Page 23 of Trusting Quin

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“Then who?” It clicks almost immediately. “The one with the weird name? Brutal?” I know it’s something like that.

That really makes him laugh. “The fuck? No.” He laughs more and my cheeks heat in embarrassment. “Hey, I’m sorry. I shouldn’t laugh or tease you. It was funny, that’s all.”

I relax into him. “It’s okay, Quin.”

“I mean, you weren’t far off. His name is Savage. You can call him that or Savyon. Whichever you prefer. Abel is a nice man, but he only has eyes for his husband. Has ever since they met.” That makes Quin chuckle more, but he doesn’t share in the details. “Want to meet them?”

Sitting up, I look at him and see that he’s serious. “You want me to meet more of your friends? Like we’re … a couple?”

Quin raises an eyebrow at me and asks, “What did you think we were?”

Shrugging, I bite my bottom lip, wondering how to answer. Of course, I asked him about us being together, but I didn’t think it was more than me being his boy.

Quin sits up against the headboard and brings me with him, where I straddle his lap. Running his hands up and down my back, he asks, “Why would you think we’re not a couple?”

“Because my last Daddy said we weren’t a couple. We just had an arrangement to get what we needed from each other, but that was it. I figured that’s what you wanted, too,” I tell him.

I watch several emotions cross Quin’s face, starting with frustration and ending with a soft expression. “That’s not what I want at all. You and me?”—he gestures between us—“We are a couple. You’re mine and I’m yours. I want you to meet all my friends. I want to meet yours when all this shit is settled and those fuckers are in prison. I want to meet your family. I want us to be together for a long time. As a couple, not just being your Daddy. Is that clear enough for you? I’m willing to say more if it will get you to understand that I want more from this than just an arrangement.”

I nod quickly and grin at him. “It’s clear, Daddy. I won’t question it again.”

“Good. Let me make a call, then we can order dinner and get some sleep.”

After I climb off Quin, he reaches down for his pants and pulls out his phone. He put his back against the headboard once more and I slide down, lying in his lap.

“Hey, boss,” he says into the phone, making me curious. I thought he said he and Michael were the bosses at the security firm. The light laugh he releases has me staring up at him, enjoying how fucking stunning he is. His beautiful dark brown skin, even, white teeth, those soft, juicy lips, and that nose. Jesus, my Daddy is handsome. “I know. I like fucking with you, Savage.” Ah, the other best friend. Abel’s husband. Could he be the mafia boss he worked for before he came to Canada?

“You and Abel free tomorrow night? I have someone I want you two to meet.” Quin looks down at me and winks, making me smile so wide, it’s a wonder my cheeks can contain it. “Six is cool. I’ll make dinner. I'll be down at the cabin.” He pauses. “Yeah, you can crash there. The spare room is empty.” He pauses again, then playfully rolls his eyes, letting out a huff. “Yes, you can bring that little fucker, too.” The laugh he barks lights up his whole face and I can’t look away. “Do not tell Abel I called him that. Yeah, see you tomorrow.”

Quin hangs up and slides down on the bed, pulling me into him. I love that about Quin. He touches me a lot. He’s not ashamed to pull me close to him, hug me, rub my back. I love that he’s so handsy with me. Makes me feel wanted. Maybe even a little loved. “Abel has this dog. An English bulldog. And he’s spoiled rotten. He’ll be joining us for dinner tomorrow too.”

“What about Michael? I’d hate for him to feel left out.”

Kissing the top of my head, Quin says, “That’s sweet of you, boy. Michael is on a job tomorrow. He won’t be in town for a few more days.”

“I’m sorry. About the whole jealousy thing. I’m not usually like that. I just … I don’t know. I’m not sure why I felt like that.” I honestly don’t. I’m not a jealous person. If I feel like that, it’s because someone gave me a reason. But Quin hasn’t. So what is it? Do I feel possessive of him because of how he treats me? Probably. Hell, that’s what it is.

He tips my head up and smiles at me. “It’s okay, baby. Even though there’s nothing for you to be jealous of, I appreciate you telling me so I can put your mind at ease. Never be afraid to tell me anything about your feelings. It’s my job to take care of you and that includes your emotions.”

“Yes, Daddy.”

We lay there in silence for a while until my growling stomach interrupts our peace. Laughing, Quin moves from under me and calls room service, ordering dinner so we can eat and go to sleep. While this hotel is nice, I ready to go back home with Quin. Where I belong.

I’m a nervous mess the next evening. Quin asked me to help him with dinner and I’m glad. I don’t know what to do with all this nervous energy. The meeting with Michael went well, so I shouldn’t stress, but I can’t help it. I’ve never met anyone’s friends or family. And since they all fled the States together, thisishis family. I don’t want them to think I’m not good enough for Quin.

Their acceptance is important. It would be easier to be in a relationship with him if his family likes me, right? Fuck, I don’t know how any of this goes. I’m out of my depth here and Quin sees it.

I fuss over what to put on and think I pulled out all the new sweaters and shirts Quin bought me, as well as laying out jeans and joggers. Quin saw my distress and stepped around me, picking up a thin blue sweater and dark jeans. After that, he turns me to the bathroom and spanks my ass, telling me without words to shower and get dressed. Thank God he was here because I had no idea what to put on and was getting a headache trying to figure it out. When I’m showered and dressed, I exit the room, seeing Quin is dressed similarly except his sweater is black.

After he finishes stirring the food, he walks over to me and kisses me until my mind clears and I calm down. “Feeling okay?” he asks, nipping my bottom lip.

“I am now. Thank you.”

He leads me to the couch and we have a seat. “Don’t worry. They’ll love you. What are you afraid of?”

Remembering what Quin said yesterday about him taking care of my feelings and emotions, I tell him how I feel. “I’m afraid they won’t think I’m good enough for you. Because of how we met. What if they just look at me as a hooker? Then you’ll have to choose. I would hate for you to choose me over your family and I would hate it if youdidn’tchoose me.”

Quin kisses the back of my hand and sets me at ease. “No one will look down on you for sex work. I won’t tell them how we met, if that makes you feel better, but it’s nothing to be ashamed of.” It’s not, but that doesn’t mean Abel or Savage won’t make me feel ashamed. I’ll have to take Quin’s word for it that they won’t.
