Page 72 of Sweet & Spicy

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And I was enjoying myself, I had to admit. Everyone in the place was alight with joy and the prospects of the approaching new year. I was too, the idea of a fresh start stretched out before me with an array of endless possibilities.

So many of the pillars in my life were falling into place. My family—coming to terms with my father being the biggest leap. My friends—Lyla and Brad had become the best friends I’d ever had outside of Jim. My health—my liver was healing, just like my mind, my soul. I was still very much a work in progress, but progress was being made.

There was just one thing not aligning like I wanted, and that was my heart.

I missed Jim.

I missed working with him and laughing with him. Missed the way he made me feel, missed doing everything I could just to hear his laugh.

But he hadn’t called, so I hadn’t either.

Because where could we go from here? Had I come to terms with my father? Sure. But that didn’t change the past and it certainly didn’t change the present. Too much damage had been done, and even though I knew it was a pity party, I couldn’t help but think I was more trouble than I was worth.

“Happy New Year,” Brad said over the roaring of the chatty crowd as he made his way over to where I lingered by the front counter. I was taking a quick break since all my tables were okay for the moment.

“Happy New Year,” I said.

“How are you feeling?”

“Great, actually,” I said. “I thought I wouldn’t bounce back as quickly but it’s amazing what the body can do when it isn’t in a constant state of hungover.”

Brad laughed, shaking his head. “Humor,” he said. “That’s a good sign.”

“I try.” I glanced around. “If you’re looking for a table, you’re out of luck.”

“I’m good,” he said. “I’m actually heading to Luna’s for an after-midnight party. It’s kind of our tradition, but I just wanted to pop in and check on you first.”

“Don’t lie,” I chided him. “You’re here for those.” I eyed the samples on the counter, and he shrugged, popping one into his mouth.

“Can’t it be both?” he grinned at me, and I laughed, reaching up to swipe a stray piece of cake off his immaculate suit.

“Lunch next week?” I asked, and he nodded, giving me a quick hug.

I released him, and he headed toward the door…

Where a very jealous looking Jim stood, an even grumpier looking Ridge behind him.

Brad raised his brows at me, a silent gesture if I needed him to stay, but I waved him off. He smiled and headed out the door, Ridge barely budging an inch to let him by.

“Is he your date for New Year’s Eve?” Jim asked once he made his way through the crowd.

“Why?” I asked, heart racing at the sight of him. Sweat heavens, he looked downright sinful in a pair of black athletic pants and a gray T-shirt. “Would that bother you?”

He stepped so close to me I could feel the heat coming off his body. “It would, seeing as you’re still mine.”

Warm shivers danced down my spine at his words, at the look in his eyes. “Am I?”

“You always have been,” he said. “I’ve loved you since we were sixteen. I love you now. And I’ll love you when we’re sixty, too.”

My heart climbed up my throat.

“I don’t care if I have to fight every single day to remind you how amazing you are, how fantastic and funny you are. I don’t care if I have to fight for my place at your side. I’ll do it. Because you’re worth fighting for, Anne. You’re worth everything. And on the days you don’t think you are, I’ll just love you that much harder.”

Happy tears rolled down my cheeks, and he swiped them away, reaching in his pocket and pulling out a small box, opening it between us.

“What do you say?” he asked as I stared at the gorgeous ring inside the box. “Want to take it one day at a time with me forever?”

My heart leaped, the answer crystal clear.
