Page 43 of Danila

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“Do you mind starting on drive-thru and then switching over to the kitchen? We had two no-shows from the new hires, and Amita and James need to get out of here soon.”

“No problem.” I took over the busy window and settled in for a long night on my feet. The work kept my mind from wandering to places that would only cause more stress. Before I knew it, five hours had passed, then seven and eight. I stayed another hour to help with some of the cleanup and breakfast rush prep and then finally clocked out, tossed my apron in the laundry bin and grabbed my things.

I had barely made it five steps across the parking lot before I heard a voice I had hoped to never hear again.


I cringed at the sight of Paulie leaning back against his ridiculous lime green Challenger with racing stripes. He had been trying to get me to take a ride with him for months, even before he convinced me to work off my father’s debt at Pink Paradise. I had declined every invitation and had no intention of changing my mind now.

“What do you want?” I asked, too tired to deal with his harassment.

“I thought you might need a ride.” He leered in a way that I’m sure he thought was sexy, but it just made my skin crawl. His face was all bruised from Danny’s attack, and I couldn’t help but hope that it hurt when he talked or smiled.

“I’m good but thanks.” I used the key fob to unlock the blue Civic.

“Oh, I see,” Paulie said in a patronizing tone. “Danny already bought you a new car.”

I ignored his remark and opened thedriver-sidedoor. I wanted to get in and get away from Paulie as quickly as possible.

“Hey!” Paulie grabbed my arm and spun me around to face him. The sour scent of beer andtheharsh stink of cigarettes assaulted my nose. I tried not to gag as he pressed his chest against mine, boxing me in against the car. His smell and touch made me sick. “Didn’t your mother ever teach you it’s rude to walk away when someone is talking to you?”

“No, she didn’t have time to teach me that before she died,” I snapped back angrily. “Let go of me!”

“Or what? You’re going to send Danny after me?” He scoffed. “He’s not here right now.” Paulie pushed against me, trapping me against the cold metal at my back. “What did you do to earn this new car? Huh?”

“Nothing.” I wanted him to leave me alone, but he was too heavy for me to move. I planted my hands against his chest, but he didn’t budge even an inch.

“If you’d opened your legs for me, I would have given you a Lexus.” His fat tongue stole out to lick his lower lip, and I shuddered with revulsion. “A tight little pussy like yours might even be worth a Mercedes.”

“You’re disgusting.”

“We’ll see how disgusting I am when I’m the only one between your daddy and a bullet in his head.” Paulie leaned in as if he wanted to kiss me, and I turned my head, refusing to give him easy access. “I know where he’s hiding, Macy. I’m willing to give you the whole bounty on his head if you give me what I want.” One of his nasty hands moved from my waist to my butt. He squeezed hard, his grip so painful and rough I cried out in shock. “That’s it. That's what I want to hear.”

The squeal of tires interrupted whatever degrading remark he was about to make. A heartbeat later, Danny bellowed furiously. “Get your fucking hands off my girl!”

Paulie jumped back as Danny thundered across the pavement. He didn’t stop until he was between me and Paulie, his back guarding me from any more unwanted attention. He violently shoved Paulie, pushing the other man into his car. “I warned you, Paulie. I told you she was mine.”

“She came onto me!” Paulie lied. “She asked me to meet her here.”

“I did not!”

“Hush.” Danny hissed at me, startling me with the harshness in his voice. “Get in the car and wait for me.”

Stunned by his brusque and dismissive behavior, I nevertheless did what he commanded. I slipped behind the wheel and waited. My face burned with the humiliation of being ordered around like a dog. Outside the car, Danny and Paulie shouted at each other. For a moment, I was certain they were going to brawl.

“This isn’t over, Danny!” Paulie yelled before getting into his car and peeling out of the parking lot like a lunatic.

Jolted by the unexpected rap of Danny’s knuckles on the window, I started the car and lowered the driver’s side window. Danny gripped the window and leaned down until our gazes clashed. “Why were you talking to him? Didn’t I tell you to stay away from him?”

Reeling at his accusatory tone, I snapped. “Don’t yell at me! I didn’t do anything wrong. I can’t even leave my fucking job without being hassled by creeps. The last thing I need is my boyfriend barking through my window like a rabid dog!”

His eyes widened. “Macy, I wasn’t—.”

“I don’t care.” I was tired. My feet hurt. My head ached. I could still smell the beer and cigarettes clinging to Paulie. “You show up and instead of asking me if I’m okay or if he hurt me you launch into these bullshit accusations like it’s my fault I'm being harassed! Well—screw you, Danny!”

“Macy! Please.”

“No.” I just wanted to go home and shower and sleep. “Let go. I’m leaving.”
