Page 64 of The Auction

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Lottie huddles close as if she’s trying to burrow inside me and I hold her tighter, pressing my lips to her head. “Talk to me, Lottie.”

“It’s nothing. I just don’t feel too good.”

“Was it seeing Arabella? I know it was a shock and I promise you I never would’ve gone there if I had any idea they were going to be there.”

“No, it’s not Arabella.”

“Is it my father? Has he said something? Because if he has, I’m going to kill the bastard.”

“He hasn’t said anything.”

The tone of her voice is off, and I know she’s lying but I also know how stubborn this woman can be, and pushing her will only make her pull away from me. I might be a selfish bastard, but I need to hold her right now. When she went so white, it scared the shit out of me and I’m not ready to let her go, so I stay silent.

My hands skim her body, not in a sexual way, but to try and soothe her. I don’t even know who I’m offering comfort to, her or myself. We stay that way for a while, wrapped in each other’s bodies but both lost in our own thoughts. Eventually, I hear the soft sound of her breathing change and know she’s fallen into a light sleep.

I remain with my eyes on the ceiling of our room trying to recount the lunch we shared and at what point it went so wrong. I keep coming back to the moment we saw Arabella and my father. Seeing the woman I ditched her for to go to prom must have been hard, but was that all there was? My father was unpleasant but he’s always been unpleasant, and Lottie must remember that from when we were younger. Had he been mean to her and I was unaware? It wasn’t such a huge jump to think he’d warned her away from me given that he’d manipulated me to end our relationship the way he had.

Lottie stirs beside me, and I turn to see her sleepy face looking at me.

“I fell asleep.”

I kiss her nose. “You did.”

I watch as her face goes from relaxed to contemplative to panicked in the space of a split second. She shoots up, her hair untamed and sexy as hell around her shoulders.

“I have to pick up Eric.”

I place a hand on her shoulder. “Why don’t I get Eric, and take him for a burger? It will give you some time to relax, maybe have a bath, read a book, whatever.”

She looks unsure and I don’t know why I offered. I have a thousand things to do at the office and I know for a fact I missed an important meeting from the emails flashing on my phone by the bed. Yet I know I want to do this for her. Lottie has spent the last three years at least, working like a dog with no time for herself to keep her head above water and give her brother the life he needs, and she’s done it on her own.

It's about time someone stepped up and gave her a hand.

“Don’t you have work?”

“Nothing that can’t wait.”

“Are you sure?”

I can see her wavering and want more than anything to give her this small thing. I stroke her cheek, cupping it with my palm. “I’m sure. Let me help you, Lottie.”

She turns her face and kisses my palm, sending a spark straight to my cock, but not only that, she lodged a giant crack in the wall around my heart. Lottie was breaking down every barrier I’d erected after our split and she wasn’t even trying.

“Thank you, Linc. A bath does sound nice.”

I kissed her lightly, or at least it starts that way, but the fire between us is always so hot and we end up panting by the time I pulled away.

“As much as I’d love nothing more than to kiss every inch of you, I need to go. I don’t want to be late for Eric.”

“Thanks again, Linc.”

“My pleasure. You’re not alone anymore, Lottie.”

A sadness comes over her face which makes my stomach ache but she pushes it away with a smile that is genuine.

“What’s your favorite cookie?”

“You mean apart from yours?”

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