatt in his car seat and closed the door before stepping up to my door and pushing it closed.
