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“We met in a pub. He swept me off my feet. I was lonely and I went for it. That’s really all there is to tell.”

There were too many things about him that she was still trying to work out. Like Belinda’s description of how he seemed to vanish. The strange purple glow that appeared around him. How his face changed subtly so she questioned if it had changed at all.

“Oh, come on, There’s more to it than that.”

“I can’t really think about him right now.”

“Right. I understand.”

They ate their ice cream. Dana had a coffee while Kimber cleaned up the mess she’d made in the kitchen and polished off the jar of jelly with a spoon while she was at it. The strong scent of pepperoni pizza wafted through the room. Her mouth watered as if the scent was a tangible thing and greasy cheese, and meat were filling her mouth right now.

“Thank God, the food is here.” Hurrying to the door, she swung it open expecting to see the delivery person. But the hall was empty.

The scent was so strong… she could almost feel moist heat coming off the cardboard box. Weird.

“False alarm. It must have been someone in the other hall.”

Before she could close the door, the Dash Delivery person came around the corner, pizza in one hand, pharmacy bag in the other. Chalking it up to coincidence, she brought everything inside and dug ravenously into her pizza.

Dana eyed her. “Did they starve you over there in Ireland, or what?”

“I’m hungry!”

She picked up another slice while chewing the remainder of the first. Dana thrust a pregnancy test box at her. “You’d better do this.”

Some of the ravenous hunger subsided as she took the box. Setting down the pizza, she wiped her hands on a napkin and considered how she could get out of this. Her heart fluttered in brief panic as she looked down at herself. Whatever was happening, whatever this was, it would be okay. Tumors could be removed. Stomach issues settled down eventually. It was one or the other because babies didn’t grow this fast five days after conception.

Dana picked up the other box. “You want me to do this one?”

Kimber clenched her eyes. She just wanted to get it over with. “No, it’s okay.”

“Good because it would be a total waste. I haven’t gotten laid in three years.”

Inside the bathroom, Kimber stripped off her shirt and got the first good look at her naked abdomen. It was definitely protruding with a cute little bump just big enough to be noticeable on her otherwise thin frame. Her jacket had easily concealed it, but her t-shirt didn’t.

There was just no way she was pregnant. Human biology didn’t work like that.

A cold chill went up her spine. What if… oh, no, what if the baby wasn’t human?

“Stop it!” She ground out the words while ripping open the box. A quick glance at the directions showed how self-explanatory the process was and a minute later, she had a completed pregnancy test sitting on the side of the sink. In three minutes, she would know.

After washing her hands, she flung open the door and grabbed another slice of pizza. The bathroom was too small and oppressive to wait in there. Dana watched her questioningly as she paced, ate, paced, ate.

“How long does it have to sit?”

“A few minutes.”

“Did you set a timer on your cell?”


“It’s already been like two minutes. Want to go check it?”

“No!” Crossing her arms, she looked out the window that overlooked the street. The air had a haze to it. It was probably stupidly humid and hot out there. A chilly shiver went over her body. Once she looked at the pregnancy test, her life would never be the same. She knew it viscerally, her body already aware of the outcome.

“Want me to check it?”

Kimber looked over her shoulder at Dana. Nodding slightly, she pressed her knuckles to her lips and shifted her weight in anticipation. It shouldn’t be possible. It didn’t make scientific sense.
