Page 6 of The Auction

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“Lincoln, you’re early for once.” Ryker pats me on the shoulder and I turn to lift my brow in greeting. “Chatty as ever, I see. What bug’s up your ass now?”

“Apart from wasting my Friday night with you bunch of assholes?”

Ryker claps a hand over his heart. “You wound me.”

Ryker is the joker of the group, the one you can rely on to lighten any mood or situation. He comes across as the easy-to-read one of our foursome but you’d be wrong to think that. He lets you see what he wants you to see.

I rub my thumb and forefinger together. “Hear that, Midas, that’s my violin playing.”

He laughs. “Dick.”

“Never claimed to be anything else.”

Ryker is tall and broad with blond hair, which needs a damn cut, and blue eyes that women seem to swoon over. Ryker is the flirt, the man who has a different woman on his arm every night and yet they all end up in love with him, no matter the fact he rarely sees them more than once.

He’s a playboy, but anyone who makes the mistake of thinking that’s all he is would be a fool. He’s the slickest IT whiz on the planet and there’s nothing he can’t do with code. He built a social media platform that has made him richer than Midas, hence the nickname.

“You have any idea what Harrison wants to see us about?”

Ryker lifts a finger at the barman, Marc, who nods and goes about pouring the vodka Ryker loves to drink.

“Not a fucking clue.”

He gets distracted as a group of women in short skirts and huge smiles walk past. “Ladies.”

“Hey, Ryker.”

They stop and I idly let my eyes move over them, assessing if I can be bothered to put in any work. Not that it involves a lot, money and good looks make it easy to get laid or get your dick sucked, but I find myself bored with the constant, meaningless sex.

Perhaps I should date, but the thought alone makes me wince. My last girlfriend was so needy, always texting and wanting to see me, and demanding we do things together. I don’t want to have to base my decisions on someone else. Plus, they always think dating means they have access to me at all times and get the right to sleep over. I don’t spend the night with anyone. I’m not a cuddler, I like my space and prefer if they just fuck off home after we fuck. Apparently, that’s too much to ask, and makes me cold and emotionally stunted, at least according to the last ex.

Though I may not have much choice going forward, thanks to my family. I frown, my mood darkening to thunder as I think back to the conversation with my father last weekend.

“Hey, let’s head up and get this meeting started. The sooner we talk business the sooner we can have fun.”

I follow Ryker through the club up to the VIP section, which is manned by four bouncers that would make anyone think twice about causing shit just from their size, and move to the stairs at the back for the third floor. I don’t make eye contact with anyone as we pass through, and they wouldn’t dare look at me. My wrath isn’t something they want and I’ve been known to fire someone just for having a hair out of place. My standards are exacting and if people can’t meet them, then they’re gone. I’ve got no time or patience for imbeciles.

Club Ruin is dark with black walls and a high vaulted ceiling that goes right up to the roof four stories higher. It allows for the long statement lighting and the mezzanine from the second floor to overlook the club below it. Audrey designed it with Harrison and they did a fantastic job, taking each of our ideas and melding them into something that we’re all proud of.

As I reach the third floor I see six more security members near the door. It’s discreet up here, just black walls and black, soundproof doors. We offer our patrons on this floor full discretion and privacy.

Stepping into the large, shared office that’s mostly used for meetings, I feel irritation prickle under my skin. I’m a moody bastard, I know that, but something is making me irrationally angry and I can’t shake this mood or the jaded feeling inside me.

Taking my seat at the end of the glass conference table, I watch Harrison, Audrey, and Beck walk in behind me and Ryker.

“Cuz” Audrey kisses my cheek as she sits beside me.

“Audrey. Any idea what the fuck this is about?”

“Third floor.”


Harrison takes the hot seat and looks at us all. “Thanks for coming, I’ll keep it short.”

“What’s up, Harry?”

I smirk as Harrison gives me a raised eyebrow for calling him Harry. He hates it and that only makes me do it more.
