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The door slammed open and another alien like Ethan barged in. “The guards are coming.”

Kimber clung to A’zal’s hand as he turned toward the door. She was about to ask him what he meant about the mate thing, but this sounded serious. Her stomach growled with hunger. Putting a hand to her belly, she swore it was bigger than it had been earlier. How fast was this baby going to grow?

Suddenly, he pushed her behind him as three more aliens burst into the room. These ones were sporting weapons and they looked pissed.

“Prince A’zal. Your teleportation device has been deactivated. There is no way to run from your father’s orders that you be detained.”

The tallest guard stormed inside, eyes seeking her out. A’zal pushed her farther behind him, but it didn’t stop the guard from reaching for her. In a flurry, she was blocked by a big purple body while the two men fought. A’zal fended off the guard with one hand, holding her behind him with the other.

“Touch her and I will kill you!”

The freestanding table holding all the instruments went flying as the guard was pushed into it. Kimber shrieked as A’zal pounced on him and pulled him up in a headlock. The other guards piled in without any interference from the alien who’d warned them. Why was he just standing there looking sheepish?

A’zal thrust the guard at the other two and the three of them stumbled back.

“Can’t he help us?” She whispered, gesturing to the fourth alien.

“That’s Tristan. He’s my companion and under my rule, but he can never act against his king.”

The guards regrouped. A’zal withdrew something from his belt. It hummed to life and turned into a type of glowing sword pretty close to a light saber. Damn.

“Get my father on the view screen. I’d do it myself, but you disabled my bracelet.”

The seething anger in his voice drew goosebumps on Kimber’s skin.

Tristan stepped forward. “I will do it, my prince.”

Eyes wide, she watched A’zal’s friend that she barely knew approach the screen and press around on his bracelet. After several minutes, the screen remained dark.

“He’s not answering my hail, my prince.”

The guards encroached. Kimber’s heart thudded. They were trapped in this small room with nowhere to go. Her new reality was shocking enough, and now alien guards were trying to snatch her away. A’zal said his kind didn’t hurt humans, but the looks on the guards’ faces suggested nothing good would happen to her if she was forced from this room.

The shadow man would come back and finish what he started.

An electric static sound went through the air and the screen suddenly turned on. A’zal turned to face it and the guards were on him instantly. He gripped her hand in a death-hold, but a guard ripped them apart. Kimber cried out as she was dragged to the corner and bound in a bear hug.

A’zal turned on the guards, bringing one down and punching the other in the center of the face before spinning toward her. Something hit him from behind and he fell, the guards grabbing him by the shoulders and wrenching him to his knees.

“Stop!” She screamed. “Stop it!”

The alien king watched the ruckus with impassivity. Did this jerk feel anything? He showed zero emotion as his own son was beaten and manhandled.

The king said something she couldn’t understand, and the guards pulled A’zal to his feet and stripped off his boots, throwing them to the side. His belt was ripped off next, followed by the metal arm cuffs. Holding his head high and defiantly, A’zal didn’t resist as his wrists were bound.

The shadow man suddenly appeared beside her. Kimber gasped and leaned away but the guard held her tight.

“I’m not going to harm you, only tell you what’s happening.”

She didn’t believe him but had zero chance of getting away.

“The prince is being stripped of his royal title, hence every garment with the royal emblem is being removed from his body.”

Tears rolled down her cheeks. As much as she hated to admit it, she was glad the shadow man appeared human. She needed the comfort of familiarity right now.
