Page 97 of Infernium

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Divided? “As in, uncertain about something?”

“There is a duality that I can feel. On one shoulder sits revenge. On the other is love.”

I thought back to the angel numerology I’d read about. Thirteen and seven.A glance at the clock again showed it was still stuck on the same time. “Revenge? Against whom?”

She tipped her head back, waving her hand through the air as if there was something flying around her head. “There is a dark smoke through which I cannot see as clearly as I once could. But I will caution you to tread carefully. And trust in your heart.”

Why the hell were the warnings always so vague? Trust in my heart? What the hell was that supposed to mean? The last time I’d spoken with Camael, as Lustina, she’d cautioned menotto trust or follow my heart. Memories of the conversation filtered into my mind:

“Some fates cannot be changed, child. But yours can. You do not have to bear the burden that has been placed on your shoulders. Walk away from him. Urge him to sacrifice his love.”

“I remember you told me in a past life of stories aboutThe Dark-Winged One. You said he demanded a sacrifice. It was Jericho, wasn’t it? You urged me to stay away from him.”

“And you did not.”

“Well, to be fair, your stories failed to mention vibrating feathers, so here we are.” I waved my hand toward my stomach and watched her brow kick up.

“You are with child?”

“You didn’t see that in a vision?”

“No. But as I said, my visions haven’t been entirely clear. As for what I warned you about before, it seems you have temporarily broken the curse. Congratulations.”

Except, her congratulations didn’t seem all that celebratory. Unless I was mistaken, she almost sounded disappointed. “The Blood Moon Curse, where did it come from? Why me?”

“No one knows exactly where it came from, as it is as old as the origins of human beings.”

“As old as the origins of human beings. You’re saying, every pentad blood moon, a young girl has died.”

“Unless she breaks the curse. As far as I know, only you and one other has accomplished that.”

Catriona. Lustina’s mother. She’d gotten pregnant by the angel Gabriel, and according to what I did happen to know about the curse, only an angel’s baby could break it.

“Then, the Dark-Winged One isn’t Jericho. As far as I know, he isn’tthatold.”

“In your story, it is. In stories before you, it was another.”


“He goes by the name Letifer, bringer of death. An ancestor of Jericho who rules a barren land of hungry souls. Another realm called Eradye.”

I remembered Jericho telling me about Eradye, but he never mentioned any ancestors there.

“So, this Letifer, he was the source of this legend about a sacrifice.”

“Yes. Up until he fell into slumber. During which time there has been balance between good and evil. But should he wake from his slumber, it is you he will seek.”

“Me? Why?”

She sighed and toyed with one of the bangles on her arm, spinning it over her wrist. “He has always sought out the cursed for reasons to which I am not privy.”

“But I’m not cursed, remember? Jericho and I … you know.” I circled my hand over my yet-to-swell stomach. “Bun in the oven.”

“Your kind is chosen for a reason, Farryn. You suffered the Blood Moon Curse for a reason. Just as there was a reason you were reborn from Lustina, and she was born of another before her, and countless others before that person. Whatever that reason is, it still puts you at risk.”

Wonderful. So, pregnancy hadn’t been the magic cure all. “What keeps Letifer in slumber?”

“Souls. He feeds on life. And should he go hungry, he will wake and hunt.”
