Page 37 of Breaking the Habit

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The next coupleof days flew by in a whirlwind and Rhys had never felt so content in his life. He had his band, his music, his friends, and a gorgeous woman to call his. They hadn’t discussed labels or anything, or when they would go public with the fact that they were together, but Rhys wasn’t going to hide him and Shay from the rest of the gang; he just needed the right time for everyone to find out.

Tonight was the night that Declan was planning on proposing to Andi, and it was Rhys's job to make sure Andi got to where she needed to be. Rhys had taken her out for dinner, keeping it casual because Declan didn’t want his proposal to be for the public, he wanted to make it all about him and Andi, and Rhys was the only person besides his parents that knew it was happening.

Declan had called Rhys maybe a million times to make sure that Rhys knew what he was supposed to do. Rhys told Declan not to stress and that everything would be grand. He had wondered why Declan had asked him to be the one to keep Andi out tonight, but then it dawned on him that if Declan had simply proposed, then she might say no out of fear that it would disrupt the tentative peace between him and Rhys.

It had been tough trying to go back to before, the snark and the angst on the tip of his tongue. But Rhys managed to remind himself that Declan and he had cleared the air and were working on getting their friendship back on track. Declan had invited him over a few times to work on band stuff, asking Rhys to help him with new songs for the second album and trying to convince Rhys that he should sing on the last song they had to record for their debut.

Rhys had told Declan he would think about it, and they had left it at that...until they were due back in the studio to finish the album. And then the release of the album meant a tour and a different city, maybe a different country every other day.

“I’m glad you and Dec seem to be getting along better,” Andi said, interrupting his thoughts as she linked her arm through his as they walked back to her and Declan’s apartment. There was an air of trepidation in her words like she was trying to suss Rhys out to see if the progress Andi had seen was a true reflection of how things were going.

Rhys ran his free hand through his hair. “Ya, we are. It’s going to be okay, Andi. You can stop stressing now. I’m sorry that I caused you so much pain because I was confused and self-destructive.”

Andi leaned against him, letting loose a sigh before she replied. “And I’m sorry if I caused you pain too, Rhys. Declan hasn’t told me all of what ye spoke of. He said that sometimes, there are things he can’t tell me, not because he’s keeping stuff from me, but because he has to honour your friendship. So, I told him the same and we agreed we would keep things to ourselves unless it would hurt any of us...the three of us that is. I hope that’s okay.”

Rhys was surprised to hear that Declan hadn’t told Andi everything, and he must have kept the darker side of their conversations to himself because Andi hadn’t asked him about Rhys and his confusion about his feelings for Declan. Maybe just maybe, everything would be grand in the end.

They came to a stop outside the studio as Andi reached for her keys, her gaze narrowing in surprise when Rhys pulled her toward the building next door. Rhys grinned, putting a finger to his lips when Andi frowned.

“Close your eyes, Andi.”

“What the hell is going on, Rhys?” Andi demanded and Rhys reached out and placed his hands on his sister’s shoulders.

“Do you trust me?” He asked, his smile widening as Andi rolled her eyes as if to say well duh, then lowered her lashes. She let Rhys steer her inside the door of the building next door, manoeuvring her in the darkness.

“No peaking now. keep your eyes closed until I tell ya.”

“You’re not planning on killing me, are you? This definitely has murder room vibes, Rhys.”

Rhys chuckled, giving Andi’s arm a little squeeze as he opened the door where he knew Declan was waiting and gently nudged Andi inside before he said. “I love you, Andi. Open your eyes.”

Before Andi could respond to him, Rhys backed out of the room, leaving the door slightly ajar so he could film the proposal for Andi and Declan to have. He watched as Declan came forward to Andi, wading through roses that were spewed on the floor and candles that were lit all around the room.

“Declan? What’s all this? Oh my god, did you and Rhys break into the building next door and do this?” Andi looked around. “Where did Rhys go?”

Declan smiled, but Rhys could see the nerves on his friend’s face. Andi was so distracted by the prospect of them having broken into the budling that she failed to notice Declan fidgeting with something in his pocket. Rhys had never seen Declan look so frazzled.

“We didn’t break in Andi.” Declan said as he reached out and took Andi’s hand in his. “This is a present to you, well you and Charlie, from me and Noah. We pitched together and bought the rest of the buildings on this side of the lot. This here, is the new home of Rebel PR, and the building next door to this, will be the gym me and Noah plan on opening that caters to athletes.”

Rhys watched as Andi’s eyes widened, her lips parting. “How did you manage to keep this from me? From Charlie.”

Declan shrugged, a smile curving his lips. “Once me and Noah decided we wanted to make sure you and Charlie were nearby, and the buildings went up for sale, we knew we had to get Charlie onboard and she agreed it was perfect. There’s even space over the gym for a loft apartment that we hoped Rhys would move into. If he wants to.”

Rhys blinked in surprise, nearly dropping his phone in shock that Declan had factored him into things as Andi flung her arms around Declan’s neck. “I can’t believe you’ve done this. I’m gonna kill Charlie for keeping it a secret.”

Andi detangled herself from Declan and looked around, starting to point out where they could put offices, where the reception area could be, where would make the perfect conference room, and so on. His sister was so engrossed in her planning that she was oblivious to Declan taking the box out of his pocket and getting down on one knee.


Andi was so excited that it took Declan two more tries of saying her name before she turned round and stopped dead. Her eyes widened, her hand going to her mouth as Declan swallowed hard.

“Andrea Anastasia Josephine Collins, I fell in love with you the first moment that I managed to make you laugh, when you argued with me about music and I never stopped, even when our stubbornness kept us apart. The moment we finally kissed, I knew that there would never be another woman for me. You are my muse and my heart. I know we haven’t been a couple for that long, but we spent so much time apart and I never want not to be yours. Andi, I love you...will you marry me?”

Declan remained on the floor, holding up the diamond ring to Andi, who looked at the ring like she was utterly terrified, and Rhys’ stomach sank for a moment, wondering if Andi was so scared of commitment that she might just do a runner.
