Page 53 of The Auction

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“It’s a pleasure to meet you, Mrs. Coldwell, and may I offer my congratulations on your marriage.”

“Oh, thank you so much.”

Her smile is genuine, and I guess her to be around fifty years old with a warm demeanor, but I also know if she’s Lincoln’s PA, that means she’s incredibly efficient and skilled at her job because he’s nothing if not exacting

She walks us down a thickly carpeted corridor. The walls are a sleek gray with glass and dark accents giving the place a modern feel with just the undercurrent of the original founder, Linc’s grandfather, who he’d adored.

We reach a set of double oak doors, and Melissa knocks and glances at me.

“He doesn’t know you’re here. He was on a call so this will be a nice surprise for him.”

It will be a surprise, no doubt but I’m unsure it will be a nice one.

I keep my thoughts to myself as the voice from within calls out to enter.

Melissa pops her head around the door, blocking me from seeing him with her body. “I have a visitor for you, Mr. Coldwell.”

“Not now, Melissa. I have a mountain of work to get done and not enough time.”

“I have a feeling you’ll want to see this one.” She grins at me and pushes the door wider.

Linc is sitting behind a huge glass desk, with a view of Manhattan behind him. His jacket is off and he looks devastatingly handsome. His jaw drops as he pushes his chair back and strides around his desk toward me, the shock turning into what looks like a genuine smile.

“Lottie, this is a nice surprise.”

He takes my hand and leans in to kiss my cheek as Melissa backs from the room. I expect him to drop my hand when she leaves but he keeps a hold of it as he leads me to a brown leather couch along the left wall.

His office is like the rest of the building, sleek and modern with touches of the old world, of a time gone by and it works. It feels like Linc in here.

“This is a lovely surprise.”

I look at him warily, trying to ascertain if he means his words or if he’s acting for an audience I can’t see. Pulling my hands away, I put some distance between us as I walk to the window taking in the magnificent view. He’s a king up here, a powerful man with the world at his feet. Lincoln was always meant for greatness and, putting aside my bitterness, I know he’s a fair man too. He proved that during his negotiations over the contract, making sure I was looked after and had legal representation when he could’ve left me to fend for myself.

The wound he’d dealt me the other night however still bleeds, the pain of his words and indifference as he fucked me is like a cut that refuses to heal. I look at him in the glass as he watches me warily as if I was the one to strike out with hateful indifference. His face falters and the smile he greeted me with falls away and I wait for the cool, cold man to emerge, to lash out and hurt me again.

“Would you like some coffee or tea?”

I blink, shaking my head. This isn’t a social call, I’m here to make sure my brother is not hurt by promises this man will not keep. “No, thank you.” I hold my bag in front of me like a shield as if to ward him away from coming closer. It’s so difficult to stay angry with Linc, when a part of me wants to smooth the furrows from his brow, to ease the shadows from his tired eyes. I wonder if he’s finding this as difficult as I am. Does he regret the bargain we made?

Thrusting the thoughts from my mind, I turn to face him. “I haven’t come for a visit, Lincoln.” I blow out a breath suddenly feeling exhausted from holding on to so much anger. “I think we both know that our relationship isn’t one that invites intimate visits in the middle of the morning.”

I see his eyes darken, jaw going tight as his lips purse in thought. “Whatdowe have, Lottie?”

I huff out a humorless laugh. “I have no idea, but it isn’t the kind of marriage where I drop by for a visit unannounced.”

“A shame. I’d welcome it.”


He moves to lean against his desk, facing me at the window, his ankles and arms folded, making him look powerful and sexy in a way that’s impossible to fake. Why did it have to be this man who can stoke such an inferno in my blood?

“I’m happy to see you. I’ve missed you these last few days.”

The admission shocks me. “Pardon me?”

His smirk is soft and sexy, and my belly flutters at the sight, a million butterflies taking flight inside me.

“You heard me, Lottie.”
