Page 5 of Two For The Win

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“Know what? How good your pussy tastes? How sweet your curvy body is? What are you talking about, sweetheart? Talk to me.”

A flash of arousal shoots through my pelvis at his words, and I take a deep breath again, trying to get my emotions under control. But this is serious, and I look up at him again, fixing him with a look.

“You know I’m dating Trig,” I say in a low voice. “I’m in a relationship, so what we did was wrong. But Hunter, that’s not it,” I manage in an unsteady voice. “You’re my stepdad, so what are we doing? Isn’t this completely fucked up? Should someone be going to jail?”

The handsome man nods thoughtfully, his gaze looking through the window before he sets his mug down.

“Well, there are two issues here, so let’s talk about them independently. Just to keep things clean.”

I stare at him.

“There’s nothing ‘clean’ about this situation, Hunter. It’s fucked up and dirty, and you know it.”

A flash goes through those blue eyes, but admirably, he keeps his cool.

“Itisfucked up,” he acknowledges in a growl, “but it’s not as bad as you think. I mean, you’re a consenting adult and I’m a consenting adult. At least we have that.”

I shoot him a horrified look then.

“That’s how you make sense of this situation?” I half-whisper, half-shriek. “By being grateful that at least I’m legally able to be fucked?”

The handsome man merely smirks.

“It’s better than going to jail.”

My fingers clench so hard on the coffee mug that the knuckles are white. I could kill this man and would love nothing more than to leap across the kitchen island and deliver a ringing slap to the stark planes of his cheek. But somehow, I manage to refrain.

“Okay yes. I’m twenty-two, so I’m legal. I’m an adult. But you’re my stepfather,” I grind out. “How is this not fucked up?”

Hunter merely shrugs, looking totally unconcerned. Again, I want to descend on him with physical blows for being so casual about this, but he merely shoots a grin my way.

“I’m your ex-stepfather, technically,” he says. “Your mom and I were divorced long ago. And we’ve never been much of a father-daughter pair. Hell, for the first couple years you lived here, I barely even knew your name.”

I sputter then, outraged by his sheer assholery.

“It’s Raelynn Amber Chambers,” I say in a tight voice. “Thank you very much.”

He merely shoots me another asshole-y grin.

“And I’m Hunter Michael Ward,” he says. “Nice to meet you, Raelynn Amber Chambers.”

I stop for a moment, closing my eyes while pinching the bridge of my nose like I’m in pain. I swear, this man is making me crazy and we haven’t even been talking long! Yet if I’m honest with myself, there’s something magnetic about Hunter’s charisma. I’m drawn to it despite my veneer of outrage, and even though I want to pummel that hard chest, I also want to curl up in his lap and mewl as he strokes my curls.

“Don’t let those frowns get the best of you,” Hunter drawls, sipping his coffee with a smirk. “You’re too young to need Botox.”

“Aaagh!” I practically scream, lowering my hand to shoot him a look of rage. “Why are you doing this?”

The older man isn’t intimidated at all. Instead, he sets his mug down and grins again.

“One, because you’re beautiful. Two, because you feel amazing on my dick. And three, because I wanted to see your face as you come. You come hard, Rae,” Hunter intones in a low voice, his blue eyes suddenly darkening with intensity. “I had to hold you down on my dick while you were coming so that you didn’t fall off. It was a gorgeous sight.”

His filthy words make my mouth snap shut because obviously, this man isn’t holding back. Hunter’s going to talk dirty and basically do whatever he wants, even as the words reverberate in the air between us. But two can play at this game. He obviously doesn’t care about the fact that he used to be married to my mom, so I turn to the other prong of my attack.

“Okay, yeah. I came hard when we were in the shower. But you know I have a boyfriend,” I say in a tight voice. “Trig Brown? You’ve even met a few times, and I know you’ve heard us through the walls. They’re thin in this place.”

Hunter’s azure gaze darkens, and there’s a flash in them that I don’t understand. But he gives nothing away.

“What about your boyfriend, honey?” he asks. “What are you trying to say?”
