Page 74 of Sweet & Spicy

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Sweet heavens, myfiancé.

I was going to marry the love of my life.

And no one on this earth could stop me.



One month later

“Are you sure you don’t want to at least tell Mom?” Sephie asked me as we looked through the dress racks at Luna’s Boutique.

“I’m sure,” I said, smiling at my sister. She’d carved out time just for me to dress shop, and it was truly wonderful how natural it felt. We were sisters again, with nothing between us but love, and it made a world of difference. “We’ll tell everyone else once we’ve been married for a while.”

“I’m glad you told me,” Sephie said, grinning at me as she held up a dress and I shook my head. She placed it back on the rack. “Eloping. How romantic.”

“Yes,” I said, practically swooning. Life with Jim was already so amazing it already felt like we were married. “While your wedding was breathtaking,” I continued. “We don’t need anything big. We just want it to be the two of us. Maybe a few years down the road we’ll have a party or something but for now, this will be perfect.”

“I’m with you,” she said. “I loved my big wedding, but there is something to be said for fast, secretive weddings in Vegas.”

I laughed, heading to look at another rack. “I mean it worked out for you, right?”

“That it did,” she said, holding up another dress, this one a simple black that would match my ring. I certainly wasn’t going to wear white, not when I’d worn white to all the others.

This would be the last wedding, the one that mattered.

“Oh!” I said. “That’s definitely the one!”

“Yay!” Sephie squealed as we did a happy dance.

“Pray it fits!” I said, crossing my fingers as I hurried to try it on.

It fit like it was made for me, and I came out to show Sephie, who was talking with Luna when I came out of the dressing room.

“Wow,” they both said at the same time, making me smile even more.

“You look gorgeous,” Sephie said.

“It’s like I made it for you,” Luna offered, and I smoothed my hands over the dress.

“You’re seriously so talented,” I said.

“You two are some of my best customers,” Luna said as I headed back into the dressing room and changed out of the dress. “I never knew weddings could be my thing!”

I laughed as I came out, fully dressed in my own clothes. “Well, I’ll definitely be buying this one.”

She took the dress from me with a smile. “I’ll get a garment bag and meet you at the register.”

Sephie and I browsed a bit more while Luna headed to the counter, her door chiming with another customer.

“Brad!” I was shocked to see him here and from the look on his face he was as equally surprised to see me.

“What are you doing here?” he asked, giving me a quick hug and following me and my sister to the counter.

“Can you keep a secret?” I asked.

“You know I can,” he said.
