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I happy-cried over everything in the weeks following giving birth.

“You just said the sexiest thing I have ever heard,” I told him.

“That I did laundry?” he asked, brows pinching.

“Stop it. You’re getting me all hot and bothered,” I teased. Even as I said it, though, I realized it was true.

It had been a long, long time.

I was a blissfully happy pregnant lady, still wanting the loving attention of my husband. Up until that six and a half month mark when I felt like an overly inflated balloon and my lower back hurt and my feet were fat and someone was constantly squishing my bladder or kicking vital organs.

I swear if Nino so much as grazed a finger across me in bed from that point until a few weeks post-delivery, I kind of… lost it.

The poor guy.

But we were three months out from delivery.

And my body had finally decided it was ready to feel the hands of my husband again.

Nino’s eyes must have taken in the heat in mine, because his amused smile went to a sexy one.

It was right then that the screen door snapped closed, and a little black-haired, green-eyed kid was coming in.

“Guess what?”

“What?” I asked.

“Gramma is taking us for a walk!”

“That’s great!” I declared, maybe a little too eager to get rid of my kids. But, well, sometimes Mommy and Daddy needed some adult alone time.

“To the park!”

“Even better,” I said.

There was a small park at the end of our street. It was practically a second home to us.

“Then Nana is making us paghetti.”

“Ssspaghetti,” I corrected. “That sounds awesome.”

“Giulia is meeting us at the park,” my mom said, standing in the doorway.

Nino and I swore that my mom simply had a sixth sense for when we wanted to have sex. Because she always managed to find a way to take the kids for a few hours.

“Oh, great. Do you want me to get the—“ I started.

“Nope,” she said, shaking her head. “The other kids are getting the carriage. And then we are off. Giulia is bringing snacks and drinks. It’s all settled.”

Then they were off.

And we were alone.

Nino moved across the kitchen, pulling me against him.

Then he took me upstairs.

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