Page 52 of War

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Maddie has spent her days working with Paul on refining the songs she wrote while he was away performing with Darren, Troy and Alex. They’ve all been in the studio together including Briana and Michelle. Although, I think the girls are there also hoping to hang out with Demon and Cris. Risk hasn’t given them a second glance.

We spend our days doing what we love and spend the evenings and nights with each other. We have been regulars at club gatherings . Maddie has fit in so well with everyone. Her smile is contagious. Ava, Vi, and Maddie have become nearly inseparable.

Maddie’s new album was released two weeks ago, and it hit the top of the charts. She has been getting requests for concerts and television appearances. She has declined them all. Paul and the rest are unhappy with her decision. Paul was pissed off enough to pay me a visit at the shop today. He laid out that he thinks that Maddie is worried about displeasing me and that I’m the reason she is holding herself back. His point may hold merit, so I heard him out and decided this is a conversation I need to have with Maddie tonight. Maddie deserves to follow her passion. I want that for her. However, I have no desire to tour the world and I have responsibilities to my shop, the people who work there, my club, and my brothers. These bonds are extremely important to me. I am not sure I want to take my life on the road when I have searched for home and family for so long.

The front door is thrown open as I park my bike. As I dismount, Maddie is rushing down the front steps and bounds towards me. I barely have time to move forward when she launches herself into my arms wraps her legs around my waist. Kisses smother my face. I walk with her in my arms as her kisses continue through the front door, which I then slam shut with a boot. I lean her back into the door and take her mouth ferociously, pressing into her body so she can feel me.

I lift her skirt, slipping my hands beneath it to cup her ass with one hand all the while ripping at her panties until they are torn from her and I have all access to her sweet pussy. I circle her clit, causing a whimper to escape her lips that are fused to mine. My cock aches against the zipper of my jeans. I slide my hand between us freeing myself from my confined clothing and resume showering my woman with long passionate kisses, my fingers teasing and torturing her body.

Then she says the words I love to hear when she is so consumed with need, “Give me you, Xander. Please, I need you now,” she begs.

“How do you want it, Baby?” I delay her a little longer as I nip at the spot on her neck that drives her over the edge.

“Hard and fast, Honey. And now,” she says with desperation as she sinks her fingers into my hair, gripping it hard.

I thrust into her in one fluid motion. A gasp pours from her perfect mouth, then she squirms to accommodate my length. I continue to pound her pussy and can feel her muscles contract and her breast heave.

“Eyes on me, Kitten. I want to see you come,” I moan through clenched teeth. I am on the verge and holding on by a thread.

She explodes in my arms and with one final thrust, I come inside her. I hold her steady until we both catch our breath. I pull out gently and walk her over to the armchair with Maddie still sitting astride my lap. I put myself back together and slide her skirt down over her ass.

Her bright smile fills my sight. “Did you have a good day?” she giggles.

I burst out in laughter. “Great day. Even better now.”

No time like the present to attack the situation I’ve had on my mind since Paul walked into the garage this afternoon. “Maddie, I want to talk to you. Your brother came to see me today. He is upset that you haven’t changed your mind about doing concerts and appearances.”

“Xander.,” she interrupts.

“No wait. Hear me out. If you have decided that you like things as they are, and this is as much as you want to give to your music, then I will stop right now. Before you say anything, I want to point out that you love singing. You love the music, the audience; you are a naturally talented performer. You have nothing to fear. I will get you the best security around.” I glide my hand across her brow and tuck a stray ringlet behind her ear. “However, I will not be able to join you on a tour. I have responsibilities here and I have a life that I have built with roots and family. At best, I would be able to meet you in certain places once a month. I won’t like us being apart; I will truly hate it, but I want you to have it all. I don’t want you to miss out because you feel torn between.”

“Stop.” Maddie places her fingers over my lips. “Let me tell you what I want.” Her arms circle my neck and she dips in close to me. “I want to wake up every morning with you and fall asleep beside you every night. Yes, I love to sing, however, not having you there with me gives me no one to sing to. Now if you tell me that you can manage one weekend a month, then I will commit to twelve appearances. I don’t need or want more. The more I am away, the less time I have to write.” Her lips brush mine softly.

“The choice is yours, Maddie. I want you to have it all,” I tell her. My throat is filled with emotion and I manage to croak out the words.

“I already have it all, right here with you.”

“If this ever changes, you tell me, and we will figure it out.”

“Not going to happen but thank you for leaving the door open,” she murmurs.

“Alright, Baby. I love you,” I tell her.

Her cheeky smile lights up, “I know. I love you too.” She straightens. “We have to get ready, Honey. Right before you got here, Guard called, Ava is at the hospital having her baby. We have to go meet them there.”

“I’ll take a quick shower in the spare bathroom. You get washed up too and we’ll head out in fifteen minutes.” I know that if we shower together there is no way we will make it out of here anytime soon.


Birth of Change


We are back at the same hospital as we were a month ago, except this time it’s for a joyous occasion. All the brothers are sitting, leaning, or pacing in the waiting room. Vi and I are sitting side by side. Vi has recovered well. She is finishing up the last of her physiotherapy and is back at work at Millie’s place. We have grown very close.

Guard marches through the doors, beaming from ear to ear. We stand and approach him, War guiding me to the front along with Vi.

“It’s a healthy boy,” he confirms. “He’s perfect.”
