Page 13 of Danila

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“As long as your new place has a real bed, I don’t care what it looks like.” As soon as the words left my mouth, I realized how it sounded and blushed. “I mean because I’ve been sleeping in my car and—.”

“I understand,” Danny said smiling. “We can talk about beds and sleeping arrangements later.” He leaned over and pressed his lips to mine in the most chaste and sweet kiss. “Come on. Let’s rescue Janie.”

Chapter Four

Danny had barely secured Janie’s bail before his uncle arrived at the bondsman’s office. Macy tugged on his shirt sleeve, taking his attention from the paperwork in front of him, and pointed at the window. “That guy has been staring at us since he pulled in, Danny.”

“That’s my uncle,” he grimly replied. “Artyom.”

“He looks very friendly,” she remarked sarcastically.

Danny grimaced. “We’ve interrupted his weekly zoo date with his girls.”

“His daughters?”

“No, uh, Chess used to date a guy who was part of Artyom’s crew. He died, and she was pregnant. The baby was sick, and Artyom stepped in and made sure that all the bills were paid and Chess had what she needed to support herself.”

“And now they’re dating?”

Danny snorted. “No. He’s in love with her and the only father the kid has ever known, but he won’t date her.”

“Why not?” she asked, her expression suddenly sad.

“Because he made mistakes and doesn’t think he’s worthy of a family,” Danny said, unwilling to delve any deeper than that.

“Danny.” Rico, the bondsman, got his attention. “Here you go.”

Danny took his copy of the paperwork. “Thank you, Rico.”

“I’ll talk to my contact in the jail and get them to move your stepmom through the process as quickly as possible.” Rico smiled at Macy.

“Thank you.” She seemed relieved. “Really. Thank you so much.”

Danny put his hand on the back of her shoulder and pressed her forward toward the door. In a low voice, he said, “Don’t say anything unless he asks you something directly.”

She glanced up at him in shock and irritation but nodded. “Okay.”

He would explain later, but right now, he needed her to not reveal anything to Artyom. When they stepped outside, his uncle huffed out an annoyed breath. “It’s Tuesday.”

“I know,” Danny said apologetically.

“Then you know how pissed off I am to be standing here instead of waiting in line at Amy’s to get ice cream with my girls,” Artyom snarled. His angry gaze flicked to Macy and softened briefly. Ignoring Danny, he asked, “Do you have your phone on you?”


He held out his hand. “I have a friend who wants to help you.”

Macy glanced at him before unlocking and handing her phone to Artyom.

“Chess is heavily involved with women’s issues here in Houston. She recognized your stepmother’s name when I mentioned where I was going. She wants to help you get a proper lawyer for your stepmother. She’s been following the case in the news, and she thinks it stinks.”

“It does,” Macy agreed.

“She’s texting you back with her contact information.” Artyom handed the phone to Macy. “She can be a bit overwhelming, but she’ll fight for you.”

“Thank you.” Macy held the phone as if it were the most fragile thing in the world.

“You,” Artyom pointed at Danny with one of the three remaining fingers on his hand. “Come with me.”
