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He's a great daddy and a wonderful father.

I don't have any contact with my father anymore. The day Jon rescued me from him and James was the last I saw of my old life.

And I don't regret a minute of it.

The only remainder of my old life is my friendship with Posh. She was the maid of honor at my wedding—not that Jon and I had a big wedding. Ours was a simple affair with just the two of us, Posh, and Jon's boss and coworkers.

We don't need much. Just us and our little family is all it takes to make us happy.

I glance up at him as he walks back over to me. He's smiling as he removes Maggie from his shoulders and hoists her up into his arms.

She giggles and shrieks.

Jon winks at her and then turns to me. "You ready to head back to the house?"

"Whatever you say, Daddy." His eyes darken at the moniker as I stroke a finger down his jawline.

"Think we can sneak out of here for a little bit? If it's okay with your boss, of course," I cast a huge smile at Maggie. My little girl grins back at me toothily. Jon lets her pretend she's the foreman. The girl loves being in charge.

Jon leans down and kisses me. "If it's okay with my wife." He looks down at our daughter. "Maggie, can I go home with Mommy right now?"

"Is Auntie Posh coming over?" Maggie claps her hands.

I laugh. "Yes. Are you ready to see her, honey?"

"Yes!" Our daughter squeals happily.

I lean close to my husband and palm his bulge.

"What are you doing, Whitney?" Jon whispers as he kisses me again. His voice turns huskier, and I feel his cock flex against my hand.

"Oh, nothing." I lean in close and nip at his ear. "I'm just thinking that maybe I need a lollipop."

Jon growls, "You know I've got one for you."

My breathing hitches at the look in my husband's eyes.

Thankfully, Posh shows up, and Maggie starts scrambling to get out of my husband's arms so she can run to her "best friend."

"Hey, Peanut!" Posh greets her enthusiastically. Posh simply adores our daughter, and I'm grateful we have someone like her we can trust to watch her when we desperately need some alone time.

After we kiss our daughter goodbye and hear all about the activities Posh has planned for her sleepover, Jon and I are finally alone.

We stare at one another for a beat before he stoops and swoops me up in his arms.

I giggle as he makes purposeful strides toward the house.

"What's got you in such a hurry to get inside, husband?" I ask innocently.

He grins down at me. "If I recall correctly, I have a good little girl to reward with a lollipop."

I bite my lip to suppress my grin, but the look on Jon's face makes it break free anyway.

We barely make it into the house before he sets me on my feet, and I fall to my knees, my hands fumbling with the button and zipper of his jeans.

I love nothing more than to pleasure my husband, and I let out a moan of contentment when his huge erection bobs free.

It's dripping with precum, and I start off by teasingly licking just the tip.
