Page 26 of A Knotty Deal

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“Say my name.”

The words were a snarl released through gritted teeth. His thrusts rocked my whole body with their force and would have pushed me away if not for his hold on my hip.

His hand moved back to my mound, but his thumb hovered over my clit, refusing to touch it until I did what he ordered.

“Leo! Please, Leo.”

“I own you, Cadence. You’re mine.”

Leaning back down, his lips sealed over mine as he rubbed rough circles over my clit. He swallowed my scream as my orgasm crashed through me, the sudden rush overwhelming. I was caught, bucking between the shaft impaling me and the finger torturing my most sensitive part as he claimed my mouth.

Relenting, he removed his thumb from the bundle of nerves and slid his hand under my bottom, tipping me so he could drive himself in deeper.


I was still lost in sensation when his pace became erratic. Releasing my lips, he leaned away and sucked in a deep breath before slamming forward once more with a growl.

His knot pushed through my entrance, forcing me wider around the bulge as I screamed again. My waning orgasm restarted, my whole body rocked by the waves coming from my core as he locked into place, the first pulse of his release scorching my womb.

His orgasm prolonged mine, the slow rocking of his hips shifting his knot and sending fresh waves of sensation through me as it dug into soft tissues, compressing delicate nerves. I was limp and gasping by the time he stilled, a dull ache deep in my core where he was lodged, but he stuttered out a purr to soothe it away.

Brushing the hair back from my face, he gave me another kiss before rolling us until I laid atop him. My heart was still racing, and I let my head drop onto his chest as I caught my breath, staring across the room without really seeing.

“Are you okay?”

The concern in his voice was sweet, his purr soft and soothing, and a content warmth bloomed behind by breastbone. Lips lifting in a smile, I rolled my head until I could look up at him and nod.

Wrapping his arms around me, he hummed against my mouth as he kissed me again. I knew we were going to be stuck for a little while, and despite thinking it would be awkward, it was nice to have him holding me. His steady heartbeat under my ear along with the vibrations of his purr lulled me into a light doze until his knot softened enough to slip out with a gush.

Grimacing, I pushed myself up, sliding off Leo’s hips and clenching my legs together. Leo pressed his lips to my forehead in a quick kiss before rolling off the side of the bed.

I watched him walk through a doorway across the room, returning with a bottle of water and a washcloth. I accepted the bottle he passed me and reached for the rag, but he pressed a hand to the inside of my knee and tried to spread my legs himself. Embarrassed, I resisted until he gave me a stern look.

“Let me take care of you.”

Swallowing hard, I relented and allowed my legs to fall open as I rolled onto my back. This was all new to me, and it seemed strangely intimate to let him clean me. I knew bonded alphas felt the urge to care for their mate, but Leo didn’t seem like the type that I’d have thought would do it for a casual encounter.

Because that’s all we were.

Watching his face, I couldn’t see any hint of emotion as he eased the cloth between my legs, and I decided just to accept what he wanted to do. Despite being the closest thing to mafia royalty, he hadn’t acted anything like what I’d have imagined from the Galleon prince.

Tossing the cloth aside when he was finished, Leo climbed back onto the bed, tucking me against him and stroking my hair. I also wouldn’t have pegged Leo for the type to show concern or want to cuddle after sex, but the entire night had turned into a series of surprises.

The omega part of me was ecstatic, basking in the alpha’s attention and care, but the rational part knew this couldn’t mean anything. Leo wasn’t my alpha, and this would end come daylight.

My brain couldn’t take the pulls back and forth anymore and buried all thoughts in exhaustion. Between the nerves that had eaten away at me the whole day, and then the physical exertion of the orgasms I’d lost count of, I was running on fumes.

Relaxing against him, I let my eyes drift closed for a moment, knowing Leo wasn’t done with me. The thickening length against my thigh said I wouldn’t get to rest for long, and while a part of me was tired and ready to sleep, a new part he’d awakened wanted to explore what else he could do to me. We had limited time, and instead of being sated, I was hungry for more.

Chapter Fifteen


Leo knotted me twice more before I was too tired for my body to respond to him any longer. I couldn’t count the number of orgasms he’d pulled from me with his fingers, tongue, and cock, and if that had been a regular night, I didn’t know how I’d survive my heat when it came. Thinking I’d make it through with a toy by myself seemed ludicrous now that I knew what the real thing was like and how hungry I could still be even after all of that.

Blinking open blurry eyes as he stirred and woke me, my cheeks heated even as a smile tugged at my lips. All the anxiety I’d had the day before was gone, the night over, and it had been nowhere near as bad as I’d feared it would be.

Stretching, I watched Leo climb out of bed and disappear into the bathroom. I was sore, my whole lower region throbbing with the dull ache of abused muscles, but it wasn’t as intense as I’d expected.

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