Page 48 of The Auction

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My body felt like it was throbbing with liquid fire as she announced I was hers in such a strong forthright manner. I was hers, body and soul, but I’d never admit that to her. It held too much power. “Liar.”

I dipped my head and kissed her, tasting her sweetness, and wishing I could just take her now, here against this balcony with every man here watching, so they’d know who she belonged to, but I wouldn’t let anyone but me see her come for me again. That night on the third floor was a one-time thing. That doesn’t mean I can’t play around and have some fun with her.

As she softened against me, her body melding to mine, I caressed her peaked nipple through the fabric of her dress. She was turned on and I’d bet she was soaking for me. Not able to resist, I slipped my hand up her silky thigh until I was touching the drenched slip of her G-string. A growl rumbled through my chest as she whimpered, and I thrust the scrap of lace aside and speared her with my middle finger. Her tight pussy seemed to ripple around me as I teased her, swallowing the moans and whimpers. I knew the people below couldn’t see anything, the glass a dark, tinted color to give the illusion of privacy but Lottie was so lost in seeking her pleasure as she rode my hand with men and women mere steps from us, so caught up in their own enjoyment that they didn’t notice.

As the familiar flutters of her pussy tightened around my finger, I pulled it away, fighting the urge to make her come. I wanted to, but I wanted her on edge more. Hungry for me and aching with need the way she’s had me feeling since the second I locked eyes on her weeks ago.

“Linc, please.”

I smiled as I kissed her upturned lips. “I love it when you beg, but I won’t ease the ache inside you yet. I want you walking around this club tonight as desperate for my cock as I am for your pussy.” My voice sounded dark and husky, even to my own ears.

I pulled away and saw the drugged look of desire in her eyes before taking her hand, grabbing the drinks that had been left beside us, and walking towards the table in the back corner where I knew my friends would be waiting for us.

The table went quiet as we approached, and I could sense the querying glances at Lottie were making her uneasy. Without thought I pull her closer, wrapping my arm around her waist, giving her comfort as if it’s the most natural thing in the world.

Making the introductions, I give each man a warning look that dares them to step over the line with her and I’m met by curious, almost questioning looks.

“Guys, you all know Lottie but let me be the first to introduce her as my wife.”

Shock ripples around the table and I almost laugh. They never expected this from me at all.

Harrison is the first to recover. “Well, now it all makes sense. Congratulations, Linc, and you too, Violet. Or should that be good luck, Violet?”

He drags my wife in for a hug and my arms feel empty without her in them as she’s passed around my friends as they offer her a heartfelt welcome. It’s clear they like her and as I pull her out of Ryker’s arms with a growl, I know she’s just gained four more overprotective males in her life.

“Okay, enough. Give her back.”

I lock my arms around Lottie as Audrey approaches last with a smile on her face and I let Lottie go again with a sigh as Audrey envelopes her in a hug.

“Welcome to the family.”

“Thank you.”

Audrey laughs as she pulls Lottie to sit beside her with me edging Ryker out of the way so I can sit beside my wife in the large booth. Before long, Lottie and Audrey are chatting like old friends and I relax against the back of the leather booth and turn my attention to Beck and Ryker.

The drinks keep coming and the easiness of the night begins to soothe my earlier tension, although my need for her still simmers like a viper waiting to strike when I least expect it.

“How are things at the hospital?”

Beck nods. “Good. I have a ground-breaking surgery coming up next week so won’t be around much. I have to fly to Switzerland to meet with the patient.”

“Will you do the surgery in Switzerland?”

Beck purses his lips and nods. “Yes, it’s an eleven-year-old boy and I’m the only person who’s successfully performed this particular technique.”

Beck isn’t just a good cardiac surgeon, he’s the best and I admire him more than anyone for what he does. His competitive arrogance and drive make him the best, it’s also why we clash sometimes. We’re too alike.

“That’s a lot of pressure.”

“It is, but it’s his only chance.”

I lift my glass to him. “Well, here’s to a successful outcome.”

“I’ll drink to that.” Beck downs the amber liquid and then stands. “If you’ll excuse me, I have a prior engagement on the third floor.”

I watch him go and wonder if he too will ever get bored by the constant stream of meaningless sex as I had.

“Come on, I love this song. Let’s go dance.”

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