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“So that’s… okay,” she said, gears spinning. “It makes a lot more sense now,” she decided.

“What does?”

“Why you have felt so guilty from the beginning,” she said. “Why your family has been dropping off meals and coming to the restaurant. Why your brother had a gun.”

“It’s a lot, I know,” I agreed. “I get that you’re going to need to process this. And it’s… fine if you decide in the end that you hate me, but…”

“It’s fine?” she interrupted.


“That’s fine?” she asked.

“Sorry… uhm… it’s fine if I hate you?” she asked, slow blinking at me. “I thought… I thought that things were moving in a, ah, different direction.”

Fuck, she was making this hard.

“They were. But I understand if you are changing your mind now that I almost got you shot a second time.”

“I don’t think it really works that way,” I said.

“What doesn’t?”

“How I feel,” she said, shaking her head at me. “I don’t think it’s conditional like that. I mean, yeah, this is a lot to process,” she admitted, not letting me off the hook entirely. “And I’m not saying there won’t be some… complicated feelings. But I don’t hate you. I don’t think Icanhate you. Besides, I mean, it’s not like you purposely tried to get me shot. Or almost shot.”

“No,” I agreed. “And we are doing everything in our power to figure this out. Which brings me to the next part of this conversation,” I started. At that, she lifted the scotch and took another swig, this time barely even grimacing, getting used to the burn. “Smart,” I said, giving her a small smile.

“Okay. Give it to me.”

“We need to leave. Tonight.”

“Where are we going?”

“Somewhere safe,” I told her since, well, I didn’t even know where we were going. Not yet. We had a few different places where we stuck someone when shit was going down. Everywhere from cabins in the woods to penthouse hotel rooms with only one private elevator access that only worked with a key that Luca had.

“For how long?”

“I wish I could tell you that. I do know that everyone is on this, twenty-four/seven now. This is the only priority. It shouldn’t be too long.”

“Okay,” she agreed. “Wait… why me?”

“Because now you’re connected with me. I can’t take the chance that these fucks don’t know that, and won’t use you against me.”

“Oh, right. So, uhm, just like the movies,” she declared.

“Something like that, yeah.”

“Okay. Uhm. Well, can I get dressed? Are my clothes… intact?” she asked.

“Yeah, you can get dressed. Even if I would prefer you like this.”

“Draped in a sheet in a bathtub?”

“As close to naked as possible and within reach,” I clarified.

“Oh, well, yeah, that…”

There was a knock at the door then that had Savannah gasping and jerking upright.
