Page 19 of A Knotty Deal

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One word. That’s all I was given, but it was all my brain needed.

My legs folded, the carpet under my knees surprisingly soft when I landed on it. I kept my head bowed, hoping he wouldn’t be like a few of the others who I’d seen touching the girls they’d purchased for the night in front of everyone. I might be able to accept that I had to let him touch me, but I didn’t want an audience when it happened.

Or an extra participant, as seemed the case with the pair of betas who had one of the girls bent over their lap.

I heard shuffling and movement around me as I settled, so I risked a peek to the side. Some of the men had risen and were making their way through a door in the sidewall that I hadn’t noticed the last time I was in the theatre. Since I was the finale, I assumed they were moving on to whatever came after the auction, or perhaps they were heading home.

The man who’d bought me still reclined in his chair, and so did a few others who were having conversations, or were distracted by the women they’d purchased for the night. A few of the ones leaving stopped to speak with my mystery bidder, but besides a few terse responses, he remained silent.

I lost track of how long I knelt on the floor, head bowed. The stream of people leaving slowed until I glanced around and realized we were the last ones left in the room. I had gotten some of my nerves under control, but finding myself alone with the alpha who hadn’t said more than a single word to me had my stomach clenching again.

A stolen peek showed he had his phone in hand, not paying any attention to me. I wasn’t sure if he was ignoring me for a reason, or if he just wasn’t ready to collect on his purchase yet, but the uncertainty was getting to me. He owned me until tomorrow morning, but with how late it already was, I’d expected whoever bought me to rush to wherever he was going to take me for the night. I was sure that was why the others with women had left quickly, to go get their money’s worth.

Letting out a soft sigh, I adjusted my position on the floor. My knees were beginning to ache, and my shoulders were protesting the prolonged immobility. I was starting to wonder if he’d forgotten about me when I heard footsteps approaching from behind.

“You can go now.”

My head snapped up at the deep voice, spine stiffening as goosebumps crawled across my flesh. The alpha in front of me looked up, one brow arched as he tucked his phone away.

“Took you long enough. Don’t forget, you owe me for this, and I’m going to collect.”

A grunt was the only response.

Strong hands wrapped around my upper arms, lifting me to my feet without waiting for me to stand on my own as the scent of whiskey and coffee curled around me. Eyes still locked on the alpha who had walked me from the stage, I watched as he turned and left through the door at the back that I’d entered with the guard when I came to meet Leo.

The heat of the palms on my skin burned as I waited to be turned around, trembling at the thought of what this could mean.

Chapter Eleven


Seeing Cadence kneeling at another alpha’s feet, even if it was my own doing, sent a surge of jealousy through me that made me want to rip the alpha’s throat out with my bare hands, cousin or not, and throw her over my shoulder like they had in the old days when omegas were little more than possessions. I couldn’t keep myself from lifting her to her feet and sending my cousin away as quickly as possible, leaning in to scent her and be sure no one else had touched what was mine.

It had taken forever to get rid of the men who’d attended the auction. Some of them still lingered with my father, buttering him up, but I had made my excuses and left the first chance I could. I had people to clean up and make sure everything was left the way it was supposed to be once everyone was gone.

I was sure I’d hear about leaving early the next time I saw my father, but I didn’t care. The clock was ticking, and I had an omega waiting.

My hands stayed on Cadence’s arms, holding her in place. She was close enough that I could see the goosebumps rising on her skin as the sweet scent of her filled my lungs. With her hands tied behind her back, she almost cupped the erection throbbing between my legs, and it was all I could do not to press myself into them and let her get a feel of what she’d be getting as soon as I got her back to my penthouse.

Leaning down, I ran my nose along her shoulder, drawing in more of her scent and leaving traces of mine behind. She trembled under my palms, and a whimper left her throat that sent another rush of blood straight to my cock, threatening to swell my knot too soon.


The way she whispered my name had my fingers tightening on her arms as I gave in and pulled her flush against my chest. Her hands pressed against my shaft, and she gasped as I ground it into her palms. I was tempted to lean her over the back of the chair and fuck her right here, but I reigned myself in. That was no way for her first sexual experience to go, and I might shame myself and finish before her.

“We need to get your things so we can go.”


Her soft voice sounded lost, but she’d known what she’d agreed to. If I was a better alpha, I might have let her back out, but I’d paid for her fair and square. She was mine, and I was ready to collect on my purchase.

“To my place. I’m the one who bought you, and you’re mine until morning. Clock’s ticking.”

A shudder passed through her as she sucked in a deep breath. When I spun her around, she let out a squeak as my arm crushed her to my chest. Her breasts pressed against me, tight nipples poking through the thin lace of the bra as she gasped.

Catching her chin in my other hand, I tipped her head back, staring down at her pink lips.
