Page 11 of A Knotty Deal

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I knew he could feel the way I was trembling in his grip, just as he knew I didn’t need to ask why the men would be bidding on me. There was only one thing an alpha would be willing to pay for from an omega, but was it something I was willing to give? As badly as we needed the money, could I live with myself if I did what Leo was suggesting? It wasn’t quite the same as what his father had said, but only because it would be one instead of many, from a stage instead of a street corner.

Could I live with myself if something happened to my brother if I refused?

“It’s illegal,” I gasped, trying to buy myself time as I wrestled with my warring thoughts.

Leo’s chuckle was pure sin, tempting me further from what I knew wasright.

“It’s a bit… illicit,” he agreed. “The men are paying for your time and company. What happens during that time is inconsequential. It’s between you and whoever wins the bid to have you for the night.”

He wasn’t helping my struggle, my mind fighting with my body over what was more important to focus on. But there was one thing both parts had in common, that my brain insisted was important to state.

“I’m a virgin.”

The words blurted from my mouth before I could stop them, fresh heat rising to my cheeks in the silence that followed. I couldn’t say if I was hoping my status would make Leo rescind his offer since I wasn’t experienced, but the subtle tightening of his fingers and the low growl that came behind me told me he had a different reaction to the news.

Before I knew what he was doing, he’d spun me around and was crushing me to his chest. One arm cinched around my lower back, the other hand buried in my hair, he pulled my head back as he stared down at my parted lips.

“That makes you even more valuable. I can guarantee you’ll have enough to pay what he owes, and maybe even enough to pay some of your other debts.”

His green eyes never left my mouth, the hungry look in them making my core clench, a shameful wetness seeping into my panties at the way he handled me. I couldn’t help my biology. Leo looked like he wanted to devour me, and as he pulled his lower lip between his teeth to bite down on it, I stopped breathing.

Stopped thinking.

I didn’t even question how he knew I had other debts, I simply waited for what came next.

“Saturday night. Ten o’clock. I’ll send a car to your house to pick you up.”

My brain was so lost it took a moment for his words to register, and the only response I could come up with was weak.

“I have to work.”

My voice was far too breathy and unconvincing, but the lust thrumming in my veins was keeping me from focusing.

“Call in sick. For Sunday too, you’ll be out all night and need to rest.”

The warmth of his arms disappeared so fast I almost stumbled when he stepped away from me, a whimper caught in the back of my throat at the loss. His face was a blank mask again, the calculating look in his eye a bucket of cold water to my raging hormones.

I tried to pull myself together, straightening my back as I searched for a strong enough excuse not to do this, but he knew as well as I that I didn’t have one. For every reason to say no, I had two more to say yes, despite the repercussions. If selling my virginity to a stranger would pay off my brother’s debt and possibly leave us with a bit extra to get by, how could I not agree?

Chapter Six


Was I an asshole?


Mentioning her brother was a dick move, but it got me what I wanted. She wasn’t going to refuse now, she was too selfless.

Cadence was more innocent than I’d suspected, too. When she’d said she was a virgin, so much blood rushed to my cock that the world swayed beneath me. I’d barely stopped myself from grinding my erection against her before claiming her cherry right there on the stage. Those big brown eyes staring up at me were so vulnerable, and the urge to taste her pouty lips drove the breath from my lungs until I finally got a handle on my instincts.

I wanted her to get a handle on my cock.

Only the knowledge that if I did what I was thinking, she’d never come back, made me step away. She needed to do this more than I needed to wet my dick, no matter how much it insisted being inside her was the most important thing right now. She needed the money if she didn’t want to end up doing something a lot worse.

I’d told her the truth, that as a virgin she was more valuable. Plenty of the sick fucks I knew would pay top dollar to steal an omega’s innocence, and wouldn’t give a shit about her feelings in the matter. The more she fought them, the more they’d probably enjoy it.

It was a struggle not to snarl at the thought of Cadence in that position. Some of our partners didn’t have the same morals we did, but they were unfortunate necessities. No one could stand on their own against everyone else.
