Page 104 of Infernium

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“I will rip your flesh from your bones!” The blonde screamed and lashed at my throat. “May the infernal gods feed on your remains!”

I wanted to laugh at that, to tell her the infernal creatures would get no enjoyment from my cursed bones, but instead, I focused on the scorching flames that snaked beneath my skin, as the venom in her nails sank its teeth in me.

The brunette scored a line down my back and bit down into my shoulder. Red sailed a hard kick to my groin. A jolt of agony shot up into my throat, and I coughed, choking on the intense pain that had me bent over myself. My muscles shook with the urge to throttle her, but instead, I forced myself to concentrate on the numbing ache of her attack. “Fuck!” Blackness seeped into my periphery, my balls throbbing and burning as if they might explode.

Another few minutes, and they seemed to grow tired of the attack, each one of them dropping away.

I could only imagine what I must’ve looked like then. Bleeding. Trembling. Torn apart.

“You will get no release. May you suffer through the night,” Red said, and she shot into the darkness, her flowy dress trailing after her.

The blonde spat on my back, then followed behind her.

The other must’ve left ahead of them, as I didn’t see her anywhere.

Once they were out of sight, I exhaled a shaky breath, taking in the extent of my wounds. Fire blazed over my skin, crackling and hissing as their poison burrowed deeper.

At a flash of Farryn’s face tipped back in ecstasy, I groaned. “No, no!” I didn’t want to make the association with her and the pain I felt then, but somehow my mind mingled the two. As the ache spread across my back and neck and arms, I rested my forehead against the dirt, knees bent beneath me, my thoughts anchored to Farryn. Her moans. The feel of her soft body around my cock.

I shoved my hand down into my leathers, and a shudder of pleasure coiled in my stomach. Frantic, I unlatched my pants and sprang myself free, releasing a held breath when I found relief in the pressure against my shaft. Up and down, I stroked myself, and at a flare of pain, I grunted and worked my hips to the imagined thrusts into Farryn’s tight hole. Gods, she had every muscle burning, every breath stuttering out of me, as I fucked my own palm.

I bit down on my bicep, outstretched beside me, while stroking myself harder. Faster. Imagining how good she’d feel right then.

The sounds and sights and smells danced through my memories like lust grenades. The pressure heightened, pulling tight. So fucking tight. Until it finally snapped and hot jets of release spilled out onto my hand. Pulse after pulse, I came so hard, tiny jolts of lightning hummed over my skin, rendering me lightheaded. I grunted, stomach twitching, as I pumped out every drop of cum into a pool beneath me. A relieved smile teased my lips, while I remained bent over myself, breathing, savoring the intense pleasure still coursing through me.

Something dark moved in my periphery.

Weak with rapture, I turned my head to find the brunette from before stepping out from behind a tree, her eyes alight with something that fucking destroyed the euphoria still crashing over me.

“You’re a Sentinel!” she whisper-yelled, tiptoeing toward me.

“Close enough.” I just needed a moment to catch my breath, and I’d get back on the road. Eye screwed shut, I groaned at the poison still working itself over me. The effect would last a couple of hours, which would make for a miserable ride to Dreadmire, unless I had enough vitaeilem in me to heal some of it.

“Please, Jericho. I’m starving.”

Frowning, I turned toward where the brunette had stood moments before. In her place was a face I recognized, one so ill-fitted there, I wondered if I’d fallen into dreams.

“This is who you fantasize, isn’t it? Her?” Long, black hair framed the soft glow of her face. No, not her face. Farryn’s. Down to the stardust eyes and the smattering of tiny freckles over the bridge of her nose.

Fuck. “You’re not her.”

“I am. Do you not feel it?”

My stomach turned at that. The ache from before rising up into my throat once again. The sight of her must’ve incited a new wave. A new craving.



With renewed confidence, she stepped closer. “You want me. I know you do. I can smell it on you. Claim me. Fuck me, Jericho,” she said in a voice that sounded too much like Farryn’s. Too much.

I cast my gaze toward the ground, refusing to look at her, and shook my head. A cramping knot of pain twisted in my groin, sending a shudder through my muscles.

“She is your only weakness, isn’t she? You would suffer eternal hell for her. I saw it in your thoughts. Oh, I’ve yearned for that my whole life.”

I rested my head against my forearm, breathing hard as my cock filled with new blood and my hips begged to thrust into something warm and inviting. “Please, leave me. If there is any ounce of mercy in you, leave me now.”

”No. You’re going to make love to me, Jericho. Filthy, passionate love. Whether you want to, or not. I’m going to feed off you, and you’re going to take from me and ease your pain.” A scratching sound drew my attention to her once more, and her dress crumpled at her feet.
