Page 13 of Trusting Quin

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Without meaning to, I feel my face fall, even though I try to keep it neutral. I look away and nod, turning over to my side away from him.

We sit in silence for a second, with me trying to discreetly wipe the tear that escapes my right eye. I’m not sure why I’m crying. Quin went above and beyond for me today. Picking me up from the airport, helping me through a panic attack, showing me how to use a gun—that was fucking scary—feeding me, buying me clothes and other supplies and being so open with me about his old life. I should be grateful, but all I am is sad that he doesn’t want me.

I wanted to be his boy. I thought after I got my shit together and out of danger, he would want to pick up where we left off on our single, amazing night together. Unfortunately, it seems like I’m the only one that thought there could be more if we were in the same place. It wasn’t on my mind to pick up the relationship when I called Malcolm—Quin—but while I was in the shower, I realized we had been referring to each other like we had during our magical night together.

A hand lands on my shoulder and Quin pulls me to my back so I can look at him. “What just happened?”

Shaking my head, I say, “Nothing, Da—Quin. I just…” I shake my head again and take in a shuddering breath, trying to get the courage to say what I want to him without being afraid of the rejection I know is coming. “I thought we had a connection. Back at the hotel?” It comes out like a question. “But it was just a job, I guess. You see me as just a hooker?”

“Wait, stop.” Quin holds up his hand and I clamp my mouth shut because he put on his Daddy voice that drives me fucking crazy. I’m not sure he did it on purpose—it probably just happened because of who he is. “I’ll start with your last question. No, I don’t see you as ‘just a hooker,’” he air quotes the words. “There’s nothing wrong with sex work.” He runs a hand down my face and I fight to keep still. “There’s no shame in it. I would never look down on you or anyone else that chooses to do it. It’s your body and your decision what to do with it.

“Your other question. No, Red.” I turn away, bracing myself for rejection. “Look at me, boy,” he growls and I gasp and my eyes flick up to his. Eyes locked, he says, “I felt it too. The connection. But we lived so far away, so there was no point mentioning it. I said you don’t have to call me Daddy just because I’m helping you. My help comes without strings for as long as you need it.”

I search his face, hoping against hope that he means it. That he really felt what I felt and he wants me to be his.

“What if I want to?” I ask, voice small.

Quin’s brows knit together and he asks, “Want to what?”

“Call you Daddy. Be your boy. What if I want that?”

“Yeah?” he asks, a beautiful smile spreading over his face.

Swallowing thickly, I nod. “Yeah. We can talk and straighten some things out, but yeah. Please? I kinda need someone to take care of me because I’m a fucking mess.” I try to laugh it off, but it sounds hollow to my own ears.

Quin frames my face between his big palms and my own fly to meet them, caressing his smooth and warm skin. “I felt like you needed a Daddy when we were together. I could feel your need to be taken care of. So yes, we can talk and if we want the same things, we can do it.”

“Is it too fast?” I mutter, wondering why I’m sabotaging this. What if he says yes and he wants us to wait until we get to know each other better? Wait until I’m less broken.

He shrugs and lowers his hands. I miss their warmth. “I’m not getting any younger. Up until two years ago, I didn’t think I’d live to see my forties. So no, not too fast. Do you want to wait until we can spend more time together?”

I shake my head quickly. “No. I know what I want. We can get to know each other while you’re my Daddy.”

I don’t think I’ll ever get enough of how beautiful Quin’s smile is. It makes him look so gorgeous. “Okay. We can talk when you wake. For now, you need some rest.” He looks at me sternly and I shiver at the command.

“Lie down with me?”

“Okay, baby boy.” Quin undresses down to his undershirt and underwear and slides under the blankets with me. With his big, warm chest to my back, he tucks me in close and wraps a strong arm around my waist and puts the other under my head. He kisses my neck and whispers, “You can rest, baby. I’ll protect you.”

Listening to my Daddy, I close my eyes and sink into sleep.

Before I open my eyes after my nap, I take the time to appreciate how warm I am. We changed positions while we were asleep and now I’m sprawled across Quin’s massive chest and he’s lightly brushing his fingers along my spine. Letting out a contented breath, I wiggle and blink my eyes open slowly.

When I meet his gaze, Quin grins at me and strokes a hand down my cheek. “How did you sleep, boy?”

“Good, Daddy. Did you sleep? How long was I out?”

“Three hours. No, I didn’t sleep. I rarely nap. Once I’m up, I’m up until bedtime.”

I groan and inch further up his body. “Three hours. Shit, I’m sorry. I thought you were going to sleep too. I wouldn’t have asked you to lie down with me if I knew you would be up.”

Under the cheek I put to his chest, I feel the rumble of Quin’s laughter. “It’s okay, Red. You needed sleep. It’s been a while since I had a day off. Listening to you snore was relaxing.”

Face burning, I burrow into his chest. “Oh God. Did I really snore?”

He laughs harder and I grab a pillow and gently hit him with it. He grabs it and tosses it away, then pulls me up until I’m looking at him. “You snore, but it’s cute. Adorable, even.” I roll my eyes and turn my head, but Quin turns it back. “Do not roll your eyes at me, boy.”

A shiver runs over me and I have to duck my head so he won’t see the heat lingering there. “Sorry, Daddy.”
