Page 45 of The Auction

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Clark and Gaspard are grinning up at me with warmth.

“Hey, what are you guys doing here?”

Clark meets me as I reach the bottom of the stairs and grasps my hands, twirling me around.

“A little birdy told me you were all alone, so we’re taking you shopping.”

“What? No, that’s not necessary. I have what I need and Eric is due home any minute now.”

“I know. Mother and Eric are coming too. We’re going to have lunch and spend lots of Lincoln’s money.”

I feel myself tense and pull away. “Oh, no. I’m not doing that.”

Clark wraps me in his warm hug, and I close my eyes realizing how much I’ve missed my friend. He was the only person other than Linc who knew my secrets. At least he had been; now I keep the biggest one I have locked up inside me.

“Violet Coldwell, youwillcome shopping, youwillspend Lincoln’s money and youwillenjoy it.” He kisses my temple as Gaspard smiles at me. “Anyway, it was Lincoln’s idea. He feels bad for working today so he called and sent the cavalry.”

“He did?”

“Yes, of course. He might be a workaholic but he cares for you, Vi.”

I wished I could correct him and tell him that this is strictly business, but I can’t so I just smile. Did Linc do this or is this Clark saving his brother’s ass because he feels bad for me? I don’t know so I push it out of my head. “Okay. Let me get changed.”

“You’re perfect as you are.”

I glance at my old jeans that are worn and comfortable and the cream sweater I threw on this morning and grimace. Comfortable they might be, but stylish they are not.

“Vi, seriously, we’re going now so stop stressing.”

“I forgot how bossy you were, Clark Coldwell.”

Gaspard holds out my coat for me and I shrug into it. “He’s très bossy.”

I laugh as Clark ushers me to the door, explaining that Heather, his and Linc’s mom, and Eric are meeting us there. Knowing there’s no fighting this, I settle in the car and endeavor to enjoy the day.

Hours later I’m tipsy, giggly, and have spent more money in one day than I have in the last ten years.

“Oh my lord, your face when that woman thought you were my husband.”

I’m holding on to Clark as he helps me into the foyer of the apartment that is my home for the next twelve months. Eric has gone for a second night’s sleepover with Heather. His request this time and I feel a little guilty, but she’s doting on him like he’s truly the grandson her boys haven’t given her yet. But watching Eric light up under her attention was like a balm to my soul, convincing me that whatever happened and whatever the cost to me personally, this arrangement is worth it. Yet seeing Eric and Heather together made me ache for my mother. The loss is never far away, like a wound that won’t quite heal and will break open at the oddest times. I’m pulled from my thoughts as Clark laughs.

“I love you to bits, my darling, but the thought of that.” He waves at my girlie parts with a disgusted look on his face. “No, just no.”

“What’s going on?”

Instantly I feel my good mood disappear, replaced by wariness. Lincoln looks handsome but tired as he emerges from the area of his office into the open-plan living area.

“Well, as instructed, brother, we took Violet out shopping, spent a ridiculous amount of your money, had lunch, pedicures, and your darling wife even had her hair done.”

Linc cocks his head and I feel heat ripple through me at his gaze. “I see that. You look very beautiful, Lottie, but then you always do.”

He moves into me, slipping his arm around my waist and pulling me close to his body, before dropping his lips to mine. It’s not merely a touch of the lips, it’s a deep kiss that leaves me shaken when he lifts his head and winks at me before releasing me.

Despite knowing his words and the kiss are more than likely for the audience we have, I preen at the compliment, my cheeks flushing pink. My dark hair now hangs in soft waves around my face, sleek and shining with health. It’s truly amazing what a good cut and blowout can do for a person’s sense of self-esteem.

“Thank you, husband.”

“She does look beautiful, which is why you should take her out dancing tonight.”
