Page 22 of Danila

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“I’m working tonight so I need to nap.” As much as I’d enjoy going anywhere with Danny, I had to be responsible.

Danny frowned. “Working?”

“Whataburger,” I reminded him.

“I’m not sure I like you working night shifts, Macy. It’s not safe.”

“I don’t like working them either, but I need the money. Anyway—we’ve got cops coming in and out all night.”

“That doesn’t make me feel any better,” he grumbled.

I rolled my eyes. “Danny, not all cops are bad. Most of them are good people who want to help and keep other people safe.”

“Not in my experience,” he muttered.

“Well, let’s be fair. You’re not exactly a Boy Scout.”

“Ouch.” He touched his chest as if wounded.

“You know I’m right,” I insisted.

“You are,” he admitted with a devastatingly sexy smile. Then, more seriously, he said, “I can take care of you, Macy.”

“I’m sure you can.” And, God, how I wanted him to do just that. It would be so easy to take whatever he offered. To be one of those gorgeous, pampered girlfriends or wives that the men in his family had.

“Think about it,” Danny said and kissed my forehead in the most tender way. “This offer doesn’t have an expiration date.”

“I’ll think about it,” I promised.

“Macy, the food is here,” Janie called out from the kitchen. “There’s enough for Danny if he wants to stay.”

“I can’t,” he said apologetically. “I have to handle some things tonight.”

“You’ll be careful?” I had just gotten him back and didn’t want to see him get hurt.

“Yes.” He stepped over to the sink and washed the oil from his hands. “I’ll stop by to see you tonight.”

“You don’t have to, Danny.”

“I want to,” he assured me. “Do you work tomorrow?”

“Not unless you’re going to let me go back to Pink Paradise,” I said, catching his eye.

“Not a fucking chance.” He scowled. “I’d like to take you out tomorrow. Lunch or dinner. Your choice.”

“We’ll have to wait and see what time the lawyers want to meet with Janie. Your uncle’s friend is supposed to call us in the morning with details.”

“Let me know when you find out,” Danny instructed and dried his hands. “I left some envelopes with cash in the kitchen for you and Janie to use.” He held up his hand to stifle my protest. “You need money to start over, Macy. Janie will need clothes for court if she’s going to make a good impression.”

“I’ll pay you back,” I insisted.

“You will not.” He seemed offended at the idea. “I’m not as rich as some of the other guys in the family, but I do okay, Macy. It’s not a problem for me to help you.”

“Only if you promise that you’ll let me help you someday.”

“Fine,” he relented. “When you’re a hotshot surgeon, you can pay me back.”

“I’m holding you to that,” I vowed. “Every penny with interest.”
