Page 20 of The Auction

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“I saw your exchange with Lincoln.”

It’s on the tip of my tongue to apologize like I’ve done all my adult life. A habit that’s hard to break, and I know the root cause, but I’ll never speak of it to a living soul. “I apologize for the scene I caused but I won’t apologize for what I said to him.”

Her lips tip up and her eyes sparkle. “As well you shouldn’t. He was out of line, and I have to say it’s very out of character for him. Lincoln prides himself on his aloof control and I’ve never seen him behave that way with another employee, or anyone to be honest.”

I give a mirthless laugh. “I guess I bring out the worst in him.”

Audrey purses her lips. “Harrison says this isn’t the first run-in you two have had so I looked into you.”

I swallow, wondering what she’s found as my heart hammers hard in my chest. “Oh?”

“Yes, I wondered when I heard Lincoln call you Lottie, but my private investigator confirmed that you’retheLottie Miller who broke his heart all those years ago.”

My mouth falls open. “I’m sorry? I brokehisheart?”

“Yes. I was with him after and he’d kill me for saying this but what you did changed him. It made him hard and distrustful of people.”

I stand and pace because I don’t want to snap at the woman who holds the fate of myself and my brother in her hands. “With all due respect, Audrey, I have no idea what he told you, but the only person with a broken heart was me. Now, I understand we were kids and shit happens but Lincoln has been nothing but a dick to me since we met up again and that’s not okay.”

Audrey stands, smoothing out the non-existent wrinkles in her red pencil skirt. “Look, Violet, I can see that there’s way more to this than I’m aware of, and perhaps even the two of you, but I do know that for the first time in ten years, I’m seeing a side of my cousin that has been dead. He’s alive and even if that is resulting in him being, as you put it, a dick, then I’m glad for it. I have a feeling you’re exactly what he needs.”

“I won’t be his emotional punching bag.”

Audrey flutters a hand to her throat. “Oh goodness me, I’d never suggest such a thing. Just give him a chance to show you who he is now, and I think you’ll be surprised.”

“You did a background check on me, so you know I have a brother and you must know my circumstances. I don’t have the time or the energy for Lincoln’s tantrums and manipulations. I respect that you care for your cousin, but I can’t be the person to fix his emotional baggage, whatever that might be.” I stand my ground and I hope like hell I’m doing the right thing. She could fire me and then I’m back where I started or worse.

“I do know your difficulties, and I’m sorry to hear of them. It must be very difficult for you. Just don’t close yourself off from him. He isn’t showing you his best side, but I have a feeling if anyone can pull him in from the cold, it’s you, Violet Miller.”

“And if I say no? Do I get fired or pulled from the auction?”

“Of course not. I’m not an ogre, Violet.”

I smile, relief settling over me. “I think it’s ogres.”

Audrey grins and it transforms her from beautiful to absolutely stunning.

“Keep being you, Violet, and stand up to him. He’s so used to people pandering to him and running like scared little kittens that he’s forgotten what it is to be humble.”

“I have no choice but to stand up for myself.” I don’t add that I have no one else to do it, because it makes me look sad and I like this woman. Although our positions in life are vastly different, I think, in another life, perhaps a former life, we would’ve been fast friends.

“I see that, but I also see a woman who’s determined and hard-working. If you want out of this life, Violet, I have no doubt in my mind that you’ll succeed.”

“Thank you, that means a lot coming from you.”

“It’s the truth.”

I walk out with her and see the club is empty except for a clean-up crew who are wiping down every surface with an industrial cleaner.

“Good night, Violet, and please don’t worry. Your position here is safe, no matter what you decide.”

I nod and head down the back stairs. I’ve already decided I’ll be keeping a wide berth from Lincoln Coldwell. His cousin might see something in him worth redeeming but I don’t. At least that’s what I keep reiterating as I catch the subway home to my tiny, damp apartment.

8: Linc

I didn’t wantto attend. I left it until the final moment before I jumped in my car and raced to the club. It’s the night of the auction and since the encounter with Lottie my temper has been the cause of many whispered words throughout the club. Everyone is avoiding me as I stomp up the stairs to the third floor like an angry bull.

Touching her again had been a mistake because now I only crave her more. Seeing the anger and hurt in her eyes after the way I behaved filled me with shame. I hadn’t intended to hurt her. Fuck, I hadn’t intended to touch her. It was as if my body had a mind of its own around her like some fucking super magnet pulled me towards her at every turn.
