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Continue Reading for an excerpt from Playing Dirty, the fifth book in the Sinners MC series.

Excerpt from

Playing Dirty

Sinners MC, Book 5



Opening the cabinet above the stove, I put away the last of the dishes and turned just in time to see my cat jump onto the island.

“You’re not getting any treats.”

He sat down and stared at me before meowing obnoxiously. I rolled my eyes but couldn’t help the grin tugging at my lips. I never had a pet growing up and never considered getting one, but when my buddy dragged me along to pick out a kitten for his girlfriend, this cat found me. He followed me around the shelter until I finally picked him up and decided he was going home with me.

When my phone beeped, I grabbed it from the counter and stared at the message.

Bull: You comin’ to this thing?

Tapping the corner of my phone against my palm, I considered his question. After about an eighty-hour week at the restaurant, I really didn’t want to go to the party at the Sinners clubhouse, but I was expected to be there. We were celebrating one of our prospects becoming a full member, and as one of the club’s oldest members, I needed to show my face, but I didn’t plan to stay long.

Frowning, I typed out my response. Yeah. Just got home. Be there in twenty.

I tossed my phone on the counter and glanced at the cat that was watching me closely. When he meowed again, I shook my head, grabbed the treats from the drawer, and threw a few down in front of him. “That’s all you’re getting, Oreo.”

He glanced up at me, and I swear he smirked. He knew I was full of shit. Chuckling, I grabbed the keys to my bike and moved toward the door. “Be back later.”

I had no fucking clue why I told him that every time I left my apartment. He was just a cat, but he does seem happy, or as happy as a cat ever seems, to see me when I get home, so maybe that’s why.

Jogging down the stairs to the first floor, I left the building and crossed the parking lot to my bike. It was easily my favorite time of year. Warm enough for the bike but not too hot to ride. This was another thing I never owned growing up. It was just me and my mom my entire life, and she was terrified of motorcycles. When I finally got one, she made me swear I’d always wear a helmet, which I still did even though she passed away a few years ago.

Turning out of the parking lot, I quickly moved along the side roads until I was on the long stretch that would take me to the clubhouse. I joined this motorcycle club when I was eighteen, and although there were some rocky years, I never regretted that decision. Since Bear became our president after the old one was killed, I can say with certainty that the club is finally going in the direction I always wanted. I never got too involved in the illegal shit they used to do because my goal was to open a restaurant, and nothing, not even the motorcycle club I loved, would stand in my way. But now I didn’t worry that having ties to an MC would damage my business. Bear had it set up that all businesses the club owned or were somehow involved in were legit. It took him a while to get us to the point where we could say that, and we had to get our hands dirty to make it happen, but none of us would have it any other way.

Pulling into the lot, I grinned when I saw all the bikes and trucks. I was one of the last to show, but that wasn’t unusual. Swinging my leg off my bike, I hung the helmet from the handlebars and started toward the door, only pausing when I saw a fancy-as-hell SUV parked near the light. I didn’t know the vehicle, and I knew almost everyone who came to this shit. Bear said he told Blaze he could invite his firefighter friends, but I had my doubts any of them had the money to buy this kind of vehicle. Curious, I headed inside, past the bar and to the hallway leading out back. I threw open the door and headed across the lawn, frowning when I heard the awful pop music playing.

I stopped at the bar, and the prospect came right to me. “What’ll it be, Ritz?”


He slid one in front of me, and I turned to take a better look around.

“What are you pissed off about?”

I lifted the bottle to my lips and glanced to my side to see Bull had moved to stand beside me. Taking a drink, I dropped the bottle to my side and gestured toward the crowd. “What the hell kind of music is this?”

Bull shook his head. “Becs is controlling the music.”

Groaning, I took another drink. Becs was the princess of the MC. Not only was she Bear’s sister but she was family to every member, and we’d all lay down our lives to protect her, which meant we all respected her. But she had the worst taste in music.

“How the fuck did that happen?”

Using his bottle of beer, he gestured toward the crowd. “See that girl with black hair?”

“Yeah.” I nodded when I saw the girl I didn’t know. “That’s Tank’s girl.”

Understanding hit me immediately. I knew Tank had met some rich girl when he’d given a ride a while back, and I knew he’d invited her here tonight, but I’d forgotten. Her name was Jane. I remember Bull pointing out how lily white that sounded, but seeing her now, her name fits her perfectly. “She the one drivin’ that sweet SUV?”
