Page 90 of The Auction

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“His father made him take her or he was going to send Clark to military school. Lincoln was trying to protect his brother. It was an untenable position for him. He’d end up hurting someone either way he went.”

“Wow, poor Clark. Charles is such a bastard.” My venom must have shown as Audrey cocks her head.

“Did he threaten you? We saw footage from the gala and he seemed to be threatening you but there was no audio.”

My stomach feels like it’s in my mouth as I stand abruptly. “I need to go.”

Audrey catches my arm. “Please, tell me.”

“I can’t. Just leave it alone. Tell Lincoln to grant me a divorce and forget he ever knew me.”

“He isn’t going to do that, he loves you.”

“No, he doesn’t.” I stamp my foot to get my point across.

Audrey stands slowly and squeezes my arm. “He does. He always has, but he’s a stupid male and let pride and fear control him. He hurt you when he should’ve talked to you and believe me, he regrets it. If you want nothing more to do with him, I understand, but don’t shut me out. I might be his cousin, but I thought we were friends. Believe me, when you’re as rich, gorgeous, and as successful as I am, true friends are rare, and you’re that to me.”

Her words are said with a hint of a smile, but I see the truth in her eyes. “Just give me some time.”

“Can I have your number so I can call you?”

“Contact me through Hudson. He can get hold of me anytime.”

Her lips curls. “Urgh, that jackass.”

“He might be, but he’s been the only person in my corner in all of this and dropped everything to help me.”

“Perhaps Linc was right about you and him having a connection?”

“Not at all. I see him as a friend, and he sees me the same way. Apparently, I remind him of his mother.” I laugh and so does Audrey as we walk to the edge of the park side by side.

“Well, I guess not then.”

At the gated entrance we stop, about to go in different directions.

“The truth is I wish I could see a man like Hudson that way, but I’ve only ever loved Lincoln and fear he was my one shot at happiness, and look where that got me.”

“Don’t give up on him.”

“I have no choice, Audrey. It’s the only way I can keep my family and my heart safe.”

She kisses my cheek as she hugs me and I wish things were different, that I could’ve had the life I glimpsed so briefly forever.

“Take care.”

“You too and please don’t tell Linc you saw me.”

Audrey purses her lips, and I can tell she’s considering it. “Okay, I promise.”

The restof the day I’m plagued by her words. No matter how much I want to hate him I can’t, and it kills me.

I thought the night he spewed such hatred at me that I was done, that I was finally free, but as the days have worn on, I see that his words, while painful and unforgivable, didn’t kill my love for him. They merely anesthetized it and now they’re wearing off and the feelings are as strong as ever and more redundant too. I know what I need to do.

I make the call and wait for Hudson to call me back.

“Hey, you okay?”

“Yes, fine. I just wanted to let you know I’ve signed the papers and want you to file the action for a divorce.”
