Page 22 of Breaking the Habit

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“What?” she asked before taking a sip of her coffee and quirking an eyebrow. “Have I got something on my face or what? You’re staring at me.”

Cathal was quiet for a few minutes, his brow furrowed in the way it did when her friend was thinking too much. He released a sigh, set his coffee down, and folded his arms across his chest. “So, you and Rhys?”

“Me and Rhys what?”

Shay knew where Cathal was going with the conversation because Shay had also been all up in Cathal’s business when he had started showing an interest in Luna. But Shay didn’t know how to define what was going on with her and Rhys just yet, so she had nothing much to share.

“He stayed over the other night.”

Rolling her eyes as she shook her head. “Jesus, Cathal, I didn’t know I needed permission to have someone stay over at my house. He needed help so I helped him.”

“Making sure Rhys is okay is not your responsibility.”

Shay blinked in surprise at the sharpness in Cathal’s tone. “Really? This coming from the guy who literally chased off a knife welding mugger and started to date the rockstar he rescued? I’m surprised at you Cathal.”

A muscle in Cathal’s jaw ticked and Shay knew she had hit a sore spot. “Why the sudden interest, Cathal? Luna wants to know what’s going on with Rhys?”

“Can I not just be worried about you? Is that a crime now?”

Shay had no idea why the hell Cathal was getting so defensive when he had brought it up!

“Of course, you can be worried about me, Cathal. But I’m just a little confused why my friendship with Rhys had gotten your knickers in a twist.”

“And that’s all ye are, friends?” Cathal continued to push and Shay was just about done with his attitude for today.

“For fuck sake, Cathal. If you wanna know if I’m fucking him, then just come out and ask me and cut the bullshit. And to answer your question, no, we are not sleeping together. Considering you and me have been friends for years and never once even considered getting naked, I would have thought you of all people would not be such a hypocrite.”

Cathal’s face pinched into frown. “Jesus, Shay, I’m trying to protect you. Rhys is going through some stuff and I know you always had a thing for him before you knew him. I just want to make sure you are looking at this with a clear head and not as someone with-”

“With what, Cathal?” Shay interrupted, setting her own mug down before she threw it at the idiot’s head. “Like a fangirl who hops into bed with the rockstar because he is one. You think that little of me?”

Throwing his hands up in the air, Cathal huffed. “Why the hell are we fighting over this? I just wanted to make sure you were okay and you’re making a big deal about me just checking in. I don’t want you to get hurt, Shay.”

“Well, you can stop worrying because we are just friends. I’m an outsider who he can talk to without the need to take sides. And I think if it bugs you so much, then maybe we shouldn’t talk about it. Maybe we should put that area of discussion off the table.”

Running his hand through his hair, Cathal was still frowning as he regarded Shay. “I don’t know how this turned into us having and argument and I want you to talk to me, Shay. We don’t not talk to each other. No matter what, we have each others backs. I’m just trying to look out for you.”

Shay felt her heart squeeze, but she felt like there was something else lurking with Cathal’s questioning. “Do you think I’m not good enough for him? Are you the only one who can date or be friends with rockstars?”

Cathal had the good sense to look horrified by her questions. “Fuck no, Shay. I don’t think Rhys is good enough for you. From what I know, he’s rash, and impulsive, and has a major chip on his shoulder. You normally hate guys like that.”

“Maybe you have him all wrong,” Shay replied with a shrug. “Maybe the cockiness is a front for an insecurity. Maybe the attitude is a front. Your girlfriend was known as a maneater and a party animal and you still wanted to see beyond all that. Don’t get judgy.”

Tilting his head to the side, Cathal said. “Okay, I get the point. But I really do just want to make sure you don’t get hurt, Shay. Rhys hasn’t been making good choices lately and I don’t want you to get dragged into all that. And I really do think that Rhys is punching above his weight if he is trying to pursue you.”

The last sentence was said with a little smile, with Cathal trying to alleviate the tension between them, the two of them working in silence until Darren came in, took one look at the two of them and raised a brow at Cathal, who just shrugged and continued with what they were doing.

Shay understood that Cathal was just looking out of her, like she would do for him. She felt like she needed to make sure that he knew that. Even when they’d had a disagreement with each other before, it had never left her with such a bitter taste in her mouth. Darren kept looking from Cathal to her, then back again, and he almost opened his mouth to say something when Isaac and MJ arrived.

MJ came over to give Shay a hug, and Shay indulged in an extra big hug. Dressed in a brand new Heartache Melody logo tee, a pink and black tartan skirt with black tights and brand new converse high tops, the little girl grinned when Shay asked her if Luna had bought her the outfit.

“She got me the t-shirt,” MJ explained, and like it was nothing unusual continued, “But Oli sent me the shoes and clothes. He’s my friend.”

Shay got to her feet and looked at the little girl’s dad, the bemused expression on Isaac’s face as he just shrugged. “Hell if I know what’s going on. Rockstars dating my boss, rockstars and F1 drivers buying MJ stuff. The world’s gone fucking mental, Shay. At least I can trust you to have the good sense to stay away from rockstars and famous people.”

Shay rolled her eyes, ignoring the look she got from Cathal as she went about her day, and although they didn’t speak about it for the rest of the day, Shay expected this wasn’t the last she would her about it from Cathal.

