Page 34 of Breaking the Habit

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Lifting his head to where his best friend stood in the doorway leading to the rehearsal space, from the look on Declan’s face, he had witnessed the exchange with Andi, but his lips were pressed into a firm line and apart from almost growling Rhys’ name, Declan didn’t say anymore.

Andi glanced from Rhys to Declan and back again and Rhys could see her tense as Declan strode toward them, standing beside Andi, his eyes fixed on Rhys.

“I told Rhys you were working on something so he agreed to come back another time and we can all eat together,” Andi said as she slipped her fingers into Declan’s and then stole a glance at Rhys to see if he would react, and she sighed when Rhys barely spared their intertwined fingers a second glance.

“I heard,” Declan answered, bending to kiss Andi on the cheek. “Gimmie a few minutes with Rhys and then we can eat. Why don’t you order some Chinese from that place you like? You haven’t eaten all day.”

Andi hesitated, not bothering to look at Declan, just held Rhys’ gaze so Rhys grinned, winking. “Go and order food, Andi. We just have some stuff to talk about before we all eat. I promise to behave.”

That seemed to mollify Andi, as she squeezed Declan’s hand and walked by Rhys, resting a hand on his arm before she left him alone with Declan. They waited until they heard the door close, locking them inside and nerves started to make his stomach feel queasy.

“So, you’re staying?”

“Ya, I am,” Rhys said, then he ran a hand through his hair. “Listen, before you say anything else. Let me get some stuff off my chest first before I lose my nerve and fuck it all up.”

Declan didn’t say anything in response, just inclined his head and Rhys felt the words tumble from his lips in a rush.

“I’m sorry. I’m sorry for being a dickhead to you because I was scared of losing our friendship. I’m sorry for pushing and prodding because I was afraid of losing my sister. I made some shitty choices and really bad decisions, hurting myself because I felt like I deserved it. But I think I understand now, what you and Andi have. I don’t think I did before and I was confused. Things will change between us, because of you and Andi, but I hope that once you realize I’m not going to be a fuck up anymore, we can start to work toward being friends again.”

Declan stared at him for the longest time before he spoke. “I’m sorry I let it get this far. I didn’t see what the issue was until you laid it out for me. I just thought you were being a pain for the sake of it and I was confused too. But you are my best friend Rhys. You are like a brother to me and nothing, nothing you do will ever change that. I was too wrapped up in trying to make sure I didn’t fuck things up with Andi, that I fucked them up with you instead.”

Rhys shifted his weight from one side to the other. “You think we can start with a clean slate? I’ll try and be less dickish.”

A rumble of laughter came from Declan. “Man, I’ve missed you.”

Warmth spread through Rhys’ chest as he held out his hand, surprised when Declan pulled him in for a hug. “I missed you too, Dec. I missed you too.”

They separated, and Rhys was shocked to see a sheen of wetness in Declan’s eyes.

“The new song sounded good,” Rhys told him as he cleared his throat.

“Saving it for album two. I thought we could work on it together before bringing the others on. And I want you to sing on it with me.”

Rhys grinned as he realized that no matter if they weren’t talking, Declan had been working on a song that included him, that he wanted him to be a bigger part of and Rhys was thankful that he had decided to stay.

“We can do that. Now, before she comes back to see if we’ve killed each other, tell me how you plan to propose to my sister.”

Declan blinked, obviously surprised that Rhys would bring it up, a look of relief flashing over his features before he grinned and Rhys knew that everything would be all right in the end.



Rhys hadn’ttime over the next two weeks to go in search of Shay and any texts he’d sent her had gone unanswered. He wanted her to know that he had decided to stay because of what she had said, but he wanted to do it face-to-face, and not with a text.

Declan had been planning his proposal with Rhys’ help, taking up most of his time. He had a couple of weeks before his lease was up, and had arranged some viewings, so that was a start. It was only when he had sat down with Declan yesterday and his friend had remarked on how he couldn’t believe it had already been three months since he left the retreat that Rhys had been aware of it.

And while Rhys was thrilled he had managed to see it through with only the one almost slip-up, he was a little conflicted that the crutch of his three-month sobriety was over, and now, it was all up to Rhys to make the decisions on whether he wanted to drink and have sex...and he really wanted to have sex with Shay.

It didn’t slip Rhys’ mind that they hadn’t even kissed yet and it seemed like the most torturous foreplay that Rhys had experienced in his life, and it just made him hungry for more. The thought of getting Shay naked had been at the forefront of his mind since Declan had reminded him that his ninety days were over.

He hadn’t been able to settle this evening, pacing the length and breadth of his bedsit, erotic images playing over and over in his mind, and his cock was so hard that it hurt. After tossing and turning in his sleep, Rhys had decided to give in to the madness and drive to Shay’s new apartment over the tattoo shop.

All the lights were out as he jogged up the stone steps leading to the side door, as Rhys knocked hard a couple of times, then leaned against the railing as he waited to see if the knocks would rouse Shay from sleep. A light flicked on inside, and Rhys’ pulse began to race as the door opened slowly, a very sexy and half-asleep Shay rubbing her eyes.

“Rhys? Is everything okay?”

Shay always had a deeper almost husky tone, but Rhys noted just how devilishly sexy she sounded half asleep. Rhys roamed his eyes over Shay, dressed in nothing more than a tiny pair of shorts and a string top, her tattooed skin on display. Her hair hung loose around her shoulders and Rhys wanted to fist his hand in her hair and drag her in for a kiss that would be his ending.
