Page 22 of A Knotty Deal

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That was supposed to fit inside me?

He pulled me to my feet and mashed his lips to mine before I knew what he was doing, tongue demanding entry. I opened to him, melting against his chest, my head swirling as he stole my breath. I knew it was natural to respond to an alpha, but the draw I felt toward Leo was so strong it seemed unnatural.

My lungs were screaming for air by the time he pulled away and straightened, reaching down between us to stroke himself once before stepping back and trying to straighten his clothing. Unsure what to do, I watched as he forced his still hard shaft into his pants, barely managing to zip them shut and having to leave the button open with the head peeking out. There was a clear print of his knot against the snug slacks, and he winced as he tried to shift into a more comfortable position.

Sighing, he gave up and swung his jacket around my shoulders, grabbing my purse from where I’d left it on the little table where the empty box that had held the lingerie still sat.

“Is this everything?”

I gave a hesitant nod, sudden nerves fluttering to life again as the haze of lust cleared. Reaching out to take my hand, he pulled me against his chest and kissed me again, a soft purr vibrating between us.

“We need to get to my place so I can tasteyounow.”

His husky voice sent flutters through my core, and my clit throbbed as I imagined his head between my legs. I may not have experienced anything with a man before, but I was a grown woman. I’d touched myself enough to be able to guess what it would feel like to have his tongue between my folds, and more slick seeped out of me to add to the stickiness on my thighs.

Swallowing, I nodded again and let him pull me from the room. He led us through deserted hallways until we reached the door I had entered when I’d arrived.

I was glad we didn’t have to pass through the club below. My current state of undress on top of the scent of slick would probably have caused a riot with the number of alphas who likely filled the building.

Walking out onto a metal staircase, I hissed as the chilly wind swept across my legs and pulled Leo’s tux jacket tighter around myself. It hung low enough to keep me decent, but the stockings did nothing to keep my legs warm or stop the freezing metal from spreading its cold through my feet.

Leo turned to me, green eyes raking down my body. Even though I was covered, it felt like he saw through it all, my nipples tightening under his regard. Reaching out, he lifted me into his arms, cradling me against his chest and carrying me down the stairs to a waiting black car.

Distracted by the feel of his solid arms holding me, and his delicious scent filling my lungs, I couldn’t have said what kind of car it was, and I didn’t care. All that mattered was the alpha squeezing me against his warmth and the insistent throbbing between my legs.

I barely held back a whine when he put me on a buttery leather seat and pulled away, the heat of his body replaced with another gust of wind. The car was warm, but not like being in his arms. Wrapping mine around my chest, I shivered inside his jacket, inhaling the scent of him lingering on it as he walked around to get into the driver’s seat.

My thighs were still wet, and my core ached with emptiness, but I managed to keep my hands to myself as he steered through the city. By the time he pulled into a parking garage beneath a high-rise, doubt had crept back in, dousing the flames of lust he’d stirred at the club. I didn’t even notice Leo slipping from the car and was startled when the door beside me opened suddenly, his groin eye-level when my head jerked toward him.

Leo held out a hand, waiting for me to place mine in it as his green eyes bore into me. When I hesitated, he moved his hand to the top of the doorframe, crouching in the opening. I should have felt trapped by the way he blocked my escape, but I didn’t.

“Changed your mind?”

His voice was neutral, no accusation in his tone like I would have expected from an alpha. His gaze never wavered, and there was no judgment on his face, though I knew he would be disappointed if I had. Possibly even upset, since we’d had a deal. He didn’t try to growl, or threaten, or guilt me into doing what he wanted.

He waited. Letting me decide.

I sucked in a shaky breath, forcing the nerves away.

It wasn’t that my virginity held any special meaning to me. I wasn’t waiting for some perfect alpha to be my one and only like in a fairytale, I’d simply never had the time to date, and I was too tired by the time I got off work to go jump in the sack with a stranger. It always felt like too much effort and risk to be worth it.

I didn’t know Leo. I knew moreofhim than actuallyknewhim, but he didn’t seem like a bad guy, despite his last name and the things he was involved in. I had the feeling that if I truly wanted to back out, he’d let me, but that would leave my brother in trouble if Leo decided not to pay the debt since I wasn’t holding up my end of the deal.

I hated to admit it, but I would also be disappointed. I couldn’t explain why, but I wanted Leo. Wanted him to be my first. Maybe it was instinct, since he was the only alpha I’d really ever spent any time with, but the idea of giving myself to him felt right.

Pushing away the self-doubt and nerves, I met his gaze after mine had dropped to my lap, and shook my head. I swung my legs out of the car and held out my hand as he rose to his feet again.

The warmth of his palm wrapped around my cold fingers and soaked into my flesh as he helped me from the car. I kept my focus on him as he led me to an elevator and inserted a key before pushing the top button. He flashed a smirk at my wide-eyed look as the doors slid shut, then yanked me against him again.

His arms were solid bars of heat binding me, his chest a muscular wall my instincts wanted me to climb. The erection pressed into my belly had awareness pooling in my core again, and I was shocked by how quickly I responded to him. No other alpha’s attention had made me feel the way his did.

I wasdesired.

Enough for him to spend a small fortune to have me to himself.

When my lips popped open as he rocked his hips against me, he crushed them in another searing kiss, his tongue thrusting into my mouth. I couldn’t think with him taking possession of me, my body trembling beneath his touch, but I decided that was a good thing.

I needed to let go and relax.

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