Page 137 of Hate You Always

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His smile widens, and the tiny silver hoop pierced through the corner of his lip glints in the sun. Without realizing it, my gaze drops to the metal. His tongue darts out to play with it, and a punch of arousal explodes in my core.

His voice dips as he looms closer. “Is that what you want, McAdams? My sweet words?” He practically purrs the question.

My heart kicks into overdrive as my attention snaps to his eyes. An unwanted sizzle of electricity snakes down my spine. One would think from our contentious past, the only thing he would do is piss me off.

Turns out that’s not the case.

For whatever reason, Crosby is the only guy on this campus capable of making my hormones sit up and take notice. If there were away to stomp out the unwelcome attraction rushing through me like liquid fire, I’d do it in a heartbeat.

But there’s not. Trust me, I’ve tried. Which is precisely why I go to such great lengths to avoid him. I would say like a clap diagnosis, but…

That hits a little too close to home.

I clear my throat. “Hardly.”

He eats up more distance between us until it becomes necessary to tip my chin upward to hold his flinty gaze. It takes every ounce of self-control to stand my ground instead of scrambling backward in retreat.

The buzz of attraction zipping through my veins is not only disconcerting but refuses to be extinguished. His bright white teeth flash in the sunlight, and my attention is reluctantly snagged by the small metal hoop. I’ve never been attracted to guys with piercings. Or who are dark and moody.

Crosby is—and has always been—the exception to the rule.

When he reaches out to trail a finger down the front of my sweater, I jerk out of the strange stupor that has fallen over me and knock his hand away.

“Don’t touch me,” I growl, baring my teeth like a rabid dog. He’s lucky I don’t take a chunk out of him. At the very least, he’d think twice about messing with me in the future. Then again, nothing seems to deter him. He enjoys taunting me.

A slow grin spreads across his face as dark humor dances in his inky-colored irises.

Unwilling to get drawn into any more of a verbal skirmish, I spin on my heels and stalk through the crowd. Now that Easton has captured Sasha’s attention, it’s doubtful she’ll notice my abrupt departure.

There’s only so much of Crosby Rhodes I can take.
