Page 13 of Breaking the Habit

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“But you can’t get him out of your head?” Sinéad ventured, a smile of her own curving her lips.

“That’s insane, right? I’m losing my goddamn mind, right?”

“Listen,” Sinéad started with a grin. “I can’t say anything considering the fact that even after my first interaction with Jameson, I couldn’t get the idiot out of my head. And Rhys is very, very pretty to look at, if you like that sort of thing. But Shay...”

Her friend trailed off, glancing over her shoulder to make sure they were still alone before she continued. “I won’t interfere. If you want to explore your attraction to Rhys, go for it. Let me just say this as someone who fell for a man who was emotionally shattered. Be careful with your heart because Rhys could break it without meaning to. It’s not easy being with someone who has emotional baggage.”

Shay was about to respond that she wasn’t sure her and Rhys could be viewed in the same light as Sinéad and Jameson, when Cathal strode back in and told them that Luna said they needed to make a fucking decision and be done with it.

Sinéad looked around the building, then shrugged. “You guys are the best artists I know. You should all take a wall and design something arty for it. Show off your skills and decorate the walls. No boring beige required.”

Cathal stared at Sinéad like he couldn’t believe what she was saying and then he smacked himself quite hard on the forehead. “We are fucking idiots and Sinéad is a genius. That makes totally bloody sense.”

With that settled, Cathal texted Darren and Isaac to get working on something for their wall, Shay already starting to come up with ideas for her wall, Cathal giving her a look when she asked if she could be involved, but since she wasn’t exactly a tattoo artist, she wanted to be certain.

“So, what are you planning on doing?” Sinéad asked her, but Shay just stared at the blank wall and itched to paint something in the richest amber she could find.



“Letme get you another plate, Rhys.”

His mam had been trying to overfeed him all afternoon, and Rhys felt as if he was about to burst out of his jeans if his mam forced him to eat one more bite. When he had called yesterday to ask if it was okay if he called over, his mam had been so happy she’d gone out and bought all of his favourite foods.

His parents had always been free spirits, having met at a festival way back when, and they had raised their kids to be who they wanted to be. They were never strict, really, just let them make their own mistakes and helped them to accept the consequences.

But even Rhys could see that his latest actions had taken a toll on them, his dad’s hair a little greyer and his mam, well, she just looked so tired. And even though Rhys was stuffed to the gills, he smiled and replied. “I’m grand, Ma. But I’ll take any leftovers. I’ll have food for days.”

That had appeased his mam a little and she busied herself in getting the mountain of food together for him. His dad came out of the kitchen and handed him a beer, surprise in his eyes when Rhys declined and rose to put the alcohol back in the fridge, taking out a bottle of Coke instead.

Despite the fact that he had been dreading facing them, the afternoon had been pleasant enough and while his mam sorted dinner, Rhys had sat with his dad and watch the hurling, something he hadn’t done in the longest time, not since music took over his life.

Rhys had been surprised when Andi hadn’t turned up to dinner, knowing his sister tried to have Sunday dinner with their parents as much as possible when she was home. It made him wonder if Andi had stayed away on purpose, to give Rhys time alone with his parents.

Or maybe they were all just trying to keep him and Declan as far apart as possible.

Rhys got up from the table and went into the kitchen, filing the sink with warm water to wash the ware. His mam glanced at him, telling him she would do it, but Rhys was already shaking his head.

“Nah, let me do it. Least I can do, ma, when you cooked. Besides, I need to work off the food or the fans will be disappointed when I take off my shirt on stage.”

His ma narrowed her gaze. “You know you’re handsome, Rhys. And it’s good to see you looking healthy. Helps me sleep better at night.”

Rhys tossed the tea towel over his shoulder and opened his arms, letting his mam wrap her arms around his waist and she embraced him so tightly, it was as if she was afraid to let him go. He didn’t want his parents to worry about him, not in the slightest, and he knew that they only knew a sliver of the stupid shit he’d done over the last few months. He understood he had been a terrible son, and a pretty deplorable human being recently.

“Andi said that you two were going for lunch or something next week? That will be nice.” His mam broached, peering at him to gauge his reaction.

Rhys started to wash the ware, making sure to roll up the sleeves of his zippy first. He kept looking at the suds in the sink. “Ya, we are. It will be good to spend some time with her, just me and her.”

“You two were always thick as thieves. We were very lucky, your dad and me, our two children never once fought, and even if you disagreed, a cup of tea always sorted it. And music. I know Andi has missed you lately.”

Rhys stopped what he was doing, resting his hands on the edge of the sink as he dropped his head and sighed. “I know, mam, I know. I know it’s all my fault and I’ve ben hurting her, hurting you guys. But I’m trying. I’m really fucking trying.”

Jesus, he sounded pathetic, didn’t he?

Shaking his head when his mam tried to soothe him, Rhys finished washing up, dried, and put the ware away. His head started to pound, tension flooding his veins as he said goodbye to his dad, then thanked his mam for dinner, promising to come back again.

“Though not every week, ma. I’d end up fat and lazy.”
