Page 39 of Love Me Good

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More patrons came over to congratulate him on his set and ask when the next performance was. It turned out he had a massive following on his socials and there were even some fans who followed him around the country. Kayleigh just watched him, in his element, speaking to his fans, his aura shining vibrantly. Until two men came over to him, both slightly taller and extremely imposing.

“Benjamin? A word. Now.” The older man said. Kayleigh took him in, his gray hair perfectly styled, his hard jawline, the stubborn jut of his chin and she would recognize those green eyes anywhere. Ben’s father had entered the building.


Chapter 14

Ben’s stomach sank as he turned to face his father. He looked into his eyes, so similar to Ben’s own, only his weren’t bathed in disappointment. Hovering behind his father was Matt, a sheepish expression on his face.

“How did you find me?”

His father snorted in derision. “You weren’t exactly stealthy. You posted online where you were going to be. It wasn’t difficult, Benjamin.” Once again, Ben felt about two feet tall under the stern gaze and condescending words. Yes, he had posted online, but he didn’t think his father would know how to find his account, let alone have the inclination to actually go out of his way to look for it.

“I guess that’s down to you?” Ben spoke to his brother, raising an eyebrow.

“Get changed out of that ridiculous get up, you’re coming home.” There was no room for argument with the tone, that was how his father had ruled him as a child. The fear of disobeying him and the potential consequences were enough to have Ben do whatever his father told him. But he wasn’t a child anymore.

Humiliation crawled across his skin, traveling up his neck to set his cheeks aflame with the knowledge that Kayleigh and her family were witnessing this exchange. Until he felt Kayleigh’s hand slip into his and her heat at his side.

“He’s not going anywhere,” she said, arching an eyebrow at his father, a belligerent expression on her face that he hadn’t seen before. Ben had previously thought that she didn’t need Kayleigh 2.0, she just needed to believe in herself and not accept the way people treated her. Which is exactly what she was doing and he was damn grateful in that moment that she had his back. His father’s bored gaze flicked to Kayleigh, running over her before dismissing her, and that set Ben’s blood aflame.

“Time to end this little temper tantrum, Benjamin. The clinic needs you. You never think things through. You dropped out of med school on a whim, quit your training as a paramedic and moved to some random backwater town without speaking to anyone about it, just because your feelings got hurt? What’s the matter with you? We’re Morgans and this is not how we handle our shit!” His father bellowed, so loud that Ben flinched and so did Matt who was looking suitably apologetic, hiding away behind their father.

A number of people opened their mouths to reply but one was louder than the rest.

“I don’t know where you’re from, pal, but that isn’t the way we speak to our children in ourbackwater town. Now I suggest, unless you’re looking for some kind of trouble, that you turn around and march your fancy ass right outta here.”

Ben was shocked to see it was Kayleigh’s father by his side, folding his arms over his barrel chest. Ben looked around, seeing Maureen and Albert side by side, ready to protect him, along with Kayleigh and Taylor. Even Ruby was cracking her knuckles. Love filled him at the way this town was willing to fight his battle, to support him. He had done nothing but love and support his family and they took the one thing he loved and used it to humiliate him, he didn’t owe them anything.

Pulling confidence from Kayleigh and those around him, he faced his father down.

“Yeah, march your fancy ass outta here, Pops. I’m already home.”

“Dammit Benjamin, there’s that smart mouth of yours. You’re making a big mistake staying here.”

“That smart mouth of his is my favorite thing about him and he clearly didn’t get it from you, now get outta my bar and take your sad sidekick with you,” Taylor nodded towards Matt who had the gall to look affronted.

“Yeah, get out of our bar,” Kayleigh added, and Ben squeezed her hand tight. Seeing the locals rallying around his son, his father shook his head before spinning on his designer booted heel and leaving, with Matt towing along behind him.

Ben tried to feel an ounce of guilt or remorse, but his father hadn’t come here to apologize and give his blessing or have some big family reunion. He had come here torescueBen, to bring him home, like he’d been having a break and was ready to rejoin the legacy his father had built. The only guilt that pricked at Ben was seeing Matt kowtow, but Matt had made his bed. Ben knew he was the only reason his father had found him, he never would have looked at social media on his own.

With the drama over, Maureen, clearly loving the display that Albert put on, tugged him over to a dark corner of the bar and Kayleigh spun away immediately. “Ew.”

Ben laughed and pulled her into a hug and brushed his lips softly over hers. “Thank you, a thousand times, thank you.”

She sank into his embrace and ran her tongue over his lips, the wet sensation sending his pulse skyrocketing. She broke the kiss, far sooner than he had intended and he dove right back down to continue but her hand against his mouth stopped him.

“Come with me,” she murmured and took his arm, pulling him towards the back door of the bar once again. He followed her blindly, desperate to be alone with her. He felt raw, cut open and vulnerability was pouring out but he only wanted her. As soon as the cool air hit them, he was pressing her against the wall, attacking her mouth with his, his hot wet tongue invading until she was squirming against him, pulling at his jumpsuit with desperate hands.

“Fuck me, please?” she moaned, and damn if he didn’t die and go to heaven right there.

“Say please again,” he growled.

Her eyes dragged to his, glittering like the depths of the ocean. “Please,” she breathed, and his eyes fluttered closed, his cock pulsing beneath the satin, desperate to finally be inside her. He pulled back, tugging at his costume, annoyed at the lack of flexibility.

She giggled as he struggled. “Do you think Elvis had this problem?”

“Kay, there are times when I’m really happy to talk about Elvis, but this isn’t one of them. Sonofa-” he shouted, finally getting himself free. He tugged it down, so it pooled around his waist and she reached out, stroking her fingers over his chest, tugging at the short hair there. He knew he wasn’t as buff as some guys but the way she looked at him made him feel like a God.
