Page 158 of Don't Let Me Break

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“Love you, too, Macklin Taylor.”

His smile widens. “Ah, so now she admits it.”

And for the first time ever, I don’t feel broken anymore.

In fact, Macklin Taylor might actually make me feel whole again. And while it should be scary as hell, it’s comforting. Because I have a feeling I make him whole too.

“So, are we good?” he asks.

I nod.

“Good. ‘Cause I have something for you.”

“What do you have?”

“I told you I brought you a present.” He shifts on the mattress and pulls something from his back pocket, handing it to me.

“What’s this?” My eyes bounce around the little index card. One cup of salted butter, softened. One cup of white sugar. One cup of light brown sugar, packed. Two teaspoons of vanilla extract. The list goes on and on.

I look up at Mack and shake my head, confused.

“Is this…” My lips part, but my voice is lost as I scan the list of ingredients again.

It can’t be.

There’s no way.

“It’s Mama Taylor’s recipe,” Macklin tells me. His chest swells with pride.

“But you said––”

“It was impossible to get?”

My gaze narrows. “You said she wouldn’t even give it to your wife when you were married.”

“Yeah, well, I told her I found the love of my life but had kind of screwed it up, so I needed help with a Hail Mary.”

“And your sob story was enough to pry the recipe from her?”

“Well, that and I told her you wouldn’t come to Sunday dinner unless she coughed it up.”

I snort and cover my face. “Please tell me you’re joking.”

“Had to pull out the big guns, Kate.”

“You made an awfully huge assumption there, Macklin.”

“And what assumption did I make?”

“You assumed she’d want to meet me in the first place.”

“Ah, my sweet, innocent porcupine.” He hooks his arm around my neck, kissing the crown of my head. “Of course, she’d want to meet you.”


“Because I never called Summer the love of my life. I said I cared about her. And I loved her. But the love of mylife?” He shakes his head. “Not once. The real reason my mom never handed the recipe over to Summer was because she knew as well as I did I might work my ass off to make her happy, but it wasn’t because we were soulmates. It's because I was a stubborn asshole who hated disappointing people. But guess what you taught me, Kate?”

